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Name Side Points Reward Category
Exalted Champion of Darnassus Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Darnassus
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Exodar Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of the Exodar
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Gnomeregan
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Ironforge Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Ironforge
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Stormwind Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Stormwind
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Orgrimmar
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Sen'jin Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Sen'jin in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Sen'jin
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Silvermoon
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Thunder Bluff
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Undercity Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of the Undercity
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Alliance Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Horde Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Tilted! Defeat another player in a mounted duel at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
It's Just a Flesh Wound Unmask and defeat the Black Knight at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Champion of Darnassus Earn the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Exodar Earn the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Gnomeregan Earn the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Ironforge Earn the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Stormwind Earn the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Alliance Earn the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Orgrimmar Earn the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Sen'jin Earn the right to represent Sen'jin in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Silvermoon City Earn the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of Thunder Bluff Earn the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Undercity Earn the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Champion of the Horde Earn the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Argent Tournament
Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Crusader <Name>. Unlocks Crusader dailies at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance Earn exalted status with and the right to represent every Alliance race's faction in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Crusader <Name>. Unlocks Crusader dailies at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Lance a Lot Best a rider of every racial faction at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
A Silver Confidant Earn both exalted status with The Silver Covenant and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Unlocks Silver Covenant dailies at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
The Sunreavers Earn both exalted status with The Sunreavers and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Unlocks Sunreaver dailies at the Argent Tournament.
Argent Tournament
Pony Up! Purchase and use an Argent Pony from Dame Evniki Kapsalis, the Crusader's Quartermaster.
Argent Tournament
The Sword in the Skull Recover the missing hilt of Quel'Delar, draw the blade from its resting place, reforge the weapon, purify it in the Sunwell, and present it for you...
Argent Tournament
Tol Barad Victory Win the battle for Tol Barad.
Tol Barad
Tower Plower Destroy a tower in Tol Barad.
Tol Barad
Pit Lord Argaloth Defeat the Pit Lord Argaloth.
Tol Barad
Tol Barad Veteran Win 25 battles for Tol Barad.
Alliance 10
Tol Barad
Tol Barad Veteran Win 25 battles for Tol Barad.
Horde 10
Tol Barad
Tol Barad All-Star Get 10 honorable kills at the Ironclad Garrison, Warden's Vigil, and Slagworks.
Tol Barad
Tol Barad Saboteur Destroy 20 deployed Siege Engines.
Tol Barad
Towers of Power Destroy 3 Siege Engines in a single Tol Barad battle.
Tol Barad
Master of Tol Barad Complete the Tol Barad achievements listed below.
Alliance 10
Tol Barad
Master of Tol Barad Complete the Tol Barad achievements listed below.
Horde 10
Tol Barad
Just Another Day in Tol Barad Complete all of the Tol Barad daily quests listed below.
Alliance 10
Tol Barad
Just Another Day in Tol Barad Complete all of the Tol Barad daily quests listed below.
Horde 10
Tol Barad
Occu'thar Defeat Occu'thar.
Tol Barad
Alizabal Defeat Alizabal.
Tol Barad
Crypt of Forgotten Kings Complete the Crypt of Forgotten Kings scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
Theramore's Fall Complete the Theramore's Fall scenario.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Theramore's Fall Complete the Theramore's Fall scenario.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Kite Fight Defeat Gash'nul without destroying any of his totems.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
No Tank You Destroy Gatecrusher without anyone being hit by its ram or stone-thrower.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Kite Fight Defeat Baldruc without destroying any of his totems.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
No Tank You Destroy Big Bessa without anyone being hit by its ram or cannon.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Watery Grave Kill 3 of the Darkhatched Lizard-Lord's reinforcements using his Water Jets ability in the Dagger in the Dark Scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
You Mean That Wasn't a Void Zone? Defeat Rak'gor Bloodrazor without any member of your party standing in a Healing Ward during the encounter in the Dagger in the Dark Scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
No Egg Left Behind Destroy all remaining eggs before Broodmaster Noshi reaches 20% health in the Dagger in the Dark Scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
A Little Patience Complete the scenario, A Little Patience.
Pandaria Scenarios
Bubbletrapped! Aid in the construction of the Jinyu defenses in the scenario, 'A Little Patience'.
Pandaria Scenarios
Cannonballer Aid in the construction of the Dwarf defenses in the scenario, 'A Little Patience'.
Pandaria Scenarios
Which Came First? Aid in the construction of the Gnome defenses in the scenario, 'A Little Patience'.
Pandaria Scenarios
I Used To Love Them Aid in the construction of the Night Elf defenses in the scenario, 'A Little Patience'.
Pandaria Scenarios
We've Been Dancin' Aid Master Brownstone in the construction of the Pandaren defenses in the scenario, 'A Little Patience'.
Pandaria Scenarios
Dagger in the Dark Complete the Dagger in the Dark scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
Lion's Landing Complete the Lion's Landing scenario.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Number Five Is Alive All five non-player characters survive the Lion's Landing scenario.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Waste Not, Want Not Use every weapon and power-up in the Lion's Landing scenario.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Domination Point Complete the Domination Point scenario.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Number Five Is Alive All five non-player characters survive the Domination Point scenario.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Waste Not, Want Not Use every weapon and power-up in the Domination Point scenario.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Assault on Zan'vess Defeat Commander Tel'vrak in Assault on Zan'vess.
Pandaria Scenarios
For the Swarm Defeat Commander Tel'vrak without killing any Zan'thik Swarmers in the Assault on Zan'vess scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
The Secrets of Ragefire Complete the Secrets of Ragefire scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
The Few, the Proud, the Gob Squad Complete the Secrets of Ragefire scenario without any member of the Gob Squad taking damage.
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: A Brewing Storm Defeat Borokhula the Destroyer in A Brewing Storm on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: Crypt of Forgotten Kings Complete the Crypt of Forgotten Kings scenario on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: Blood in the Snow Complete the Blood in the Snow scenario on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Scenarios
Battle on the High Seas Defeat Admiral Hagman in the Battle on the High Seas.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Battle on the High Seas Defeat Admiral Hodgson in the Battle on the High Seas.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Blood in the Snow Complete the Blood in the Snow scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
Dark Heart of Pandaria Complete the Dark Heart of Pandaria scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: Dark Heart of Pandaria Complete the Dark Heart of Pandaria scenario on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Scenarios
Accelerated Archaeology Pick up three special artifacts in a single instance of the Dark Heart of Pandaria scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: The Secrets of Ragefire Complete the Secrets of Ragefire scenario on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Scenarios
Heed the Weed Use every basket of Shimmerweed in a single Blood in the Snow scenario run.
Pandaria Scenarios
Hekima's Heal-Halter Don't let Hekima cast Hekima's Wisdom in the Blood in the Snow scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
Keep those Bombs Away! (From Me) Complete the Battle on the High Seas Scenario without any member of your party getting hit by cannon fire at any point.
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: Battle on the High Seas Defeat Admiral Hagman in the Battle on the High Seas on Heroic Difficulty.
Alliance 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: Battle on the High Seas Defeat Admiral Hodgson in the Battle on the High Seas on Heroic Difficulty.
Horde 10
Pandaria Scenarios
Fight Anger with Anger Defeat the Abomination of Anger in the Crypt of Forgotten Kings scenario with 20 stacks of Uncontrolled Anger.
Pandaria Scenarios
Brewmoon Festival Defeat Warbringer Qobi in the Brewmoon Festival scenario.
Pandaria Scenarios
Yaungolian Barbecue Complete the Brewmoon Festival scenario without any Bataari invaders setting the village on fire.
Pandaria Scenarios
Binan Village All-Star Personally use each of the Brewmoon Festival defenses.
Pandaria Scenarios
Queuing Spree Complete 100 scenarios.
Pandaria Scenarios
Spill No Evil Complete Stage 2 of Unga Ingoo without any brew being stolen from the cauldron.
Pandaria Scenarios
The Keg Runner Complete Stage 2 of Unga Ingoo in less than four minutes.
Pandaria Scenarios
Monkey in the Middle Defeat Captain Ook without him getting an orange.
Pandaria Scenarios
Monkey See, Monkey Kill Defeat all bosses of Unga Ingoo.
Pandaria Scenarios
Unga Ingoo Defeat Captain Ook in Unga Ingoo.
Pandaria Scenarios
A Brewing Storm Defeat Borokhula the Destroyer in A Brewing Storm.
Pandaria Scenarios