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Name Zone
(DEPRECATED) Abundant Firefin Snapper School
(DEPRECATED) Abundant Oily Blackmouth School
(DEPRECATED) Lesser Oily Blackmouth School
(DEPRECATED) Teeming Firefin Snapper School
Aberrant Voidfin School
Abyssal Gulper School
Aileron Seamoth School
Albino Barracuda School
Albino Cavefish School
Algaefin Rockfish School
Black Barracuda School
Blackbelly Mudfish School
Blackwater Whiptail School
Blind Lake Sturgeon School
Bloodsail Wreckage
Blue Barracuda School
Bluefish School
Borean Man O' War School
Brackish Mixed School
Brew Frenzied Emperor Salmon
Cerulean Spinefish School
Crane Yolk Pool
Crowded Redbelly Mandarin
Cursed Queenfish School
Deep Sea Monsterbelly School
Deepsea Sagefish School
Disturbed Water
Dragonfin Angelfish School
Elysian Thade School
Emperor Salmon School
Fangtooth Herring School
Fat Sleeper School
Fathom Eel Swarm
Felmouth Frenzy School
Felmouth Frenzy School
Fever of Stormrays
Fire Ammonite School
Firefin Snapper School
Floating Debris
Floating Garbage
Floating Wreckage
Frenzied Fangtooth School
Frenzied Fish
Frenzied Fish
Frenzied Fish
Frenzied Fish
Frenzied Fish
Frenzied Fish
Frenzied Pool
Ghostly Queenfish School
Giant Mantis Shrimp Swarm
Glacial Salmon School
Glassfin Minnow School
Glimmering Jewel Danio Pool
Glowing Jade Lungfish
Great Sea Catfish School
Greater Sagefish School
Grungle School
Highland Guppy School
Highland Mixed School
Highmountain Salmon School
Huge Cursed Queenfish School
Huge Cursed Queenfish School
Huge Cursed Queenfish School
Huge Fever of Stormrays
Huge Fever of Stormrays
Huge Fever of Stormrays
Huge Highmountain Salmon School
Huge Highmountain Salmon School
Huge Mossgill Perch School
Huge Mossgill Perch School
Huge Mossgill Perch School
Huge Runescale Koi School
Huge Runescale Koi School
Huge Runescale Koi School
Hyper-Compressed Ocean
Imperial Manta Ray School
Iridescent Amberjack School
Islefin Dorado Pool
Jade Lungfish School
Jawless Skulker School
Jewel Danio School
Jewel Danio School
Krasarang Paddlefish School
Lagoon Pool
Lane Snapper School
Large Pool of Brew Frenzied Emperor Salmon
Large Pool of Crowded Redbelly Mandarin
Large Pool of Glimmering Jewel Danio
Large Pool of Glowing Jade Lungfish
Large Pool of Sha-Touched Spinefish
Large Pool of Tiger Gourami Slush
Large Swarm of Migrated Reef Octopus
Large Swarm of Panicked Paddlefish
Large Tangled Mantis Shrimp Cluster
Lesser Sagefish School
Lively Cursed Queenfish School
Lively Cursed Queenfish School
Lively Cursed Queenfish School
Lively Highmountain Salmon School