clear all
Name Side Points Reward Category
Flame Warden of Kul Tiras Honor the flames of Kul Tiras.
Alliance 10
Trial of the Champion Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion.
Alliance 10
Lich King Dungeon
Siege of Dazar'alor Defeat the following bosses in the Battle of Dazar'alor.
Alliance 10
Battle Raid
Empire's Fall Defeat the following bosses in the Battle of Dazar'alor.
Alliance 10
Battle Raid
Might of the Alliance Witness the retelling of your allies' valiant efforts in the Battle of Dazar'alor.
Alliance 10
Battle Raid
Our Daily Bread Complete each of the cooking daily quests offered by Katherine Lee in Dalaran.
Alliance 10
Let's Do Lunch: Stormwind Complete each of the Stormwind cooking daily quests.
Alliance 10
Fish or Cut Bait: Stormwind Complete each of the Stormwind fishing daily quests.
Alliance 10
Let's Do Lunch: Ironforge Complete each of the Ironforge cooking daily quests.
Alliance 10
Let's Do Lunch: Darnassus Complete each of the Darnassus cooking daily quests.
Alliance 10
Professional Kul Tiran Master Obtain 150 skill points in a "Kul Tiran" category of a profession.
Alliance 10
Working in Kul Tiras Obtain 150 skill points in a "Kul Tiran" category of two primary professions.
Alliance 10
Kul Tiran Master of All Raise all primary professions to 150 skill points in the "Kul Tiran" category.
Alliance 50
Giving a Scrap Learn how to use the Scrap-O-Matic 1000.
Alliance 5
Kul Tiran Cook Obtain 150 skill points in the "Kul Tiran" category of cooking.
Alliance 10
The Kul Tiran Menu Cook 10 of the Kul Tiran recipes listed below.
Alliance 10
Kul Tiran Fisherman Obtain 150 skill points in the "Kul Tiran" category of fishing.
Alliance 10
Baiting the Enemy Fish up an U'taka within Dazar'alor in Zuldazar.
Alliance 15
Kul Tiran Archaeologist Obtain 950 skill points in archaeology.
Alliance 10
Forge and Befuddle Deliver Forged Documents to the following gullible individuals.
Alliance 5
Taming Eastern Kingdoms Defeat all of the Pet Tamers in Eastern Kingdoms listed below.
Alliance 5
Quest Reward: Eastern Kingdoms Pet Battle Daily Quests
Kul Tiran Curator Restore and display pristine versions of all Drust and Zandalari artifacts.
Alliance 25
The Burning Crusader Raise all of The Burning Crusade dungeon reputations to Exalted.
Alliance 20
The Burning Crusade
Oh My, Kurenai Earn Exalted status with the Kurenai.
Alliance 15
The Burning Crusade
The Diplomat Raise your reputation level from Unfriendly to Exalted with Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar and the Kurenai.
Alliance 25
Title Reward: <Name> the Diplomat
Ambassador of the Alliance Earn Exalted reputation with all six Alliance factions.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Ambassador <Name>
The Winds of the North Gain Exalted reputation with the Alliance Vanguard.
Alliance 20
Wrath of the Lich King
Baradin's Wardens Earn Exalted status with Baradin's Wardens.
Alliance 10
Wildhammer Clan Earn Exalted status with the Wildhammer Clan.
Alliance 10
Pandaren Ambassador Earn Exalted with all of the pandaren reputations listed below.
Alliance 20
Reward: Pandaren Kite
Kirin Tor Offensive Earn Exalted status with the Kirin Tor Offensive.
Alliance 10
Operation: Shieldwall Earn Exalted status with Operation: Shieldwall.
Alliance 10
Council of Exarchs Earn Exalted status with the Council of Exarchs.
Alliance 10
Tanaan Diplomat Earn Revered reputation with all three factions in Tanaan Jungle.
Alliance 10
Sha'tari Defense Earn Exalted status with Sha'tari Defense.
Alliance 10
Savage Friends Earn Exalted with 1 Draenor reputation.
Alliance 5
Reward: Unlocks Trading Post, Level 3
Grand Marshal Earned the title, "Grand Marshal" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Field Marshal Earned the title, "Field Marshal" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Commander Earned the title, "Commander" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Lieutenant Commander Earned the title, "Lieutenant Commander" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Knight-Champion Earned the title, "Knight-Champion" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Knight-Captain Earned the title, "Knight-Captain" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Knight Earned the title, "Knight" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Sergeant Major Earned the title, "Sergeant Major" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Master Sergeant Earned the title, "Master Sergeant" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Private Earned the title, "Private" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Corporal Earned the title, "Corporal" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Sergeant Earned the title, "Sergeant" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Knight-Lieutenant Earned the title, "Knight-Lieutenant" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Marshal Earned the title, "Marshal" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Orgrimmar Offensive Damage High Overlord Saurfang until he humors you by pretending to die.
Player vs. Player
Bleeding Bloodhoof Kill Baine Bloodhoof.
Player vs. Player
Downing the Dark Lady Kill Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in Orgrimmar.
Player vs. Player
Heroic: War for the Shore Complete the Battle for Darkshore on Heroic Difficulty.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Garrison Buddies Visit a friend's garrison and /wave.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Defender of Draenor Get 5000 honorable kills in Draenor.
Alliance 10
Reward: Garrison Monument
Draenor Garrison
Mythic Draenor Raider Complete the Mythic raiding achievements listed below.
Alliance 10
Reward: Garrison Monument
Draenor Garrison
Advanced Husbandry Defeat all mount-in-training targets in Nagrand while carrying the Black Claw of Sethe.
Alliance 10
Draenor Garrison
The Stable Master Defeat all mount-in-training targets in Nagrand while carrying the Garn-Tooth Necklace.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Stable Master <Name>
Draenor Garrison
Warlord of Draenor Complete all of the Nemesis quests at the Gladiator's Sanctum and the quest Fight, Kill, Salute! at the Highmaul Coliseum.
Alliance 10 Draenor Garrison
Ten Hit Tunes Collect ten Music Rolls for your garrison's jukebox.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Don't Call Me Junior Complete the achievements listed below:
Alliance 10
Follower Contract: Harrison Jones
Draenor Garrison
Full Discography Collect all of the Music Rolls available for your garrison's jukebox.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Exploring the High Seas Complete all of the Rare Naval Missions listed below.
Alliance 10
Draenor Garrison
Petty Officer Complete 100 Naval Missions.
Alliance 5
Reward: Captain's Hat
Draenor Garrison
Fleet Commander Complete 500 Naval Missions.
Alliance 5
Draenor Garrison
Admiral Complete 1000 Naval Missions.
Alliance 10
Draenor Garrison
Charting a Course Complete three of the Rare Naval Missions listed below.
Alliance 10 Draenor Garrison
War is Hell Complete the Battle for Stromgarde.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Leader of Troops Recruit one of every troop type in the Battle for Stromgarde.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Tour of War Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Strike Hard Capture a location in the Battle for Stromgarde.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Strike Fast Capture every location in the Battle for Stromgarde.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Azeroth at War: The Barrens Complete the following missions listed below:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Azeroth at War: After Lordaeron Complete the following missions listed below:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Azeroth at War: Kalimdor on Fire Complete the following missions listed below:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Fighting with Style: War-torn Unlock all 4 color variations for your war-torn artifact appearance.
Alliance 10
Legion Class Hall
Azeroth's Top Twenty Tunes Collect twenty Music Rolls for your garrison's jukebox.
Alliance 5 Draenor Garrison
Team Deathmatch Slay all of the Horde champions listed below.
Alliance 10
Island Expeditions
Defeat 2 Commanders (Alliance) (Hidden) Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde:
War Effort
Under Cover of Darkness Capture a location in the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Night Moves Capture every location in the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
By Nature's Call Embody every Alliance Hero in the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Heroic: Tour of War Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde on heroic difficulty:
Alliance 10
War Effort
Theramore's Fall Complete the Theramore's Fall scenario with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Campaign: Kun-Lai Summit Complete the Kun-Lai Summit storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Greater Bronze Cache
War for the Shore Complete the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Recruitment Officer Recruit one of every troop type in the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Heroic: War is Hell Complete the Battle for Stromgarde on Heroic Difficulty.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Kirin Tor Offensive Earn Exalted status with the Kirin Tor Offensive with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Lion's Landing Complete the Lion's Landing scenario with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Campaign: The Jade Forest Complete The Jade Forest storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Greater Bronze Cache
Campaign: Krasarang Wilds Complete the Krasarang Wilds storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Greater Bronze Cache
Operation: Shieldwall Earn Exalted status with Operation: Shieldwall with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Battle on the High Seas Complete the Battle on the High Seas scenario with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Battle on the High Seas Complete the Battle on the High Seas scenario on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Horde Slayer Complete the slayer achievements listed below.
Alliance 10
Reward: Guild Page
Player vs. Player
Guild Northrend Dungeon Hero Complete the heroic Northrend dungeon achievements listed below while in a guild group.
Alliance 20
Dungeons & Raids
Battle of Dazar'alor Guild Run Defeat the bosses of Battle of Dazar'alor on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.
Alliance 10
Battle Raid
Orc Slayer Get an honorable kill on a level 35 or greater Orc of each of the classes listed below.
Alliance 10
Player vs. Player