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Alliance NPC Horde NPC Spec Quality Level Armor Level Weapon Level
Masters of Serenity Masters of Serenity Masters of SerenityCommon100700700
Masters of Serenity Masters of Serenity Masters of SerenityCommon100700700
Band of Zealots Band of Zealots ZealotsCommon100700700
Circle of Earthcallers Circle of Earthcallers EarthcallersCommon100700700
Lord Jorach Ravenholdt Lord Jorach Ravenholdt Subtlety RogueCommon103760760
Fleet Admiral Tethys Fleet Admiral Tethys Outlaw RogueCommon103760760
Justicar Julia Celeste Justicar Julia Celeste Holy PaladinCommon103760760
Rexxar Rexxar Survival HunterCommon103760760
Beastmaster Hilaire Beastmaster Hilaire Beast Mastery HunterCommon103760760
Ravandwyr Ravandwyr Fire MageCommon103760760
Esara Verrinde Esara Verrinde Fire MageCommon103760760
Thoras Trollbane Thoras Trollbane Frost Death KnightCommon103760760
Zabra Hexx Zabra Hexx Shadow PriestCommon103760760
Yalia Sagewhisper Yalia Sagewhisper Holy PriestCommon103760760
Svergan Stormcloak Svergan Stormcloak Protection WarriorCommon103760760
Hymdall Hymdall Fury WarriorCommon103760760
Kor'vas Bloodthorn Kor'vas Bloodthorn Havoc Demon HunterCommon103760760
Akama Akama OutcastCommon103760760
Shade of Akama Shade of Akama OutcastCommon103760760
Consular Celestos Consular Celestos Enhancement ShamanCommon103760760
Farseer Nobundo Farseer Nobundo Restoration ShamanCommon103760760
Koltira Deathweaver Koltira Deathweaver Blood Death KnightCommon103760760
The Monkey King The Monkey King Windwalker MonkCommon103760760
Taran Zhu Taran Zhu Windwalker MonkCommon103760760
Vindicator Boros Vindicator Boros Protection PaladinCommon103760760
Broll Bearmantle Broll Bearmantle Feral DruidCommon103760760
Sylendra Gladesong Sylendra Gladesong Restoration DruidCommon103760760
Zinnin Smythe Zinnin Smythe Affliction WarlockCommon103760760
Jubeka Shadowbreaker Jubeka Shadowbreaker Destruction WarlockCommon103760760
Shinfel Blightsworn Shinfel Blightsworn Affliction WarlockCommon109760760
Kira Iresoul Kira Iresoul Destruction WarlockCommon109760760
Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem Feral DruidCommon109760760
Mylune Mylune Balance DruidCommon109760760
Brightwing Brightwing Restoration DruidCommon109760760
Belath Dawnblade Belath Dawnblade Vengeance Demon HunterCommon109760760
Sylara Steelsong Sylara Steelsong Windwalker MonkCommon109760760
Angus Ironfist Angus Ironfist Brewmaster MonkCommon109760760
Hiro Hiro Mistweaver MonkCommon109760760
Muln Earthfury Muln Earthfury Enhancement ShamanCommon109760760
Avalanchion the Unbroken Avalanchion the Unbroken Elemental ShamanCommon109760760
Matron Mother Malevolence Matron Mother Malevolence OutcastCommon109760760
Millhouse Manastorm Millhouse Manastorm Fire MageCommon109760760
Arcane Destroyer Arcane Destroyer Arcane MageCommon109760760
King Ymiron King Ymiron Arms WarriorCommon109760760
Thorim Thorim Arms WarriorCommon109760760
Dvalen Ironrune Dvalen Ironrune Fury WarriorCommon109760760
Sol Sol Holy PriestCommon109760760
Mariella Ward Mariella Ward Discipline PriestCommon109760760
Marin Noggenfogger Marin Noggenfogger Outlaw RogueCommon109760760
Valeera Sanguinar Valeera Sanguinar Assassination RogueCommon109760760
High Inquisitor Whitemane High Inquisitor Whitemane Unholy Death KnightCommon109760760
Rottgut Rottgut Blood Death KnightCommon109760760
Hemet Nesingwary Hemet Nesingwary Marksmanship HunterCommon109760760
Addie Fizzlebog Addie Fizzlebog Survival HunterCommon109760760
Huntsman Blake Huntsman Blake Beast Mastery HunterCommon109760760
Delas Moonfang Delas Moonfang Holy PaladinCommon109760760
Aponi Brightmane Aponi Brightmane Holy PaladinCommon109760760
Moroes Moroes Tower StewardUncommon110760760
Ascendant Ascendant EarthcallersUncommon110700700
Ogre Ogre Brewmaster MonkUncommon110700700
Druid Champion 2 Druid Champion 2 Restoration DruidUncommon110600600
Druid Champion 3 Druid Champion 3 Balance DruidUncommon110600600
The Great Akazamzarak The Great Akazamzarak Arcane MageUncommon110700700
Mog'dorg the Wizened Mog'dorg the Wizened Fire MageUncommon110700700
Lilian Voss Lilian Voss Subtlety RogueUncommon110700700
Eitrigg Eitrigg Arms WarriorUncommon110700700
Druid Champion 1 Druid Champion 1 Feral DruidUncommon110600600
Commander Lynore Windstryke Nazgrel Arms WarriorUncommon110700700
Druid Champion 3 Druid Champion 3 Balance DruidUncommon110700700
Faal Besandran Shatterfury Student of The CraneUncommon110700700
Meatball Meatball BrawlerUncommon110760760
Lady S'theno Lady S'theno Havoc Demon HunterCommon110760760
Princess Tess Greymane Lilian Voss Subtlety RogueCommon110850850
Lord Darius Crowley Eitrigg Fury WarriorCommon110850850
Lady S'theno Lady S'theno OutcastCommon110850850
Magatha Grimtotem Magatha Grimtotem Restoration ShamanCommon110850850
Aethas Sunreaver Aethas Sunreaver Fire MageCommon110850850
The Great Akazamzarak The Great Akazamzarak Frost MageCommon110850850
Nighthuntress Syrenne Nighthuntress Syrenne Survival HunterCommon110850850
Kanrethad Ebonlocke Kanrethad Ebonlocke Affliction WarlockCommon110850850
Brewer Almai Brewer Almai Mistweaver MonkCommon110850850
Thisalee Crow Thisalee Crow Feral DruidCommon110850850
Nerus Moonfang Nerus Moonfang Retribution PaladinCommon110850850
Maximillian of Northshire Maximillian of Northshire Protection PaladinCommon110850850
Aelthalyste Aelthalyste Shadow PriestCommon110850850
Minerva Ravensorrow Minerva Ravensorrow Blood Death KnightCommon110850850
Crane Initate Crane Initate Student of The CraneCommon110700700
Crane Adept Crane Adept Student of The CraneCommon110700700
Crane Master Crane Master Student of The CraneCommon110700700
Li Li Stormstout Li Li Stormstout Mistweaver MonkCommon110700700
Chen Stormstout Chen Stormstout Brewmaster MonkCommon110700700
Ox Initiates Ox Initiates Student of The CraneCommon110700700
Ox Initiates Ox Initiates Student of The CraneCommon110700700
Eredar Twins Eredar Twins Demonology WarlockCommon110760760
Felguard Demons Felguard Demons FelguardCommon110700700
Crane Initate Crane Initate Student of The CraneCommon110700700
Crane Initate Crane Initate Student of The CraneCommon110700700
Crane Initate Crane Initate Student of The CraneCommon110700700
Crane Initate Crane Initate Student of The CraneCommon110700700
Keeper Remulos Keeper Remulos Balance DruidCommon110760760