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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Ravencourt Liberator Amice
680Shoulders Cloth
Leywalker Mantle
680Shoulders Cloth
QR IC39 Cloth Spell Shoulder3 - PH
174Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Duskwatch High Magi
162Shoulders Cloth
DB53 Cloth Spell Shoulder3
146Shoulders Cloth
DB56 Cloth Healer Shoulder2
146Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Unholy Power
99Shoulders Cloth
Shoulderguards of Fraying Sanity
78Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Arcane Mastery
77Shoulders Cloth
Communal Mantle
66Shoulders Cloth
Communal Shoulderpads
66Shoulders Cloth
Communal Shoulderpads
66Shoulders Cloth
Felsoul Shoulderpads
66Shoulders Cloth
Felsoul Shoulderpads
66Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
66Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
66Shoulders Cloth
Mercurial Mantle
60Shoulders Cloth
Mercurial Shoulderwraps
60Shoulders Cloth
Lastwind Mantle
59Shoulders Cloth
Lastwind Shoulderpads
59Shoulders Cloth
Loa Speaker's Epaulets
59Shoulders Cloth
Navigator's Mantle
59Shoulders Cloth
Tidespeaker Amice
59Shoulders Cloth
Tidespeaker Mantle
59Shoulders Cloth
Wickerwoven Amice
59Shoulders Cloth
Zanchuli Mantle
59Shoulders Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Mantle
58Shoulders Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Mantle
58Shoulders Cloth
Netherworld's March Amice
50Shoulders Cloth
Amice of Steadfast Allies
44Shoulders Cloth
Felflame Spaulders
44Shoulders Cloth
Frost-Touched Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Helbreaker Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Lightbinder Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Arcane Mystery
44Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Swirling Light
44Shoulders Cloth
Nightvale Mantle
44Shoulders Cloth
Shivan Shoulders of Scorn
44Shoulders Cloth
Slime-Stacked Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Snowblind Mantle
44Shoulders Cloth
Thorignir Punisher Spaulders
44Shoulders Cloth
7th Legion Battlemage Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Black Rose Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Communal Mantle
44Shoulders Cloth
Felsoul Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Leywalker Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Nightfallen Mantle
44Shoulders Cloth
Pinerock Tracker's Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Runespeaker's Mantle
44Shoulders Cloth
Shotgun Rider's Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Starlance Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Windshaper Mantle
43Shoulders Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Mantle
42Shoulders Cloth
Shadowveil Mantle
42Shoulders Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Mantle
40Shoulders Cloth
Quarrier's Mantle
40Shoulders Cloth
Windburnt Pauldrons
40Shoulders Cloth
Karabor Sage Mantle
40Shoulders Cloth
Steamburst Mantle
40Shoulders Cloth
Dreadspinner Amice
39Shoulders Cloth
Motherseed Mantle
39Shoulders Cloth
Veiled Mantle
39Shoulders Cloth
Ambermist Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Angkhal Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Nayeli Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Silkwood Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Kafa Satin Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Kafa Silk Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Mindbender Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Mistborne Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Mistborne Pauldrons
38Shoulders Cloth
Swampwalker Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Swampwalker Pauldrons
38Shoulders Cloth
Waterfall Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Blight-Lifter's Mantle
37Shoulders Cloth
Gilded Fan Silk Amice
37Shoulders Cloth
Gilded Fan Silk Pauldrons
37Shoulders Cloth
Silkmasters' Satin Mantle
37Shoulders Cloth
Silkmasters' Satin Pauldrons
37Shoulders Cloth
Bondshatter Shoulders
36Shoulders Cloth
Clan-Heart Shoulders
36Shoulders Cloth
Hull-Shatter Shoulders
36Shoulders Cloth
Merchant-Rise Shoulderguards
36Shoulders Cloth
Shoulders of the Obelisk
36Shoulders Cloth
Spaulders of Gruesome Accomplishment
36Shoulders Cloth
Spaulders of Gruesome Glory
36Shoulders Cloth
Tread-Bind Spaulders
36Shoulders Cloth
Vir'naal Spaulders
36Shoulders Cloth
Wardfire Shoulders
36Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Intrepid Explorer
35Shoulders Cloth
Pearlescent Spaulders
35Shoulders Cloth
Pearlescent Spaulders
35Shoulders Cloth
Rebirth Spaulders
35Shoulders Cloth
Silken Amice of the Ymirjar
35Shoulders Cloth
Calanoid Shoulders
35Shoulders Cloth
Icyweave Amice
35Shoulders Cloth
Punishing Shoulders
35Shoulders Cloth
Shoulderpads of Anguilliform Extinction
35Shoulders Cloth
Shoulderpads of Anguilliform Extinction
35Shoulders Cloth