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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Soulguard Girdle
3227Waist Cloth
Veteran's Dreadweave Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Veteran's Mooncloth Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Veteran's Silk Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Voodoo-Woven Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Waistwrap of Infinity
3227Waist Cloth
Waistwrap of Infinity
3227Waist Cloth
A'dal's Gift
32Waist Cloth
Akama's Sash
32Waist Cloth
Belt of Depravity
32Waist Cloth
Coldwhisper Cord
32Waist Cloth
Coldwhisper Cord
3227Waist Cloth
Cord of Belief
3227Waist Cloth
Cord of Belief
32Waist Cloth
Cord of Reconstruction
3227Waist Cloth
Cord of Reconstruction
3227Waist Cloth
Glyph-Lined Sash
3227Waist Cloth
Glyph-Lined Sash
32Waist Cloth
Lifeblood Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Mage-Fury Girdle
3227Waist Cloth
Mage-Fury Girdle
32Waist Cloth
Netherflame Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Nigh-Invulnerability Belt
3224Waist Cloth
Oracle Belt of Timeless Mystery
3227Waist Cloth
Oracle Belt of Timeless Mystery
3227Waist Cloth
Sash of Serpentra
3227Waist Cloth
Voodoo-Woven Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Windchanneller's Ceinture
3227Waist Cloth
Archmage Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Bloodspore Sash
3227Waist Cloth
Diviner's Cinch
32Waist Cloth
Dragonmaw Augur's Cinch
32Waist Cloth
Dusk Watcher's Belt
32Waist Cloth
Eldr'naan Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Elementalist Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Embossed Ermine Girdle
32Waist Cloth
Farshire Belt
3226Waist Cloth
Flame Hardened Waistband
32Waist Cloth
Foothold Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Frostwoven Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Gholamcloth Wrap
32Waist Cloth
Grom'tor's Bloodied Bandage
32Waist Cloth
Kirin'Var Journeyman's Belt
32Waist Cloth
Mur'ghoul Girdle
3227Waist Cloth
Shadow Council Chain
3226Waist Cloth
Sweltering Belt
32Waist Cloth
Frost-Rimed Cloth Belt
3229Waist Cloth
Thread-Bare Cloth Belt
3227Waist Cloth
Black Belt of Knowledge
3127Waist Cloth
Girdle of Ruination
3127Waist Cloth
Spellfire Belt
3127Waist Cloth
Unyielding Girdle
3127Waist Cloth
Consortium Prince's Wrap
31Waist Cloth
Hierophant's Sash
3126Waist Cloth
Sash of Sealed Fate
3126Waist Cloth
Voidweave Cilice
3126Waist Cloth
Astralaan Belt
3126Waist Cloth
Belt of the Sage
31Waist Cloth
Chief Engineer's Belt
31Waist Cloth
Cilice of Suffering
31Waist Cloth
Consortium Sash
3126Waist Cloth
Dreadwing Skin Belt
31Waist Cloth
Ethereal Sash
31Waist Cloth
Feralfen Sash
3125Waist Cloth
Inciter's Cord
31Waist Cloth
Mistyreed Belt
3126Waist Cloth
Ogre Vanquisher's Belt
31Waist Cloth
Windwalker's Sash
3125Waist Cloth
Belt of Faith
3025Waist Cloth
Eyestalk Waist Cord
3025Waist Cloth
Frostfire Belt
3025Waist Cloth
Grasp of the Old God
3025Waist Cloth
Plagueheart Belt
3025Waist Cloth
Feathered Sash
3025Waist Cloth
Mindfire Waistband
3025Waist Cloth
Mindfire Waistband
3025Waist Cloth
Fine Sash
30Waist Cloth
Fireheart Girdle
3024Waist Cloth
Foreman's Sash
30Waist Cloth
Laughing Skull Waistguard
3025Waist Cloth
Netherweave Belt
3025Waist Cloth
Slavehandler Belt
3025Waist Cloth
Starfire Sash
3024Waist Cloth
Vindicator Belt
3025Waist Cloth
Wastewalker's Sash
30Waist Cloth
Angelista's Grasp
2925Waist Cloth
Arcanist Belt
2925Waist Cloth
Belt of the Archmage
2924Waist Cloth
Belt of the Dark Bog
2925Waist Cloth
Belt of the Dark Bog
29Waist Cloth
Belt of Transcendence
2925Waist Cloth
Felheart Belt
2925Waist Cloth
Firemaw's Clutch
2925Waist Cloth
Girdle of Prophecy
2925Waist Cloth
Glacial Tether
2925Waist Cloth
Mana Igniting Cord
2925Waist Cloth
Nemesis Belt
2925Waist Cloth
Netherwind Belt
2925Waist Cloth
Sash of Whispered Secrets
2925Waist Cloth
Zandalar Confessor's Bindings
29Waist Cloth