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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Radiant Court Hood
150Head Cosmetic
Radiant Court Leggings
150Legs Cosmetic
Radiant Court Sash
150Waist Cosmetic
Radiant Court Slippers
150Feet Cosmetic
Radiant Court Vestments
150Chest Cosmetic
Radiant Court Wraps
150Wrists Cosmetic
Red Bio-Optic Killshades
1Head Cosmetic
Red Ectoplasmic Specs
1Head Cosmetic
Red Holo-Gogs
1Head Cosmetic
Red Retinal Armor
1Head Cosmetic
Redeemed Inquisitor's Handwraps
150Hands Cosmetic
Redeemed Inquisitor's Hood
150Head Cosmetic
Redeemed Inquisitor's Leggings
150Legs Cosmetic
Redeemed Inquisitor's Mantle
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Redeemed Inquisitor's Robes
150Chest Cosmetic
Redeemed Inquisitor's Sash
150Waist Cosmetic
Redeemed Inquisitor's Slippers
150Feet Cosmetic
Redeemed Inquisitor's Wraps
150Wrists Cosmetic
Renathal's Battlefield Handwraps
150Hands Cosmetic
Renathal's Battlefield Hood
150Head Cosmetic
Renathal's Battlefield Leggings
150Legs Cosmetic
Renathal's Battlefield Sash
150Waist Cosmetic
Renathal's Battlefield Slippers
150Feet Cosmetic
Renathal's Battlefield Vestments
150Chest Cosmetic
Renathal's Battlefield Wraps
150Wrists Cosmetic
Renathal's Field Inquisitor's Handwraps
150Hands Cosmetic
Renathal's Field Inquisitor's Hood
150Head Cosmetic
Renathal's Field Inquisitor's Leggings
150Legs Cosmetic
Renathal's Field Inquisitor's Mantle
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Renathal's Field Inquisitor's Robes
150Chest Cosmetic
Renathal's Field Inquisitor's Sash
150Waist Cosmetic
Renathal's Field Inquisitor's Slippers
150Feet Cosmetic
Renathal's Field Inquisitor's Wraps
150Wrists Cosmetic
Ren'dorei Belt
1Waist Cosmetic
Ren'dorei Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Ren'dorei Bracers
1Wrists Cosmetic
Ren'dorei Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Ren'dorei Helm
1Head Cosmetic
Ren'dorei Leggings
1Legs Cosmetic
Ren'dorei Mantle
1Chest Cosmetic
Ren'dorei Pauldrons
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Reno's Lucky Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Renowned Explorer's Akubra
1Head Cosmetic
Renowned Explorer's Canteen Pouch
1Waist Cosmetic
Renowned Explorer's Lucky Bangle
1Wrists Cosmetic
Renowned Explorer's Mantle
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Renowned Explorer's Muckwaders
1Feet Cosmetic
Renowned Explorer's Treasure-Snatchers
1Hands Cosmetic
Renowned Explorer's Trousers
1Legs Cosmetic
Renowned Explorer's Versatile Vest
1Chest Cosmetic
Rift-Mender's Spaulders
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Ritualist's Shoulder-Scythes
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Ritualist's Spiked Mantle
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Rogue Necromancer's Handwraps
150Hands Cosmetic
Rogue Necromancer's Hood
150Head Cosmetic
Rogue Necromancer's Leggings
150Legs Cosmetic
Rogue Necromancer's Mantle
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Rogue Necromancer's Sash
150Waist Cosmetic
Rogue Necromancer's Slippers
150Feet Cosmetic
Rogue Necromancer's Vestments
150Chest Cosmetic
Rogue Necromancer's Wraps
150Wrists Cosmetic
S.C.A.N.N.E.R. Mk3
1Head Cosmetic
Sash of Fall's Promise
150Waist Cosmetic
Sash of the Twilight Grove
150Waist Cosmetic
Searing Stompers
1Feet Cosmetic
Shackler's Spiked Shoulders
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Shaded Skull Shoulderguards
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Shado-Pan Jerkin
1Chest Cosmetic
Shado-Pan Tunic
1Chest Cosmetic
Shal'dorei Belt
1Waist Cosmetic
Shal'dorei Bracers
1Wrists Cosmetic
Shal'dorei Crown
1Head Cosmetic
Shal'dorei Finery
1Chest Cosmetic
Shal'dorei Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Shal'dorei Leggings
1Legs Cosmetic
Shal'dorei Mantle
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Shal'dorei Slippers
1Feet Cosmetic
Shining Stormrider's Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Shining Stormrider's Breastplate
1Chest Cosmetic
Shining Stormrider's Buckle
1Waist Cosmetic
Shining Stormrider's Epaulets
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Shining Stormrider's Grips
1Hands Cosmetic
Shining Stormrider's Helmet
1Head Cosmetic
Shining Stormrider's Pants
1Legs Cosmetic
Shining Stormrider's Wristguards
1Wrists Cosmetic
Shocking Stormrider's Breastplate
1Chest Cosmetic
Shocking Stormrider's Buckle
1Waist Cosmetic
Shocking Stormrider's Epaulets
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Shocking Stormrider's Grips
1Hands Cosmetic
Shocking Stormrider's Helmet
1Head Cosmetic
Shoulders of Unbreakable Demise
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Shoulders of Vehement Slicing
150Shoulders Cosmetic
Silver Holo-Gogs
1Head Cosmetic
Sin'dorei Belt
1Waist Cosmetic
Sin'dorei Bracers
1Wrists Cosmetic
Sin'dorei Gauntlets
1Hands Cosmetic
Sin'dorei Helm
1Head Cosmetic
Sin'dorei Leggings
1Legs Cosmetic
Sin'dorei Pauldrons
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Sin'dorei Raiment
1Chest Cosmetic