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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Brazecore Armguards
2923Wrists Mail
First Sergeant's Mail Wristguards
2924Wrists Mail
Lordly Armguards
2923Wrists Mail
Sand Reaver Wristguards
2925Wrists Mail
Sandstalker Bracers
2924Wrists Mail
Sergeant Major's Chain Armguards
2924Wrists Mail
Slashclaw Bracers
2923Wrists Mail
Spitfire Bracers
2924Wrists Mail
Swift Flight Bracers
2924Wrists Mail
Wristguards of Undead Slaying
2924Wrists Mail
Masterwork Bracers
2924Wrists Mail
Mercurial Bracers
2923Wrists Mail
Seaspray Bracers
29Wrists Mail
Triumphant Bracers
2923Wrists Mail
Unyielding Bindings
2924Wrists Mail
Warstrike Armsplints
2923Wrists Mail
Corroded Mail Bracers
2926Wrists Mail
Eroded Mail Bracers
2925Wrists Mail
Sterling Chain Bracers
2925Wrists Mail
Windtalker's Wristguards
2821Wrists Mail
Beaststalker's Bindings
2822Wrists Mail
Bindings of Elements
2822Wrists Mail
Crypt Demon Bracers
28Wrists Mail
Earthbound Wristguards
28Wrists Mail
Pyremail Wristguards
2822Wrists Mail
Slimescale Bracers
2821Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Demonic Altar
28Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Demonic Altar
28Wrists Mail
Engraved Bracers
2822Wrists Mail
Hero's Bracers
2822Wrists Mail
Impenetrable Bindings
2821Wrists Mail
Magnificent Bracers
2822Wrists Mail
Serpent Coils
28Wrists Mail
Serpent Coils
28Wrists Mail
Laminated Scale Bracers
2822Wrists Mail
Rubicund Armguards
2720Wrists Mail
Twilight Void Bracers
2721Wrists Mail
Bloodlust Bracelets
2721Wrists Mail
Bracers of Considerable Influence
27Wrists Mail
Chillwind Scale Armguards
27Wrists Mail
Ebonhold Wristguards
2720Wrists Mail
Marshal Bracers
27Wrists Mail
Ornate Bracers
2721Wrists Mail
First Sergeant's Mail Wristguards
2620Wrists Mail
Sergeant Major's Chain Armguards
2620Wrists Mail
Bracers of Gladiatorial Combat
26Wrists Mail
Bracers of Gladiatorial Combat
26Wrists Mail
Chelonian Cuffs
26Wrists Mail
Crusader's Armguards
2620Wrists Mail
Heavy Scorpid Bracers
2620Wrists Mail
Ironhide Bracers
2620Wrists Mail
Merciless Bracers
2620Wrists Mail
Poobah's Nose Ring
26Wrists Mail
Brigandine Bracers
2620Wrists Mail
Grunt's Chain Bracers
2620Wrists Mail
Modest Armguards
2519Wrists Mail
Formidable Bracers
2519Wrists Mail
Gryphon Mail Bracelets
2518Wrists Mail
Loaner Bracers
25Wrists Mail
Lord's Armguards
2519Wrists Mail
Myrmidon's Bracers
2519Wrists Mail
Protector Armguards
2519Wrists Mail
Sindweller's Armguards
25Wrists Mail
Slag Pit Bracers
25Wrists Mail
Weed Puller's Bracers
25Wrists Mail
Overlinked Chain Bracers
2519Wrists Mail
Windtalker's Wristguards
2417Wrists Mail
Demon Howl Wristguards
2417Wrists Mail
Loomguard Armbraces
2417Wrists Mail
Marksman Bands
2417Wrists Mail
Shackles of Punishment
24Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Great Sty
24Wrists Mail
Champion's Bracers
2417Wrists Mail
Khan's Bindings
2417Wrists Mail
Lethlor Armbands
24Wrists Mail
Tough Scorpid Bracers
2417Wrists Mail
Warmonger's Bracers
2418Wrists Mail
Shadow Puppet Bracers
2317Wrists Mail
Ancient Vambraces
2316Wrists Mail
Blackforge Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Bonelink Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Brigade Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Fajardo's Bracers
23Wrists Mail
Greenhorn's Armbands
23Wrists Mail
Mithril Scale Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Turtle Scale Bracers
2316Wrists Mail
Wind Serpent Bracers
23Wrists Mail
Wind Serpent Bracers
23Wrists Mail
Arena Bands
2213Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Stone Princess
2214Wrists Mail
Crushridge Bindings
2215Wrists Mail
Ironaya's Bracers
2215Wrists Mail
Revelosh's Armguards
2215Wrists Mail
Skullplate Bracers
2215Wrists Mail
Bracer of Grievance
22Wrists Mail
Captain's Bracers
2215Wrists Mail
Crown Guard Armbands
22Wrists Mail
Driver's Chain Bracers
22Wrists Mail
Driver's Chain Bracers
22Wrists Mail
Forsaken Trooper Armguards
22Wrists Mail