

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Enduring Elixir of Wisdom
40Blizzard Store Druid
Alchemist's Flask
1Crafted Druid
Suspicious Bottle
151 Druid
[DNT] Spiritual Intellect Flask
12040 Druid
[DNT] Spiritual Strength Flask
12040 Druid
Aerated Phial of Deftness
41561 Druid
Aerated Phial of Deftness
40061 Druid
Aerated Phial of Deftness
38561 Druid
Aerated Phial of Quick Hands
41561 Druid
Aerated Phial of Quick Hands
40061 Druid
Aerated Phial of Quick Hands
38561 Druid
Charged Phial of Alacrity
41561 Druid
Charged Phial of Alacrity
40061 Druid
Charged Phial of Alacrity
38561 Druid
Crystalline Phial of Perception
41561 Druid
Crystalline Phial of Perception
40061 Druid
Crystalline Phial of Perception
38561 Druid
Draenic Agility Flask
4035Crafted, Looted Druid
Draenic Intellect Flask
4035Crafted, Looted Druid
Draenic Stamina Flask
4035Crafted, Looted Druid
Draenic Strength Flask
4035Crafted, Looted Druid
Eternal Flask
12051Created Druid
Flask of Battle
3230Created Druid
Flask of Blinding Light
2726Crafted Druid
Flask of Distilled Wisdom
2521Crafted Druid
Flask of Endless Fathoms
5040Crafted Druid
Flask of Endless Rage
3028Crafted, Created, Looted Druid
Flask of Falling Leaves
3532Crafted, Looted Druid
Flask of Flowing Water
3230Crafted Druid
Flask of Fortification
2726Crafted Druid
Flask of Mighty Versatility
2726Crafted Druid
Flask of Pure Death
2726Crafted Druid
Flask of Pure Mojo
3028Crafted, Created, Looted Druid
Flask of Relentless Assault
2726Crafted Druid
Flask of Spring Blossoms
3532Crafted, Looted Druid
Flask of Steelskin
3230Crafted, Looted Druid
Flask of Stoneblood
3028Crafted, Created, Looted Druid
Flask of Supreme Power
2521Crafted Druid
Flask of Ten Thousand Scars
4540Crafted, Looted Druid
Flask of the Countless Armies
4540Crafted, Looted Druid
Flask of the Currents
5040Crafted Druid
Flask of the Draconic Mind
3230Crafted Druid
Flask of the Earth
3532Crafted, Looted Druid
Flask of the Frost Wyrm
3028Crafted, Created, Looted Druid
Flask of the Seventh Demon
4540Crafted, Looted Druid
Flask of the Titans
2521Crafted Druid
Flask of the Undertow
5040Crafted Druid
Flask of the Vast Horizon
5040Crafted Druid
Flask of the Warm Sun
3532Crafted, Looted Druid
Flask of the Whispered Pact
4540Crafted, Looted Druid
Flask of the Winds
3230Crafted Druid
Flask of Titanic Strength
3230Crafted Druid
Flask of Winter's Bite
3532Crafted, Looted Druid
Flaskataur's Celestial Brew
2726 Druid
Flaskataur's Flask of Flaskocity
2726 Druid
Flaskataur's Flask of Pretty Good Power
2521 Druid
Fleeting Charged Phial of Alacrity
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Charged Phial of Alacrity
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Charged Phial of Alacrity
38561Created Druid
Fleeting Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage
38561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Charged Isolation
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Charged Isolation
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Charged Isolation
38561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Elemental Chaos
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Elemental Chaos
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Elemental Chaos
38561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Glacial Fury
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Glacial Fury
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Glacial Fury
38561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Icy Preservation
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Icy Preservation
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Icy Preservation
38561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Static Empowerment
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Static Empowerment
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Static Empowerment
38561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Still Air
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Still Air
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Still Air
38561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Tepid Versatility
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Tepid Versatility
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of Tepid Versatility
38561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of the Eye in the Storm
41561Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of the Eye in the Storm
40061Created Druid
Fleeting Phial of the Eye in the Storm
38561Created Druid
Greater Draenic Agility Flask
4035Crafted, Looted Druid
Greater Draenic Intellect Flask
4035Crafted, Looted Druid
Greater Draenic Stamina Flask
4035Crafted, Looted Druid
Greater Draenic Strength Flask
4035Crafted, Looted Druid
Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms
5040Crafted Druid
Greater Flask of the Currents
5040Crafted Druid
Greater Flask of the Undertow
5040Crafted Druid
Greater Flask of the Vast Horizon
5040Crafted Druid
Greater Mystical Flask
5040Created Druid
Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage
41561 Druid
Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage
40061 Druid
Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage
38561 Druid
Jillian's Tonic of Endless Rage
3228 Druid
Jillian's Tonic of Pure Mojo
3228 Druid