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Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Dreamwalker's Healing Potion
48070 Potions
Potion of Withering Dreams
48070 Potions
Dreamwalker's Healing Potion
46570 Potions
Potion of Withering Dreams
46570 Potions
Dreamwalker's Healing Potion
45070 Potions
Potion of Withering Dreams
45070 Potions
Aerated Mana Potion
41561 Potions
Bottled Putrescence
41561 Potions
Delicate Suspension of Spores
41561 Potions
Elemental Potion of Power
41561 Potions
Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
41561 Potions
Fleeting Elemental Potion of Power
41561 Potions
Fleeting Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
41561 Potions
Potion of Chilled Clarity
41561 Potions
Potion of Frozen Fatality
41561 Potions
Potion of Frozen Focus
41561 Potions
Potion of Gusts
41561 Potions
Potion of Shocking Disclosure
41561 Potions
Potion of the Hushed Zephyr
41561 Potions
Potion of Withering Vitality
41561 Potions
Refreshing Healing Potion
41561 Potions
Residual Neural Channeling Agent
41561 Potions
Aerated Mana Potion
40061 Potions
Bottled Putrescence
40061 Potions
Delicate Suspension of Spores
40061 Potions
Elemental Potion of Power
40061 Potions
Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
40061 Potions
Fleeting Elemental Potion of Power
40061 Potions
Fleeting Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
40061 Potions
Potion of Chilled Clarity
40061 Potions
Potion of Frozen Fatality
40061 Potions
Potion of Frozen Focus
40061 Potions
Potion of Gusts
40061 Potions
Potion of Shocking Disclosure
40061 Potions
Potion of the Hushed Zephyr
40061 Potions
Potion of Withering Vitality
40061 Potions
Refreshing Healing Potion
40061 Potions
Residual Neural Channeling Agent
40061 Potions
Aerated Mana Potion
38561 Potions
Bottled Putrescence
38561 Potions
Delicate Suspension of Spores
38561 Potions
Elemental Potion of Power
38561 Potions
Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
38561 Potions
Fleeting Elemental Potion of Power
38561 Potions
Fleeting Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
38561 Potions
Potion of Chilled Clarity
38561 Potions
Potion of Frozen Fatality
38561 Potions
Potion of Frozen Focus
38561 Potions
Potion of Gusts
38561 Potions
Potion of Shocking Disclosure
38561 Potions
Potion of the Hushed Zephyr
38561 Potions
Potion of Withering Vitality
38561 Potions
Refreshing Healing Potion
38561 Potions
Residual Neural Channeling Agent
38561 Potions
Bottled Putrescence
30060 Potions
[PH] Flex Conduit - Rogue - Outlaw - Flex Trait 1
155 Potions
Endurance Conduit
155 Potions
Finesse Conduit
155 Potions
Potency Conduit
155 Potions
Cosmic Healing Potion
12060 Potions
Potion of Deathly Fixation
12051 Potions
Potion of Divine Awakening
12051 Potions
Potion of Empowered Exorcisms
12051 Potions
Potion of Hardened Shadows
12051 Potions
Potion of Phantom Fire
12051 Potions
Potion of Sacrificial Anima
12051 Potions
Potion of Shaded Sight
12051 Potions
Potion of Soul Purity
12051 Potions
Potion of Specter Swiftness
12051 Potions
Potion of Spectral Agility
12051 Potions
Potion of Spectral Intellect
12051 Potions
Potion of Spectral Stamina
12051 Potions
Potion of Spectral Strength
12051 Potions
Potion of Spiritual Clarity
12051 Potions
Potion of the Hidden Spirit
12051 Potions
Potion of Unhindered Passing
12051 Potions
Potion of Unusual Strength
12040 Potions
12051 Potions
Soulful Healing Potion
12051 Potions
Soulful Mana Potion
12051 Potions
Spiritual Healing Potion
12051 Potions
Spiritual Mana Potion
12051 Potions
Spiritual Rejuvenation Potion
12051 Potions
Strength of Blood
12040 Potions
Potion of the Psychopomp's Speed
10050 Potions
Distilled Heroism
9085 Potions
Potion of Ogre Rage
8580 Potions
Potion of Pure Genius
8580 Potions
Potion of the Cobra
8580 Potions
Mythical Battle Draught
8178 Potions
Endless Rejuvenation Potion
80 Potions
Breezy Potion of Draconic Vigor [NYI]
7060 Potions
Breezy Potion of Draconic Vigor [NYI]
7060 Potions
Breezy Potion of Draconic Vigor [NYI]
7060 Potions
Fleeting Sands
7065 Potions
Potion of Burning Purification [NYI]
7060 Potions
Potion of Burning Purification [NYI]
7060 Potions
Potion of Burning Purification [NYI]
7060 Potions
Quicksilver Sands
7065 Potions
Temporally-Locked Sands
7065 Potions