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Name Level Req. Level DPS Speed Slot Source Type
Vault Raider's Earthen Splitter
1700.42.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Vault Raider's Frozen Splitter
1700.42.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Vault Raider's Storming Splitter
1700.42.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Webbed Saronite Greataxe
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Webbed Soulforged Greataxe
Remix: Pandaria
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Bloodied Arcanite Reaper
13.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Azure Nexus Crescent
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Bonegale Greataxe
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Cobalt Dragonwing Decapitator
1600.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Crimson Nexus Crescent
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Devastating Drakonid Waraxe
1600.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Fel-Ridden Divider
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Gilded Crown Splitter
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Obsidian Guard's Skullsplitter
1600.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Orgrimmar Axe
1350.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Riptide Slicer
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Sapphire Axe of Asymmetry
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Scarlet Axe of Asymmetry
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Toghus Poleaxe
1600.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Valdrakken Bladewing Decapitator
1600.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Valdrakken Guard's Skullsplitter
1600.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Darkspear Battle Axe
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Dwarven Crown Splitter
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Shabby Battleaxe
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Veteran Grunt's Chopper
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Reclaimer Pickaxe
10.40.50Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Worn Battleaxe
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Worn Wood Chopper
10.43.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
<Placeholder> Fyrakk Axe - Shadowflame
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
6.0 Weapon - Axe_2H_Gorehowl_D_01_HD (Remake) (GROM HELLSCREAM ONLY)
10.22.80Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Darkoor's Axe
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Draconic Avenger
1600.22.80Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Drust 2H Axe
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Drust 2H Axe
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Drust 2H Axe
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Drust 2H Axe
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Drust 2H Axe
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Fel Lord Axe
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Kilrogg's Weapon
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Monster - 2H Axe, Invisible
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Monster - Axe, 2H Corrupted Gorehowl
10.22.80Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Monster - Axe, 2H Horde Blue War Axe
10.23.30Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Monster - Axe, 2H Horde D 02
10.23.30Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Monster - Axe_2h_PVP400_C_01 - Red
10.23.50Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Monster - axe_2h_pvppandarias1_d_01.mdx
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Monster - Maldraxxus Axe2H - Covenant
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Monster - Maldraxxus Axe2H - Covenant
10.23.60Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Mordresh's Facemelter
10.23.80Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Quantum Greataxe
1700.43.60 Two-handed Axe