clear all
Name Zone
Ghost Iron Deposit
Ghost Mushroom
Glimmer of Wisdom
Glowing Tome
Gold Vein
Golden Lotus
Golden Lotus
Golden Sansam
Gorgrond Flytrap
Gorgrond Flytrap
Gorloc Crystals
Gormling Molt
Grave Moss
Green Tea Leaf
Green Tea Leaf
Green Tea Leaf
Ground Wart
Hardened Draconium Deposit
Hardened Serevite Deposit
Harpoon Rack
Helgarde Supply Cache
Hidden Wyrmtongue Cache
Highborne Archaeology Find
Hopebreaker Pack
Horde Bounty
Horde Bounty
Ice Bound Chest
Icemaw Storage Cache
Idol of Ohn'ahra
Igneous Flux
Infested Cache
Infested Cache
Infested Cache
Infested Cache
Infested Cache
Infurious Bubble Poppy
Infurious Draconium Deposit
Infurious Hochenblume
Infurious Hochenblume
Infurious Saxifrage
Infurious Saxifrage
Infurious Saxifrage
Infurious Serevite Deposit
Infurious Writhebark
Infurious Writhebark
Infurious Writhebark
Inquisitor Stelia's Sinstone
Invasive Mawshroom
Invasive Mawshroom
Invasive Mawshroom
Invasive Mawshroom
Invasive Mawshroom
Iridescent Aethril
Iridescent Dreamleaf
Iridescent Starlight Rose
Iron Cart
Iron Deposit
Iron Deposit
Jelly Deposit
Jelly Deposit
Jelly Deposit
Key Fragment
Khadgar's Whisker
Khorium Vein
Kyparite Deposit
Laden Somnut
Laestrite Deposit
Lambent Bubble Poppy
Lambent Hochenblume
Lambent Saxifrage
Lambent Writhebark
Large Battered Chest
Large Jelly Deposit
Large Obsidian Chunk
Legion Cache
Legion Cache
Legion Cache
Legion War Supplies
Legion War Supplies
Legion War Supplies
Legion War Supplies
Legion War Supplies
Legion War Supplies
Legion War Supplies
Legion War Supplies
Legion War Supplies
Leypetal Blossom
Leypetal Powder
Leystone Deposit
Leystone Seam