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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Azerite for the Alliance! 110110
Battleplate of the Silver Hand 110110
Bitestone Enclave Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Bitestone Enclave Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Black Rook Hold Heroic Reward Quest 110110 32,900 XP
77 60
Black Rook Hold Normal Reward Quest 110110 32,900 XP
77 60
Black Rook Hold: ... With Fire! 110110 Black Rook Hold
Blacksmithing Plans 110110 Blacksmithing
Blacksmithing Plans 110110 Blacksmithing
Bloodhunt Highland Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Bloodhunt Highland Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Bloodhunt Highland Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Bloodhunt Highland Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Bloodhunt Highland Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Bloodhunt Highland Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Border Reinforcements 110110 Highmountain
Bottom of the Food Chain 110110 Highmountain
Brambly Fjarnskaggl 110110 Stormheim
Brimstone Destroyer 110110 Suramar
Brimstone Destroyer 110110 Suramar
Burning Felslate Deposits 110110 Suramar
Bushy Aethril 110110 Azsuna
Cathedral of Eternal Night: Infernal Dead 110110 Cathedral of Eternal Night
Cave of the Blood Trial Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Choice: Blacksmithing 110110 Blacksmithing
Choice: Leatherworking (L) 110110 Blacksmithing
Choice: Leatherworking (M) 110110 Blacksmithing
Choice: Tailoring 110110 Blacksmithing
Coarse Leystone Outcropping 110110 Highmountain
Creating Time 110110 Suramar
Crystal Fissure Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Culling Ambervale 110110 16,450 XP
18 28
DANGER: Sea King Tidross 110110
Darkheart Thicket Heroic Reward Quest 110110 32,900 XP
77 60
Darkheart Thicket Normal Reward Quest 110110 32,900 XP
77 60
Darkheart Thicket: A Burden to Bear 110110 Darkheart Thicket
Darkheart Thicket: Preserving the Preservers 110110 Darkheart Thicket
Degren 110110 Suramar
Dense Leystone Outcropping 110110 Stormheim
Deworming 110110 Highmountain
Draenei Spoken To 110110 32,900 XP
77 60
Dreamleaf Cluster 110110 Val'sharah
Dreamleaf Cluster 110110 Val'sharah
Dreamleaf-Covered Ancient 110110 Val'sharah
Earthmother's Bounty Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Enchanted Formulae 110110 Enchanting
Engineered Blueprints 110110 Engineering
Evasion 110110 Azsuna
Eye of Azshara: Azsunian Pearls 110110 Eye of Azshara
Eye of Azshara: Dread End 110110 Eye of Azshara
Fatty Lion Seal Skin 110110 Azsuna
Feelin' Floppy 110110 Highmountain
Felbound Spirits 110110 Broken Shore
Felhide 110110 Highmountain
Felhide 110110 Highmountain
Felhide 110110 Azsuna
Felhide 110110 Stormheim
Felhide 110110 Suramar
Felhide 110110 Suramar
Felhide 110110 Suramar
Felslate Basilisks 110110 Suramar
Felsoul Slag 110110 Jewelcrafting
Felwort 110110 Stormheim
Felwort 110110 Suramar
Felwort 110110 Suramar
Felwort 110110 Suramar
Felwort 110110 Highmountain
Felwort 110110 Highmountain
Felwort 110110 Azsuna
Fields of An'she Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Fields of An'she Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Fields of An'she Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Fields of An'she Treasure 110110 Highmountain
Fiery Leystone Deposits 110110 Highmountain
Fire for Effect 110110 Azsuna
Fire for Effect 110110 Suramar
Fire for Effect 110110 Val'sharah
Fire for Effect 110110 Highmountain
Fire for Effect 110110 Stormheim
Fire the Cannons! 110110 Legionfall Campaign
Fjarnskaggl Cluster 110110 Stormheim
Fjarnskaggl Cluster 110110 Stormheim
FLAG - Andorhal Complete 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Andorhal Scene Seen 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Fight Plague With Fire Complete 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Holing Up Complete 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Hyjal Complete 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Hyjal Scene Seen 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Plating Cleared 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Shields Cleared 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Stratholme Complete 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Stratholme Scene Seen 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Well of Eternity Complete 110110 Scenario
FLAG - Well of Eternity Scene Seen 110110 Scenario
FLAG: Demonsteel Armguards 110110 16,450 XP
19 40
FLAG: Demonsteel Boots Crafted 110110 16,450 XP
19 40
FLAG: Demonsteel Breastplate Crafted 110110 16,450 XP
19 40
FLAG: Demonsteel Gauntlets Crafted 110110 16,450 XP
19 40
FLAG: Demonsteel Greaves Crafted 110110 16,450 XP
19 40
FLAG: Demonsteel Helm Crafted 110110 16,450 XP
19 40