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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Barbaric Cloth Belt
74Waist Cloth
Calico Belt
74Waist Cloth
Bloodeye Belt
6Waist Cloth
Laborer's Belt
6Waist Cloth
Standard Issue Airborne Belt
6Waist Cloth
Native Sash
63Waist Cloth
Simple Cord
63Waist Cloth
Spellbinder Belt
64Waist Cloth
Tournament Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Tournament
540Waist Cloth
Tournament Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Tournament
540Waist Cloth
Tournament Gladiator's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Tournament
540Waist Cloth
Tournament Gladiator's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Tournament
540Waist Cloth
Tournament Gladiator's Cord of Victory
Warlords Tournament
540Waist Cloth
Tournament Gladiator's Cord of Victory
Warlords Tournament
540Waist Cloth
Aggra's Sash
5Waist Cloth
Belt of Dark Schemes
5Waist Cloth
Crime Scene Tape
5Waist Cloth
Dirtwood Belt
5Waist Cloth
Expeditionary Cloth Cord
5Waist Cloth
Expeditionary Cloth Cord
5Waist Cloth
Imbued Disciple's Sash
53Waist Cloth
Red Linen Sash
5Waist Cloth
Thick Ravager Belt
5Waist Cloth
Ancestral Belt
53Waist Cloth
Disciple's Sash
53Waist Cloth
Knitted Belt
53Waist Cloth
Prisoner's Drawstring
5Waist Cloth
Recovered Knit Belt
53Waist Cloth
Stitched Cloth Belt
58Waist Cloth
Woven Belt
53Waist Cloth
Beaded Cord
42Waist Cloth
Belt of the Prairie Wolf
4Waist Cloth
Bonecaster Sash
42Waist Cloth
Cord of Grieving
4Waist Cloth
Foul Gnoll Belt
4Waist Cloth
Journeyman's Belt
42Waist Cloth
Linen Belt
42Waist Cloth
Spy Choker Cord
4Waist Cloth
Patchwork Belt
42Waist Cloth
Gold Dust Belt
3Waist Cloth
Ragged Belt
3Waist Cloth
Thwarter's Belt
3Waist Cloth
Darius' Sash
2Waist Cloth
Flax Belt
2Waist Cloth
Free Body Belt
2Waist Cloth
Grik'nir's Chilly Belt
2Waist Cloth
Light Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Soggy Rope
2Waist Cloth
Southsea Sash
2Waist Cloth
Tattered Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Thin Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Unmarred Cord
2Waist Cloth
Waterlogged Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Wyrm Sash
2Waist Cloth
Frayed Belt
2Waist Cloth
Unkempt Belt
2Waist Cloth
Arcanofire Wrap
1Waist Cloth
Battle Magister's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Belt of the Betrayer
135Waist Cloth
Chains of Temptation's Call
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Chains of the Alluring Call
1Waist Cloth
Chronoscryer Cord
145Waist Cloth
Conservator's Silken Sash
160Waist Cloth
Cord of the Light
135Waist Cloth
Discordant Watcher's Waist
160Waist Cloth
Duty-Bound Conjurer's Cinch
150Waist Cloth
Embrace of the Great Dark Beyond
1Waist Cloth
Girdle of the Elemental Triad
135Waist Cloth
Harmonious Watcher's Girdle
160Waist Cloth
Night Courtier's Sash
150Waist Cloth
Prime Conjurer's Cinch
150Waist Cloth
Reverent Watcher's Girdle
160Waist Cloth
Sash of the Abyssal Cult
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Sash of the Chosen Dead
145Waist Cloth
Sash of the Honored Valarjar
1Waist Cloth
Sash of the Unnamed Cult
1Waist Cloth
Sin'dorei Magister's Belt
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Soulbreaker's Burnished Sash
150Waist Cloth
Soulbreaker's Court Sash
160Waist Cloth
Soulbreaker's Crimson Sash
150Waist Cloth
Stitched Conjurer's Cinch
160Waist Cloth
Twisted Arcanum Sash
1Waist Cloth
Ceremonial Jacaranda Belt
1Waist Cloth
Ceremonial Sash of Karabor
140Waist Cloth
Decorous Sash
1Waist Cloth
Glyph-Lined Sash
1Waist Cloth
Jingoist's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Mindwrack Cord
1Waist Cloth
Renowned Expeditioner's Cord
160Waist Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Dreadweave Wrap
125Waist Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Satin Waistwrap
125Waist Cloth
Replica Blood Guard's Silk Cinch
125Waist Cloth
Replica Deathmist Belt
125Waist Cloth
Replica Devout Belt
122Waist Cloth
Replica Dreadmist Belt
122Waist Cloth
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Dreadweave Wrap
125Waist Cloth
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Satin Belt
125Waist Cloth
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Silk Cinch
125Waist Cloth
Replica Magister's Belt
122Waist Cloth
Replica Sorcerer's Belt
125Waist Cloth