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Name Side Points Reward Category
Genetically Unmodified Organism Defeat Primordius in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without any player receiving a harmful mutation.
Pandaria Raid
Cretaceous Collector Defeat Horridon in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without killing any Zandalari Dinomancers.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Jin'rokh the Breaker Defeat Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Horridon Defeat Horridon in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Council of Elders Defeat the Council of Elders in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Tortos Defeat Tortos in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Megaera Defeat Megaera in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Ji-Kun Defeat Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Durumu the Forgotten Defeat Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Primordius Defeat Primordius in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Dark Animus Defeat the Dark Animus in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Iron Qon Defeat Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Twin Empyreans Defeat the Twin Empyreans in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Fire in the Hole! Stomp on 6 superheated Crawler Mines and then defeat the Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Swallow Your Pride Defeat the Sha of Pride in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher after no player has gained Pride from Manifestations of Pride while No...
Pandaria Raid
Giant Dinosaur vs. Mega Snail Open the Thrice-Locked Cage during the Thok the Bloodthirsty encounter in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher, and then allow its inh...
Pandaria Raid
Go Long Transfer the Mark of Anguish to at least 5 unique players over a total of 200 yards or more during a single Desperate Measures phase, and then defe...
Pandaria Raid
Criss Cross Complete the Spoils of Pandaria encounter in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher without any raid member defeating both a Mantid and ...
Pandaria Raid
The Immortal Vanguard Defeat Galakras without having allowed a single friendly NPC to perish in battle in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Now We are the Paragon Defeat the Paragons after assuming the mantle of three different Paragons in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
None Shall Pass Defeat the Amalgam of Corruption without allowing any unleashed corruption to fuse with it in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Celestial Challenge Complete the trials of all four Celestials, besting them each in combat on the Timeless Isle.
Pandaria Raid
No More Tears Defeat Immerseus after killing 10 Tears of the Vale in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Strike! Kill 18 Kor'kron Warbringers with a single Iron Star and then defeat Garrosh in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Unlimited Potential Transform a Corrupted Skullsplitter into a Corrupted Amalgamation and then defeat Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Lasers and Magnets and Drills! Oh My! Defeat Siegecrafter Blackfuse without destroying each of the following weapons in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Imperial Vizier Zor'lok Defeat Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Blade Lord Ta'yak Defeat Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Garalon Defeat Garalon in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Wind Lord Mel'jarak Defeat Wind Lord Mel'jarak in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Amber-Shaper Un'sok Defeat Amber-Shaper Un'sok in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Grand Empress Shek'zeer Defeat Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Protectors of the Endless Defeat the Protectors of the Endless in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Tsulong Defeat Tsulong in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Heroic: Lei Shi Defeat Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Skyreach Defeat High Sage Viryx in Skyreach.
Draenor Dungeon
Heroic: Skyreach Defeat High Sage Viryx in Skyreach on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
A Gift of Earth and Fire Defeat Magmolatus while Calamity and Ruination are still alive in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Come With Me If You Want to Live Defeat Gug'rokk alongside Croman the Barbarian after finding his sword in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
No Ticket Defeat Nitrogg Thundertower after abruptly removing 20 enemies from the Grimrail in Grimrail Depot on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Is Draenor on Fire? Defeat Gug'rokk without killing any Unstable Slag in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Water Management Defeat Witherbark without allowing him to replenish any of his Aqueous Energy in The Everbloom on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
What's Your Sign? Defeat Sadana Bloodfury while only having the runes that correspond to her active lunar cycle lit in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
...They All Fall Down Defeat Soulbinder Nyami after defeating 12 fallen Auchenai protectors within 3 seconds in Auchindoun on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things Defeat Railmaster Rocketspark and Borka the Brute after destroying all of the Priceless Paraphernalia in Grimrail Depot on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Icky Ichors Defeat Bonemaw after having fed him 25 Corpse Skitterlings in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Souls of the Lost Defeat Ner'zhul after slaying 2 Ritual of Bones skeletons within 5 seconds of each other in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Ready for Raiding IV Defeat Ranjit without taking damage from any of the following abilities in Skyreach on Heroic difficulty: Spinning Blade, Windwall, Four Winds, Len...
Draenor Dungeon
Magnify... Enhance Defeat the Empowered Construct in Skyreach on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
I Saw Solis Cause three Piles of Ash to form Solar Flares at the same time during the Rukhran encounter in Skyreach on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Monomania Defeat High Sage Viryx without killing any of the Shield Constructs in Skyreach on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Bloodmaul Slag Mines Defeat Gug'rokk in the Bloodmaul Slag Mines.
Draenor Dungeon
Iron Docks Defeat Skulloc in the Iron Docks.
Draenor Dungeon
Auchindoun Defeat Teron'gor in Auchindoun.
Draenor Dungeon
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Defeat Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds.
Draenor Dungeon
Upper Blackrock Spire Defeat Warlord Zaela in Upper Blackrock Spire.
Draenor Dungeon
Grimrail Depot Defeat Skylord Tovra in Grimrail Depot.
Draenor Dungeon
The Everbloom Defeat Yalnu in The Everbloom.
Draenor Dungeon
Magnets, How Do They Work? Defeat Orebender Gor'ashan without allowing him to cast Thundering Cacophony 4 times in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Heroic: Bloodmaul Slag Mines Defeat Gug'rokk in the Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Heroic: Iron Docks Defeat Skulloc in the Iron Docks on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Heroic: Auchindoun Defeat Teron'gor in Auchindoun on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Heroic: Grimrail Depot Defeat Skylord Tovra in Grimrail Depot on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Heroic: The Everbloom Defeat Yalnu in The Everbloom on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Heroic: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Defeat Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Heroic: Upper Blackrock Spire Defeat Warlord Zaela in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Bridge Over Troubled Fire Kill 20 Ragewing Whelps in 10 seconds while fighting Ragewing the Untamed in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Dragonmaw? More Like Dragonfall! Kill 5 Emberscale Ironflight before defeating Warlord Zaela in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Heroic: Ra-den Defeat Ra-den in Throne of Thunder.
Pandaria Raid
Last Stand of the Zandalari Defeat the bosses occupying the ruins at the entrance to the Throne of Thunder.
Pandaria Raid
Forgotten Depths Defeat the bosses in the ancient caverns beneath the Throne of Thunder.
Pandaria Raid
Halls of Flesh-Shaping Defeat the bosses in the befouled chambers beneath the Throne of Thunder.
Pandaria Raid
Pinnacle of Storms Defeat the bosses in Lei Shen's inner sanctum within the Throne of Thunder.
Pandaria Raid
Cage Match Defeat the Council of Elders in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without any creature leaving the center rings.
Pandaria Raid
One-Up Defeat Tortos in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty after kicking a Whirl Turtle shell through five or more other Whirl Turtles.
Pandaria Raid
Ritualist Who? Defeat all 24 different Dark Ritualists on Normal or Heroic difficulty on separate visits to the Dark Animus chamber in Throne of Thunder.
Pandaria Raid
Head Case Defeat Megaera in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without cutting off a head of the following types:
Pandaria Raid
From Dusk 'til Dawn Defeat Lu'lin before Suen falls below 30% health, and then defeat Suen in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Can't Touch This Survive the Iron Qon fight in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without getting hit by any of the following abilities:
Pandaria Raid
A Complete Circuit Defeat Lei Shen in the Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic Difficulty after disabling each of the four Conduits first.
Pandaria Raid
Lightning Overload Cause two Focused Lightning Orbs to collide while fighting Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Soft Hands Defeat Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic Difficulty with the Golden Egg Still Intact.
Pandaria Raid
You Said Crossing the Streams Was Bad Reveal the Orange, Purple, and Green Fog Beasts while facing Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Millions of Years of Evolution vs. My Fist Defeat Oondasta on the Isle of Giants.
Pandaria Raid
Gamon Will Save Us! Defeat General Nazgrim while Gamon is alive and participating in the battle in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Rescue Raiders Rescue a set of caged prisoners, a group of unwilling combat participants, and Ji Firepaw before defeating the Kor'kron Dark Shaman in Siege of Org...
Pandaria Raid
Vale of Eternal Sorrows Defeat the bosses in the scarred Vale of Eternal Blossoms in the prelude to the Siege of Orgrimmar.
Pandaria Raid
Gates of Retribution Defeat the bosses in the exterior of Orgrimmar in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
Pandaria Raid
The Underhold Defeat the bosses at the entrance to Garrosh's secret compound in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
Pandaria Raid
Downfall Defeat the bosses within Garrosh's inner sanctum in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Immerseus Defeat Immerseus in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Fallen Protectors Defeat the Fallen Protectors in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Norushen Complete Norushen's trial in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Sha of Pride Defeat the Sha of Pride in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Galakras Defeat Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Iron Juggernaut Defeat the Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Kor'kron Dark Shaman Defeat the Kor'kron Dark Shaman in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: General Nazgrim Defeat General Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Malkorok Defeat Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Spoils of Pandaria Complete the Spoils of Pandaria event in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid