

clear all
Name Level Source Req. Skill Type
Schematic: Gearspring Parts
100 1Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Goblin Glider Kit
100Unobtainable 1Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Mecha-Blast Rocket
100 1Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Secret of Draenor Engineering
100 1Engineering Schematic
Comprehensibly Organized Ideas
80Created Engineering Schematic
Hastily Scrawled Notes
80 Engineering Schematic
Legibly Scribbled Notes
80 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Remote Mail Terminal
67Unobtainable 335Engineering Schematic
Draenor Engineering
40 Engineering Schematic
Recipe: Secrets of Draenor Enchanting
40 Engineering Schematic
Recipe: Secrets of Draenor Engineering
40 Engineering Schematic
Recipe: Secrets of Draenor Inscription
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Advanced Muzzlesprocket
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Bi-Directional Fizzle Reducer
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Blingtron 5000
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Cybergenetic Mechshades
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Didi's Delicate Assembly
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Findle's Loot-a-Rang
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Hemet's Heartseeker
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Infrablue-Blocker Lenses
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Linkgrease Locksprocket
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Mechanical Axebeak
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Mechanical Scorpid
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Megawatt Filament
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Night-Vision Mechshades
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Oglethorpe's Missile Splitter
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Personal Hologram
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Plasma Mechshades
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Primal Welding
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Razorguard Mechshades
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Shrediron's Shredder
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Swapblaster
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Taladite Firing Pin
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: True Iron Trigger
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: World Shrinker
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Wormhole Centrifuge
40 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Blackrock Rifling
40Unobtainable Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Oglethorpe's Octagonal Lenses
40Unobtainable Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Precision Scope Tuning Kit
40Unobtainable Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Remarkable Linkgrease Locksprocket
37 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Remarkable True Iron Trigger
37 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Impressive Linkgrease Locksprocket
37 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Impressive True Iron Trigger
37 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: "The Felic"
37Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Shockinator
37Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Chief Engineer Jard's Journal
35Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Autumn Flower Firework
35 Pandaria Fireworks Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Celestial Firework
35 Pandaria Fireworks Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Grand Celebration Firework
35 Pandaria Fireworks Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Jade Blossom Firework
35 Pandaria Fireworks Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Serpent's Heart Firework
35 Pandaria Fireworks Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Morden's Magnificent Contraption
35Unobtainable Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Extreme-Impact Hole Puncher
32 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Flintlocke's Woodchucker
32 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Mechano-Hog
30 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Mekgineer's Chopper
30 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Jeeves
30Looted, Salvaged Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Annihilator Holo-Gogs
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Hard Khorium Goggles
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Hyper-Magnified Moon Specs
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Justicebringer 3000 Specs
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Lightning Etched Specs
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Mayhem Projection Goggles
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Powerheal 9000 Lens
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Primal-Attuned Goggles
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Quad Deathblow X44 Goggles
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Surestrike Goggles v3.0
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Wonderheal XT68 Shades
27Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Field Repair Bot 110G
27 Simon Unit Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Adamantite Rifle
27 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Elemental Seaforium Charge
27 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Ultra-Spectropic Detection Goggles
27 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope
25Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Arcane Bomb
25Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Arcanite Dragonling
25 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector
25Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Alliance Firework
25 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Horde Firework
25 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Snake Firework
25 Engineering Schematic
Ancient Schematic: Refurbished Purifier
1 Engineering Schematic
Ancient Schematic: Replaced Servo Arm
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: A5C-3N-D3D Bionic Bifocals
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: A5C-3N-D3D Gearspun Goggles
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: A5C-3N-D3D Orthogonal Optics
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: A5C-3N-D3D Synthetic Specs
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Battle-Ready Binoculars
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Blingtron 7000
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Charged A5C-3N-D3D Bionic Bifocals
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Charged A5C-3N-D3D Gearspun Goggles
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Charged A5C-3N-D3D Orthogonal Optics
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Charged A5C-3N-D3D Synthetic Specs
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Complicated Cuffs
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Difficult Wrist Protectors
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Lightweight Ocular Lenses
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Mecha-Mogul Mk2
1Looted Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Needlessly Complex Wristguards
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Notorious Combatant's Discombobulator
Rank 2
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Notorious Combatant's Discombobulator
Rank 3
1 Engineering Schematic
Schematic: Notorious Combatant's Stormsteel Destroyer
Rank 2
1 Engineering Schematic