Aethril Cluster
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
Aethril Cluster
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
Aqueous Aethril
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
Brambly Fjarnskaggl
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
Burning Felslate Deposits
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Bushy Aethril
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
Coarse Leystone Outcropping
| 110 | 110
| | | | Highmountain |
Dense Leystone Outcropping
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
Dreamleaf Cluster
| 110 | 110
| | | | Val'sharah |
Dreamleaf Cluster
| 110 | 110
| | | | Val'sharah |
Dreamleaf-Covered Ancient
| 110 | 110
| | | | Val'sharah |
Fatty Lion Seal Skin
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Highmountain |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Highmountain |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Felslate Basilisks
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Highmountain |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Highmountain |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Fjarnskaggl Cluster
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
Fjarnskaggl Cluster
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
Flourishing Starlight Roses
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Foxflower Cluster
| 110 | 110
| | | | Highmountain |
Glowing Leystone Deposits
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
Iridescent Aethril
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
Iridescent Starlight Roses
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Leystone Basilisks
| 110 | 110
| | | | Val'sharah |
Lively Aethril
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
Malevolent Felslate Outcropping
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Nightborne Herb Trader
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Prickly Fjarnskaggl
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
Primal Leystone Outcropping
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
Radiant Leystone Outcropping
| 110 | 110
| | | | Val'sharah |
Raw Leystone Seams
| 110 | 110
| | | | Val'sharah |
Rough Leystone Outcropping
| 110 | 110
| | | | Highmountain |
Singed Fjarnskaggl
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
Sparkling Starlight Roses
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Starlight Rose Cluster
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Starlight Rose Cluster
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Velvety Stalker Hide
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Work Order: Aethril
| 110 | 110
| | | | Azsuna |
Work Order: Dreamleaf
| 110 | 110
| | | | Val'sharah |
Work Order: Fjarnskaggl
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
Work Order: Leystone
| 110 | 110
| | | | Highmountain |
Work Order: Silkweave Gloves
| 110 | 110
| | | | Val'sharah |
Work Order: Starlight Roses
| 110 | 110
| | | | Suramar |
Work Order: Stormscales
| 110 | 110
| | | | Stormheim |
Akunda's Bite Cluster
| 50 | 50
| | | | Vol'dun |
Alchemy: Draught of Grotesque Strength
| 60 | 60
| | | | Maldraxxus |
Alchemy: Elixir of Humility
| 60 | 60
| | | | Revendreth |
Alchemy: Flask of Measured Discipline
| 60 | 60
| | | | Bastion |
Alchemy: Potion of Hibernal Rest
| 60 | 60
| | | | Ardenweald |
Ancient Leystone Deposits
| | | | | | Stormheim |
Blacksmithing: Polished Kyrian Shield
| 60 | 60
| | | | Bastion |
Blacksmithing: Prideful Manacles
| 60 | 60
| | | | Revendreth |
Blacksmithing: Soul Razor
| 60 | 60
| | | | Maldraxxus |
Blacksmithing: Stalker Arrowheads
| 60 | 60
| | | | Ardenweald |
Blooming Siren's Sting
| 50 | 50
| | | | Zuldazar |
Blooming Star Moss
| 50 | 50
| | | | Drustvar |
Blooming Star Moss
| 50 | 50
| | | | Vol'dun |
Bright Leystone Deposits
| 45 | 45
| | | | Highmountain |
Brilliant Leystone Seams
| 45 | 45
| | | | Azsuna |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Highmountain |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Highmountain |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Highmountain |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Azsuna |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Azsuna |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Azsuna |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Val'sharah |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Val'sharah |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Val'sharah |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Stormheim |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Stormheim |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Stormheim |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Suramar |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Suramar |
Brimstone Destroyer
| 45 | 45
| | | | Suramar |
Bristled Bear Skin
| 45 | 45
| | | | Highmountain |
Bristly Musken Hide
| 45 | 45
| | | | Val'sharah |
Buoy Fishing
| 45 | 45
| | | | Val'sharah |
Burnished Platinum
| 50 | 50
| | | | Drustvar |
Bushy Dreamleaf
| 45 | 45
| | | | Val'sharah |
Bushy Foxflower
| 45 | 45
| | | | Highmountain |
Calcified Wormscales
| 45 | 45
| | | | Highmountain |
Charged Leystone Deposits
| 45 | 45
| | | | Azsuna |
Coarse Storm Silver
| 50 | 50
| | | | Tiragarde Sound |
Coarse Storm Silver
| 50 | 50
| | | | Vol'dun |
Cooking: Arden Apple Pie
| 60 | 60
| | | | Ardenweald |
Cooking: Skewered Meats
| 60 | 60
| | | | Revendreth |
Cooking: Spider Jerky
| 60 | 60
| | | | Maldraxxus |
Cooking: Steward Stew
| 60 | 60
| | | | Bastion |
Crude Leystone Seams
| 45 | 45
| | | | Highmountain |