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Name Side Points Reward Category
Besting the Black Dragonflight (25 player) Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Besting the Black Dragonflight (10 player) Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 10-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Been Waiting a Long Time for This (25 player) Allow Necrotic Plague to stack to 30 before defeating the Lich King in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Been Waiting a Long Time for This (10 player) Allow Necrotic Plague to stack to 30 before defeating the Lich King in 10-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Bear-ly Made It Save all four prisoners before they are sacrificed in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Be Quick or Be Dead Defeat the Iron Maidens within 10 seconds of each other in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Battle of Dazar'alor Defeat the Bosses of Battle of Dazar'alot on Normal difficulty or higher.
Battle Raid
Battle for Azeroth Dungeon Hero Complete the Battle for Azeroth Heroic dungeon achievements listed below.
Dungeons & Raids
Bastion of Shadows Defeat the following bosses in the upper reaches of Hellfire Citadel:
Draenor Raid
Barrel of Monkeys Defeat Grong in the Battle of Dazar'alor after destroying 6 Barrels on Normal Difficulty or higher.
Battle Raid
Bane of the Fallen King Defeat the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.
10 Lich King Raid
Bad Manner(oth) Kill a Doom Lord using Empowered Felseeker, then defeat Mannoroth in Hellfire Citadel on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Back En-masse Defeat Tyr, the Infinite Keeper after closing 18 Time Rifts in Dawn of the Infinite on Mythic difficulty.
Dragonflight Dungeon
Azjol-Nerub (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Azjol-Nerub.
Lich King Dungeon
Azjol-Nerub Defeat the bosses in Azjol-Nerub.
Lich King Dungeon
Auchindoun Defeat Teron'gor in Auchindoun.
Draenor Dungeon
Auchenai Crypts Defeat Exarch Maladaar.
The Burning Crusade
Attention to Detail Defeat Jandice Barov without ever eliminating a false image in Scholomance on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Dungeon
Atal'Dazar Defeat Yazma in Atal'Dazar.
Battle Dungeon
Assault on Violet Hold Defeat the leader of the Assault on Violet Hold.
Legion Dungeon
Ashes, Ashes... Defeat Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry after catching 20 Falling Ashes on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Ascendant Descending Defeat Ascendant Lord Obsidius without any party member reaching 4 stacks of Crepuscular Veil in Blackrock Caverns on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Arrested Development Allow all three of Corla's zealots to evolve, then defeat Corla after slaying the evolved zealots in Blackrock Caverns on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Argus Raid - Argus the Unmaker Defeated
Legion Raid
Argent Confessor On separate visits to the Trial of the Champion, get credit for defeating Argent Confessor Paletress after suppressing five different memories of t...
Lich King Dungeon
Are You My Broodmother? Defeat Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein after chilling, searing, tempering, and keeping alive the Nascent Ruby Egg in Ruby Life Pools on Mythic diffic...
Dragonflight Dungeon
Are You Even Trying? Defeat the Assault of the Zaqali after hitting the following creatures with a Cave Pebble in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Normal difficulty or...
Dragonflight Raid
Arcing Aqueducts Defeat the following bosses within the base of The Nighthold.
Legion Raid
Arcanic Cling Defeat Ivanyr without taking any damage from Charged Bolt in The Arcway on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Arcane Sanctum Defeat the bosses barring the way from the beach into the interior of the Arcane Sanctum in Highmaul.
Draenor Raid
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes Defeat Ki'katal the Harvester in Ara-Kara, City of Echoes.
War Within Dungeon
Arachnophobia (25 player) Kill Maexxna in Naxxramas within 20 minutes of Anub'Rekhan's death in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Arachnophobia (10 player) Defeat Maexxna in Naxxramas within 20 minutes of Anub'Rekhan's death in 10-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better... Defeat Feng the Accursed in Normal or Heroic difficulty after mimicking each of the following abilities:
Pandaria Raid
And... It's Good! Fly through the discs above the Engine of Nalak'sha in Mogu'shan Vaults on Normal or Heroic difficulty.
Pandaria Raid
And They Would All Go Down Together (25 player) Defeat the 4 Horsemen in Naxxramas, ensuring that they all die within 15 seconds of each other in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
And They Would All Go Down Together (10 player) Defeat the 4 Horsemen in Naxxramas, ensuring that they all die within 15 seconds of each other in 10-player mode.
Lich King Raid
And Stay Dead! Allow High Inquisitor Whitemane to cast Mass Resurrection, defeat all revived Scarlet Judicators, and then defeat Whitemane in Scarlet Monastery on...
Pandaria Dungeon
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty.
Dragonflight Raid
Amidst Ourselves Defeat the Lords of Dread after finding and completing one simple task during Infiltration of Dread in the Sepulcher of the First Ones on Normal di...
Shadowlands Raid
Amber Void Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in your party using an Amber Drake.
Lich King Dungeon
Alone in the Darkness Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar without the assistance of any Keepers.
Lich King Raid
All You Can Eat (25 player) Defeat Sindragosa in 25-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet.
Lich King Raid
All You Can Eat (10 player) Defeat Sindragosa in 10-player mode without any member of your raid receiving more than 5 stacks of Mystic Buffet.
Lich King Raid
All Bark, All Bite Defeat Treemouth after every player has been consumed at least once in Brackenhide Hollow on Mythic difficulty.
Dragonflight Dungeon
Algeth'ar Academy Defeat the Echo of Doragosa in Algeth'ar Academy.
Dragonflight Dungeon
Algari Dungeoneer Defeat every Dungeon in Khaz Algar on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty as a Tank, Healer, and Damage Dealer.
Appearance: Versatile Peddler's Trinkets
War Within Dungeon
Algari Dungeon Tank Defeat every Dungeon in Khaz Algar on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty as a Tank.
War Within Dungeon
Algari Dungeon Healer Defeat every Dungeon in Khaz Algar on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty as a Healer.
War Within Dungeon
Algari Dungeon Damage Dealer Defeat every Dungeon in Khaz Algar on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty as a Damage Dealer.
War Within Dungeon
Alchemical Romance Destroy three Deathtouched Slavers's corpses using a single Alchemical Fire, then defeat Gorak Tul in Waycrest Manor on Mythic difficulty.
Battle Dungeon
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom (char specific hidden copy) Defeat the bosses in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom.
Lich King Dungeon
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom Defeat the bosses in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom.
Lich King Dungeon
Adds? More Like Bads Defeat Illysanna Ravencrest without killing any of her allies in Black Rook Hold on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Acrocalypse Now Defeat 20 Frenzied Crocolisks within 10 seconds during the Lockmaw encounter in the Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Achieve-a-tron Defeat the Omnotron Defense System in Blackwing Descent while neutralizing the following attacks.
Cataclysm Raid
Abuse the Ooze Defeat Sjonnir the Ironshaper in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty and kill 5 Iron Sludges during the encounter.
Lich King Dungeon
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty.
Dragonflight Raid
Aberrant Behavior Kill 12 Aberrations within 10 seconds on the Maloriak encounter in Blackwing Descent and then defeat Maloriak.
Cataclysm Raid
A Void Dance Defeat Zuramat the Obliterator in The Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without killing any void sentries.
Lich King Dungeon
A Steamy Romance Saga Defeat Thrashbite the Scornful after all party members have read the entire Steamy Romance saga within Cathedral of Eternal Night on Mythic difficu...
Legion Dungeon
A Specter, Illuminated Illuminate and free the Specter of Vengeance in Vault of the Wardens on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
A Smack of Jellyfish Defeat Orgozoa in the Hatchery in The Eternal Palace after incubating a baby Zoatroid on Normal Difficulty or higher.
Battle Raid
A Slime in Need Defeat Blight of Galakrond after allowing a lost slime to hop on your back and then getting hit by Blight Reclamation in Dawn of the Infinite on My...
Dragonflight Dungeon
A Race Against Slime Defeat Kilrogg Deadeye in Hellfire Citadel with Ariok surviving the encounter on Normal difficulty or higher.
Follower Reward: Ariok
Draenor Raid
A Quick Shave Defeat Razorscale in Ulduar without allowing her to fly into the air more than once.
Lich King Raid
A Queen's Fall Defeat the following bosses that vie to corrupt the Nerubian empire within Nerub-ar Palace.
War Within Raid
A Poke in the Eye (25 player) Defeat Malygos with fewer than 21 in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
A Poke in the Eye (10 player) Defeat Malygos with fewer than 9 in 10-player mode.
Lich King Raid
A Good Eye-dea Defeat Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void in Crucible of Storms without allowing N'Zoth to see your movement in Normal Difficulty or higher.
Battle Raid
A Gift of Earth and Fire Defeat Magmolatus while Calamity and Ruination are still alive in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
A Fungus Among Us Gain 15 stacks of Burning Infusion and then defeat Brackenspore in Highmaul on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
A Fish Out of Water Kick fifteen Gasping Flounders back into the water then defeat Viq'Goth in the Siege of Boralus on Mythic difficulty.
Battle Dungeon
A Dream Within a Dream Defeat Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle after successfully collecting 5 Dream Projections while asleep and defeating the Manifested Monarch in Amirdrassi...
Dragonflight Raid
A Complete Circuit Defeat Lei Shen in the Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic Difficulty after disabling each of the four Conduits first.
Pandaria Raid
A Change In Scenery Engage and defeat Spellblade Aluriel in the following areas of The Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher. She must reach her destination within ...
Legion Raid
<Hidden> Siege of Boralus unlocked
Battle Dungeon
<Hidden> Kings' Rest unlocked
Battle Dungeon
<Hidden> Jailer Defeated
Shadowlands Raid
[PH] The Silken Court Achievement [PH]
War Within Raid
[HIDDEN] Fates of the Shadowlands Raid Portals
Shadowlands Raid
[HIDDEN] Awakening the Dragonflight Raid Portals
Dragonflight Raid
[DNT] Hidden - Fyr'alath - Heroic/Mythic Marker
Dragonflight Raid
[DNT] <Hidden> Mythic+ Rating > 0 (The War Within, any season)
Shadowlands Dungeon
[DNT] <Hidden> Mythic+ Rating > 0 (Shadowlands, S2 or later)
Shadowlands Dungeon
[DNT] <Hidden> Mythic+ Rating > 0 (Dragonflight, any season)
Shadowlands Dungeon
...They All Fall Down Defeat Soulbinder Nyami after defeating 12 fallen Auchenai protectors within 3 seconds in Auchindoun on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon