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Name Side Points Reward Category
Let it All Out Have Darkfang destroy 4 Sealed Void Caches using Shadow Pounce, then defeat Saprish in Seat of the Triumvirate on Mythic Difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Less-rabi Defeat Moorabi in Gundrak on Heroic Difficulty while preventing him from transforming into a mammoth at any point during the encounter.
Lich King Dungeon
Less Than Three Defeat Wind Lord Mel'jarak without crowd-controlling more than 2 of his swarm at once on Normal or Heroic difficulty in Heart of Fear.
Pandaria Raid
Less Is More (25 player) Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian and the Twilight Drakes with fewer than 21 players in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Less Is More (10 player) Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian and the Twilight Drakes with fewer than 9 players in 10-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Legion Dungeon Hero Complete the Legion Heroic dungeon achievements listed below.
Dungeons & Raids
Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy...? Assist Leeroy Jenkins in recovering his Devout shoulders in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.
Title Reward: <Name> Jenkins
Draenor Dungeon
Leaders of Scholomance Defeat the following bosses within Scholomance.
Lazy Eye Defeat Peroth'arn in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty without any party member being detected by an Eye of Peroth'arn.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Last Stand of the Zandalari Defeat the bosses occupying the ruins at the entrance to the Throne of Thunder.
Pandaria Raid
Lasers and Magnets and Drills! Oh My! Defeat Siegecrafter Blackfuse without destroying each of the following weapons in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Lactose Intolerant Defeat Za'qul in the Eternal Palace after killing ten Twinklehoof Bovine on Normal difficulty or higher.
Battle Raid
Knowledge is... Preserved? Defeat Chargath, Bane of Scales while burning less than 15 books in Neltharus on Mythic difficulty.
Dragonflight Dungeon
Knowledge is Power Defeat the Guardian of the First Ones after enlightening and defeating Vazzaren the Seeker in the Sanctum of Domination in Normal difficulty or hig...
Shadowlands Raid
Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood Defeat Freya in Ulduar while leaving all 3 Elders alive.
Lich King Raid
Knock, Knock on Wood Defeat Freya in Ulduar while leaving at least 2 Elders alive.
Lich King Raid
Knock on Wood Defeat Freya in Ulduar while leaving at least 1 Elder alive.
Lich King Raid
Kiss and Make Up /Kiss Sara in Ulduar while she is angry with you.
Lich King Raid
Kings' Rest Defeat Dazar in Kings' Rest on Mythic difficulty.
Battle Dungeon
King's Bane Defeat King Ymiron in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the party triggering Bane.
Lich King Dungeon
King of Dire Maul Defeat each wing of Dire Maul.
Kill Streak Defeat Nexus-Princess Ky'veza while she has an active Kill Streak in Nerub-ar Palace on Normal difficulty or higher.
War Within Raid
Kill It With Fire! Defeat 3 Burning Souls during the High Prophet Barim encounter in Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Keystone Master Complete a Level 15 or higher Mythic dungeon within the time limit.
Dungeons & Raids
Keystone Initiate Complete a Level 2 or higher Mythic dungeon within the time limit.
Dungeons & Raids
Keystone Conqueror Complete a Level 10 or higher Mythic dungeon within the time limit.
Dungeons & Raids
Keystone Challenger Complete a Level 5 or higher Mythic dungeon within the time limit.
Dungeons & Raids
Kel'Thuzad's Defeat (25 player) Defeat Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Kel'Thuzad's Defeat (10 player) Defeat Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas in 10-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Keeping it in the Family Damage Nefarian below 50% health before he lands for the final confrontation and then defeat Nefarian in Blackwing Descent.
Cataclysm Raid
Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Kill Ook-Ook after assaulting him with 20 Rolling Brew Barrels in Stormstout Brewery on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Dungeon
Keep DPS-ing and Nobody Explodes Prevent the destruction of all non-robotic life on Azeroth on Mythic difficulty in Operation: Mechagon.
Battle Dungeon
Karazhan Attunement <DND>
Legion Dungeon
Karazhan Defeat Prince Malchezaar in Karazhan.
The Burning Crusade
Kaal-ed Shot Defeat General Kaal while affected by Slammed! in the Sanguine Depths on Mythic difficulty.
Shadowlands Dungeon
Just Can't Get Enough (25 player) Defeat Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
Just Can't Get Enough (10 player) Defeat Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber in 10 player mode.
Lich King Raid
I've Had Worse Defeat the Black Knight in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty without any player in the group being hit by a ghoul explosion.
Lich King Dungeon
I've Got My Eyes On You Defeat Gul'dan in The Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher, after defeating 16 Eyes of Gul'dan within 3 seconds.
Legion Raid
I've Gone and Made a Mess (25 player) Defeat the Deathbringer before Mark of the Fallen Champion is cast five times in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
I've Gone and Made a Mess (10 player) Defeat the Deathbringer before Mark of the Fallen Champion is cast three times in 10-player mode.
Lich King Raid
It's Not Easy Being Green Do not get hit by Bloodvenom, Pool of Acrid Tears, or Venomous Effusion in the High Priest Venoxis encounter in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
It's Not A Cult Defeat N'Zoth the Corruptor in Ny'alotha, the Waking City after all players have accepted the Gift of N'Zoth on Normal difficulty or higher
Battle Raid
It's Lit! Defeat Yazma while all four Shadowflame Sconces are lit in Atal'Dazar on Mythic difficulty.
Battle Dungeon
It's Frost Damage Allow three Freezing Vapors to cast Coalesce during the Admiral Ripsnarl encounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
It's a Trogg Eat Trogg World Defeat Bromach while 10 or more Stonevault Troggs are still alive in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr on Mythic difficulty.
Dragonflight Dungeon
It Belongs in a Mausoleum! Find four ancient trinkets in Kings' Rest on Mythic difficulty.
Battle Dungeon
Is Draenor on Fire? Defeat Gug'rokk without killing any Unstable Slag in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare Defeat 25 Dark Rune Guardian Dwarves with Razorscale's Flame Breath in Ulduar.
Lich King Raid
Iron Docks Defeat Skulloc in the Iron Docks.
Draenor Dungeon
Iron Assembly Defeat the bosses in the Iron Assembly in Blackrock Foundry.
Draenor Raid
Intro to Marine Biology Defeat the Blackwater Behemoth in The Eternal Palace after collecting 50 samples of sea life from within the Darkest Depths on Normal Difficulty or...
Battle Raid
Intense Cold Defeat Keristrasza in The Nexus on Heroic Difficulty without allowing Intense Cold to reach more than two stacks.
Lich King Dungeon
Instant Karma Defeat Ymiron after defiantly striking down 6 Risen Warriors in Maw of Souls on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Infinitesimal Get betrayed by and then defeat an Infinite Whelpling during the Grand Magistrix Elisande encounter, then defeat Grand Magistrix Elisande in The Ni...
Legion Raid
Incubation Extermination Defeat Broodkeeper Diurna after successfully hatching and defeating lieutenants from each Primal element's eggs within 10 seconds of each other in ...
Dragonflight Raid
Incarnate's Wake Defeat the following bosses that assault the Wellspring Temple within Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope.
Dragonflight Raid
In His House He Waits Dreaming Experience all 3 visions of Yogg-Saron's mind in Ulduar.
Lich King Raid
Imperator's Fall Defeat Imperator Mar'gok atop his citadel in Highmaul.
Draenor Raid
Imagined Dragons World Tour Defeat Ysondre in The Emerald Nightmare while all members of the raid have Dream Essences from all four gateway locations on Normal difficulty or h...
Legion Raid
I'm on a Diet Do not gain more than one stack of Nauseated during the Cookie encounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
I'm on a Boat (25 player) Claim victory in the Gunship Battle without any raid member visiting the enemy gunship more than once in 25-player mode.
Lich King Raid
I'm on a Boat (10 player) Claim victory in the Gunship Battle without any raid member visiting the enemy gunship more than twice in 10-player mode.
Lich King Raid
I'm in Charge Now! Defeat Skycap'n Kragg after summoning and defeating Patches in Freehold on Mythic difficulty.
Battle Dungeon
I'm a Soul Man Defeat Socrethar the Eternal in Hellfire Citadel after killing 20 Haunting Souls within 10 seconds on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
I'll Take You All On When fighting Thorim in Ulduar, participate in killing the Ancient Rune Giant and the Runic Colossus.
Lich King Raid
I'll Make My Own Shadowflame Defeat the Shadowflame Amalgamation after using Umbral Detonation, Fiery Meteor and Blistering Twilight on a Forgotten Specimen Tank to create and ...
Dragonflight Raid
If Looks Could Kill Defeat Kologarn in Ulduar without any raid member being hit by Focused Eyebeams.
Lich King Raid
If It Pleases the Court Perform various emotes to earn Queen Azshara's Favor in the Eternal Palace, then defeat The Queen's Court on Normal Difficulty or higher.
Battle Raid
Icy What You Did There Defeat Telash Greywing after using Icy Devastator 12 times on an Icy Crystal to create a Very Icy Crystal in The Azure Vault on Mythic difficulty.
Dragonflight Dungeon
Icky Ichors Defeat Bonemaw after having fed him 25 Corpse Skitterlings in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
I Was Saving That For Later Defeat Sennarth, The Cold Breath after finding and freeing 5 mysterious captives using Caustic Eruption, then witnessing their demise in Vault of t...
Dragonflight Raid
I Used to Bullseye Deeprun Rats Back Home Defeat the Remnant of Ner'zhul after scoring three goals in the Sanctum of Domination on Normal difficulty or higher.
Shadowlands Raid
I Saw Solis Cause three Piles of Ash to form Solar Flares at the same time during the Rukhran encounter in Skyreach on Heroic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
I Only Have Eyes For You Defeat Duraka the Unbreakable in the Sanguine Depths on Mythic difficulty.
Shadowlands Dungeon
I Made a Food! Defeat Festerface after slaying a Black Bile in Assault on Violet Hold on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning Defeat General Vezax in Ulduar after defeating the Saronite Animus.
Lich King Raid
I Heard You Like Amber... Kill Living Amber in Burning Amber until at least 8 pools overlap, and then defeat Amber-Shaper Un'sok on Normal or Heroic difficulty in Heart of F...
Pandaria Raid
I Have the Coolest Friends Defeat Hodir in Ulduar without letting any of the frozen adventurers perish.
Lich King Raid
I Hate That Song Defeat Temple Guardian Anhuur without allowing him to sing Reverberating Hymn for more than 15 seconds in Halls of Origination on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
I Got What You Mead Splash all four vrykul kings with a Mug of Mead in Halls of Valor on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
I Got Next! Defeat High Tinker Mekkatorque in the Battle of Dazar'alor after defeating the Blingtron MK2 on Normal Difficulty or higher.
Battle Raid
I Don't Know What I Expected Defeat Lady Inerva Darkvein after defeating the Dark Animus in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Shadowlands Raid
I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare Defeat Hodir in Ulduar before he shatters his Rare Cache of Winter.
Lich King Raid
I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar with Stormcaller Brundir as the last member alive.
Lich King Raid
I Choose You, Steelbreaker Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar with Steelbreaker as the last member alive.
Lich King Raid
I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive.
Lich King Raid
I Can See My House From Here Gather all five orbs within 60 seconds of each other in Spires of Ascension after defeating Devos, Paragon of Doubt in the Spires of Ascension on M...
Shadowlands Dungeon
I Attack the Darkness Defeat a Creature in the Dark during each of phase of the encounter with Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare on Normal difficulty or higher.
Legion Raid
I Ain't Even Cold Defeat Ash'Golm while all party members are Fired Up in the Vault of the Wardens on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Hydrophobia Defeat Wise Mari without being hit by Corrupted Water, Hydrolance, or Wash Away in Temple of the Jade Serpent on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Dungeon
Hurry Up, Maggot! Cause the Butcher in Highmaul to slay 6 Maggots before defeating him on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Hungry Hungry Hornswog Defeat the Gulping Goliath after forcing it to become Hangry and devour 10 Curious Swoglets in Halls of Infusion on Mythic difficulty.
Dragonflight Dungeon
Hunger for Knowledge Defeat Tred'ova after defeating an Enlightened Spinemaw Gorger in the Mists of Tirna Scithe on Mythic difficulty.
Shadowlands Dungeon
Humane Society Defeat Houndmaster Braun without killing any hounds in Scarlet Halls on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Dungeon
How? Isn't it Obelisk? Defeat Ra-den in Ny'alotha, the Waking City after destroying 2 obelisks with Unstable Void on Normal difficulty or higher.
Battle Raid
How to Keep a Mummy Free Miimii the Mummy in Kings' Rest on Mythic difficulty.
10 Battle Dungeon
How Did He Get Up There? Find a way to get the Hozen Clinger to let go in Stormstout Brewery on any difficulty.
Pandaria Dungeon
Hounds Good To Me Defeat the Felhounds of Sargeras in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Normal difficulty or higher with both Felhounds afflicted with 5 stacks of Fel I...
Legion Raid
Hot Pocket Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master's Slag Pot in Ulduar.
Lich King Raid