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Name Side Points Reward Category
Heroic: Majordomo Fandral Staghelm Defeat Majordomo Fandral Staghelm in Firelands on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Baleroc Defeat Baleroc in Firelands on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Shannox Defeat Shannox in Firelands on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Beth'tilac Defeat Beth'tilac in Firelands on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Lord Rhyolith Defeat Lord Rhyolith in Firelands on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Alysrazor Defeat Alysrazor in Firelands on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Not an Ambi-Turner Defeat Lord Rhyolith in the Firelands without ever causing him to turn left while his armor is intact.
Cataclysm Raid
Do a Barrel Roll! Defeat Alysrazor in the Firelands without any raid member getting hit by the following attacks.
Cataclysm Raid
Death from Above Only kill Cinderweb Drones while they are atop the web canopy during the Beth'tilac encounter in Firelands.
Cataclysm Raid
Tranquil Master Purge Pandaria of Sha corruption, defeating each known manifestation of negative emotion.
10 Dungeons & Raids
Burning Man Cause Brother Korloff to light six nearby training dummies on fire, and then defeat him, in Scarlet Monastery on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Dungeon
And Stay Dead! Allow High Inquisitor Whitemane to cast Mass Resurrection, defeat all revived Scarlet Judicators, and then defeat Whitemane in Scarlet Monastery on...
Pandaria Dungeon
Gamon Will Save Us! Defeat General Nazgrim while Gamon is alive and participating in the battle in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pandaria Raid
Rescue Raiders Rescue a set of caged prisoners, a group of unwilling combat participants, and Ji Firepaw before defeating the Kor'kron Dark Shaman in Siege of Org...
Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Iron Docks Defeat Skulloc in the Iron Docks on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Mythic: Auchindoun Defeat Teron'gor in Auchindoun on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Mythic: Skyreach Defeat High Sage Viryx in Skyreach on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Mythic: Grimrail Depot Defeat Skylord Tovra in Grimrail Depot on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Mythic: The Everbloom Defeat Yalnu in The Everbloom on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Mythic: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Defeat Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Mythic: Upper Blackrock Spire Defeat Warlord Zaela in Upper Blackrock Spire on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
I'm a Soul Man Defeat Socrethar the Eternal in Hellfire Citadel after killing 20 Haunting Souls within 10 seconds on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
You Gotta Keep 'em Separated Defeat Xhul'horac in Hellfire Citadel without triggering any Shadowfel Annihilations on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Bucket List During a single engagement, bring Shannox to each of the following locations in the Firelands before dispatching him:
Cataclysm Raid
Share the Pain Defeat Baleroc in the Firelands without allowing any member of your raid to suffer Torment more than three times.
Cataclysm Raid
Ragnar-O's Defeat Ragnaros while three Living Meteors are ignited by Lava Wave.
Cataclysm Raid
Bear-ly Made It Save all four prisoners before they are sacrificed in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Moon Guard Engage the Echo of Tyrande in End Time on Heroic Difficulty after surviving her Shadow Gauntlet without allowing the party's healer to take any dam...
Cataclysm Dungeon
That's Not Canon! Defeat Mannoroth in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty after dealing enough damage to Mannoroth while Varo'then is still alive to cause him to s...
Cataclysm Dungeon
Minutes to Midnight Defeat Ultraxion in Dragon Soul on Normal or Heroic Difficulty without any raid member being hit by Hour of Twilight more than once.
Cataclysm Raid
Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Kill Ook-Ook after assaulting him with 20 Rolling Brew Barrels in Stormstout Brewery on Heroic Difficulty.
Pandaria Dungeon
Deck Defender Defeat Warmaster Blackhorn on Normal or Heroic Difficulty without allowing any Twilight Barrages to damage the Skyfire.
Cataclysm Raid
Siege of Wyrmrest Temple Defeat the bosses laying siege to Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragon Soul raid.
Cataclysm Raid
Fall of Deathwing Defeat the encounters leading up to the Fall of Deathwing in the Dragon Soul raid.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Morchok Defeat Morchok in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Warlord Zon'ozz Defeat Warlord Zon'ozz in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Yor'sahj the Unsleeping Defeat Yor'sahj the Unsleeping in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Hagara the Stormbinder Defeat Hagara the Stormbinder in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Ultraxion Defeat Ultraxion in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Warmaster Blackhorn Defeat Warmaster Blackhorn in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Spine of Deathwing Emerge victorious from the Spine of Deathwing in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: Madness of Deathwing Destroy Deathwing in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
10 Cataclysm Raid
Heroic: End Time Defeat Murozond in End Time on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Heroic: Well of Eternity Defeat Mannoroth in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Heroic: Hour of Twilight Defeat Archbishop Benedictus in Hour of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Lazy Eye Defeat Peroth'arn in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty without any party member being detected by an Eye of Peroth'arn.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Ping Pong Champion Bounce the Void of the Unmaking 10 times off of players, and then defeat Warlord Zon'ozz on Normal or Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Taste the Rainbow! Experience the following color combinations, and then defeat Yor'sahj the Unsleeping on Normal or Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Raid
Severed Ties Defeat two Risen Ghouls during Echo of Sylvanas' Calling of the Highborne phase, then defeat the Echo of Sylvanas in End Time on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Eclipse Kill 10 Twilight Sparks and then defeat Archbishop Benedictus in Hour of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm Dungeon
Maybe He'll Get Dizzy... Defeat the Spine of Deathwing encounter on Normal or Heroic Difficulty after tricking Deathwing into performing the following roll sequence: Left, ...
Cataclysm Raid
Goliaths of Gorgrond Defeat Tarlna the Ageless and Drov the Ruiner in Gorgrond.
Draenor Raid
So Grossly Incandescent Defeat Rukhmar in Spires of Arak.
Draenor Raid
Demon's Souls Defeat Azzakel in Auchindoun on Heroic difficulty without killing any other demons during the encounter.
Draenor Dungeon
No Tag-backs! Defeat Teron'gor in Auchindoun on Heroic difficulty while under the effects of Curtain of Flame.
Draenor Dungeon
Savage Hero Defeat the following Draenor dungeon and raid bosses on Heroic difficulty or higher.
Title Reward: <Name> the Savage Hero
Dungeons & Raids
A Race Against Slime Defeat Kilrogg Deadeye in Hellfire Citadel with Ariok surviving the encounter on Normal difficulty or higher.
Follower Reward: Ariok
Draenor Raid
Get In My Belly! Defeat Gorefiend after killing the Soul of the Crone in Hellfire Citadel on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Pro Toss Defeat Shadow-Lord Iskar in Hellfire Citadel without anyone holding the Eye of Anzu for more than 5 seconds in a row, on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Non-Lethal Enforcer Defeat Tyrant Velhari in Hellfire Citadel without killing the Ancient Enforcer on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Gate of the Setting Sun Defeat Raigonn in Gate of the Setting Sun.
Pandaria Dungeon
Siege of Niuzao Temple Defeat Wing Leader Ner'onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple.
Pandaria Dungeon
This Land Was Green and Good Until... Defeat Fel Lord Zakuun in Hellfire Citadel without absorbing any Rumbling Fissures on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Waves Came Crashing Down All Around Defeat Kormrok in Hellfire Citadel without taking damage from any of the waves on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
The Black Gate Defeat Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel.
Draenor Raid
Destructor's Rise Defeat the following bosses in the upper reaches of Hellfire Citadel:
Draenor Raid
Hellbreach Defeat the following bosses at the entrance to Hellfire Citadel:
Draenor Raid
Halls of Blood Defeat the following bosses in the depths of Hellfire Citadel:
Draenor Raid
Bastion of Shadows Defeat the following bosses in the upper reaches of Hellfire Citadel:
Draenor Raid
Nearly Indestructible Complete the Hellfire Assault encounter in Hellfire Citadel while keeping the Hellfire Cannons above 90% health on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Hellfire Assault Complete the Hellfire Assault encounter in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Bad Manner(oth) Kill a Doom Lord using Empowered Felseeker, then defeat Mannoroth in Hellfire Citadel on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Iron Reaver Defeat the Iron Reaver in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Kormrok Defeat Kormrok in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Hellfire High Council Defeat the Hellfire High Council in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Kilrogg Deadeye Defeat Kilrogg Deadeye in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Shadow-Lord Iskar Defeat Shadow-Lord Iskar in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Fel Lord Zakuun Defeat Fel Lord Zakuun in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Xhul'horac Defeat Xhul'horac in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Socrethar the Eternal Defeat Socrethar the Eternal in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Tyrant Velhari Defeat Tyrant Velhari in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Mannoroth Defeat Mannoroth in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Archimonde Defeat Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Title Reward: <Name>, Defiler's End
Draenor Raid
Don't Fear the Reaper Defeat all 3 members of the Hellfire High Council in Hellfire Citadel within 10 seconds of each other on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Turning the Tide Kill 10 Hellfire Guardians, then defeat the Iron Reaver in Hellfire Citadel on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
The Legion Will NOT Conquer All Defeat Supreme Lord Kazzak in Tanaan Jungle.
Draenor Raid
Echoes of Doomfire Defeat Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel with Doomfire still active on Normal difficulty or higher.
Draenor Raid
Mythic: Bloodmaul Slag Mines Defeat Gug'rokk in the Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Dungeon
Mythic: Gorefiend Defeat Gorefiend in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
Draenor Raid
Helheim Hath No Fury Rescue the Captured Val'kyr in Maw of Souls on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Poor Unfortunate Souls Defeat Helya in Maw of Souls while all group members are Poor Unfortunate Souls on Mythic difficulty.
Item Reward: Lagan
Legion Dungeon
Instant Karma Defeat Ymiron after defiantly striking down 6 Risen Warriors in Maw of Souls on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
But You Say He's Just a Friend Defeat Warlord Parjesh without allowing any Hatecoil Shellbreakers to die in Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Stay Salty Defeat Lady Hatecoil after destroying 11 or more Saltsea Globules with a single Curse of the Witch in Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Ready for Raiding V Defeat the Wrath of Azshara without being struck by Magic or Frost Resonance in Eye of Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
I Got What You Mead Splash all four vrykul kings with a Mug of Mead in Halls of Valor on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Surge Protector Defeat Odyn without any Stormforged Obliterators successfully casting Surge in Halls of Valor on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
Stag Party Defeat a Storm Drake after allowing it to gain 10 stacks of Killing Blow in Halls of Valor on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
You're Just Making It WORSE! Defeat Millificent Manastorm after she becomes very cross with you in Assault on Violet Hold on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon
I Made a Food! Defeat Festerface after slaying a Black Bile in Assault on Violet Hold on Mythic difficulty.
Legion Dungeon