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Mount: Obsidian Worldbreaker
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The Iron Invasion
Complete the Blasted Lands invasion quests before the Assault on the Dark Portal begins.
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This Takes Me Back
Defeat each of the remembered bosses during The War Within pre-launch events.
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What Could it be?
Proud owner of the 2024 Vintage Winter Veil gift, Box of Puntables.
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Arcane Influence
Participated in empowering the Arcane Forge in Valdrakken during the Secrets of Azeroth event.
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Catch Me If You Can!
Proud owner of the 2023 Vintage Winter Veil gift, Junior Timekeeper's Racing Belt.
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The More You Know*
Catch 100 falling stars, using the 2022 Vintage Winter Veil gift, Falling Star Catcher.
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Rockin' Rollin' Racer
Proud owner of the 2021 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Rockin' Rollin' Racer Customizer 19.9.3.
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Tower Overwhelming
Completed every challenge at the Mage Tower across all classes and specializations during the Legion Timewalking event.
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Death Rising
Complete the Death Rising storyline leading up to the events of Shadowlands.
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Crashin' Splashin'
Proud owner of the 2019 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Crashin' Thrashin' Battleship or Juggernaught.
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Stand Against the Legion
Defend against the Burning Legion by completing an invasion during the Legion pre-launch events.
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Theramore's Fall
Assisted in the covert assault of Theramore Isle and the rescue of Thalen Songweaver.
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Theramore's Fall
Protected Jaina as she recovered the Focusing Iris from the Horde-ravaged ruins of Theramore.
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MiniZep Controller
Proud owner of the 2010 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the MiniZep Controller.
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Veteran of the Shifting Sands
Completed the gates of Ahn'Qiraj quest chain up to and including Treasure of the Timeless One (even if someone else ended up with the mount).
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Tripping the Rifts
Destroyed one of each type of elemental rift during the Cataclysm launch event.
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Zalazane's Fall
You assisted Vol'jin in the final defeat of Zalazane, recapturing the Echo Isles for the Darkspear trolls.
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Operation: Gnomeregan
You assisted High Tinker Mekkatorque and the Gnomeregan Exiles in the recapture of Gnomeregan's surface.
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Vampire Hunter
Slew Prince Tenris Mirkblood and acquired his Vampiric Batling pet.
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Spirit of Competition
Proud owner of a Spirit of Competition pet from the 2008 Spirit of Competition event.
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Competitor's Tabard
Proud owner of a Competitor's Tabard from the 2008 Spirit of Competition event.
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Flirt With Disaster
Prior to the 2024 holiday refresh, you got completely smashed, put on your best perfume, threw a handful of rose petals on Jeremiah Payson, and the...
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Flirt With Disaster
Prior to the 2024 holiday refresh, you got completely smashed, put on your best perfume, threw a handful of rose petals on Sraaz, and then kissed h...
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Created 12 Lovely Charm Bracelets.
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