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Name Side Points Reward Category
Explosives Expert Plant 5 Seaforium charges which successfully damage a wall in a single battle.
Player vs. Player
Fel-Smelter Learn how to use the Obliterum Forge.
Field Marshal Earned the title, "Field Marshal" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Field Medic Come to the aid of all wounded travelers across the Broken Isles.
Fighting with Style: Challenging Unlock all of your challenging artifact appearances.
Expansion Features
Fighting with Style: Upgraded Unlock all 4 color variations for your upgraded artifact appearance.
Expansion Features
Firefighter (10 player) Defeat Mimiron after activating his Self-Destruct mechanism in 10-player mode.
Firefighter (25 player) Defeat Mimiron after activating his Self-Destruct mechanism in 25-player mode.
First Sergeant Earned the title, "First Sergeant" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
First Step into a Larger World Reach Prestige Level 1.
Player vs. Player
Floor Thirteen Reach Prestige Level 13.
Player vs. Player
For Prestige Reach Prestige Level 4.
Player vs. Player
Fourteen for the Team Reach Prestige Level 14.
Player vs. Player
Freedom of the Alliance Obtain an Insignia or Medallion of the Alliance.
Player vs. Player
Freedom of the Horde Obtain an Insignia or Medallion of the Horde.
Player vs. Player
Gate of the Setting Sun Complete Gate of the Setting Sun with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Gate of the Setting Sun Challenger Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode.
Gate of the Setting Sun: Bronze Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
Gate of the Setting Sun: Gold Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold.
Gate of the Setting Sun: Silver Complete the Gate of the Setting Sun Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.
General Earned the title, "General" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Getting Back to Nature (10 player) Defeat Freya while she is affected by 25 stacks of Attuned to Nature in 10-player mode.
Getting Back to Nature (25 player) Defeat Freya while she is affected by 25 stacks of Attuned to Nature in 25-player mode.
Getting Cold in Here (10 player) Defeat Hodir without any raid member having more than 2 stacks of Biting Cold in 10-player mode.
Getting Cold in Here (25 player) Defeat Hodir without any raid member having more than 2 stacks of Biting Cold in 25-player mode.
Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10 player) Complete the 10-player raid achievements listed below.
Glory of the Ulduar Raider (25 player) Complete the 25-player raid achievements listed below.
Going On Seventeen Reach Prestige Level 17.
Player vs. Player
Golden Lotus Earn Exalted status with the Golden Lotus with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Grand Marshal Earned the title, "Grand Marshal" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Grand Master Medic Obtain 450 skill points in first aid.
Greedy Win a greed roll on a superior or better item above level 185 by rolling 100.
Greenstone Village Complete the Greenstone Village scenario with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Grievous Combatant Win 100 Arena (3v3) or 40 Rated Battlegrounds in Season 14
Reward: Vicious Saddle
Player vs. Player
Grievous Combatant Win 100 Arena (3v3) or 40 Rated Battlegrounds in Season 14
Reward: Vicious Saddle
Player vs. Player
Grievous Conquest Earn 27,000 Conquest Points in Season 14.
Player vs. Player
Grievous Conquest Earn 27,000 Conquest Points in Season 14.
Player vs. Player
Grimrail Depot Challenger Complete the Grimrail Depot Challenge Mode.
Grimrail Depot: Bronze Complete the Grimrail Depot Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.
Grimrail Depot: Gold Complete the Grimrail Depot Challenge Mode with a rating of Gold.
Grimrail Depot: Silver Complete the Grimrail Depot Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.
Grunt Earned the title, "Grunt" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Hand of A'dal Earned the title, "Hand of A'dal".
Haters Gonna Hate (Season 2) Win a brawl with ten stacks of You Stink! during the Draenor campaign.
Having a Brawl (Season 1) Reach Rank 9 with Bizmo's Brawlpub during the Pandaria campaign.
Rewards: Brawler's Pass
Having a Brawl (Season 1) Reach Rank 9 with Brawl'gar Arena during the Pandaria campaign.
Rewards: Brawler's Pass
Heart of Fear Defeat the following enemies in the Heart of Fear on Normal difficulty or higher.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heartbreaker (10 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor after destroying his heart in 10-player mode.
Heartbreaker (25 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor after destroying his heart in 25-player mode.
Hell, It's About Nine Reach Prestige Level 9.
Player vs. Player
Hell, It's About Nineteen Reach Prestige Level 19.
Player vs. Player
Here We Go Again Reach Prestige Level 2.
Player vs. Player
Hero of Stormshield Gain exalted reputation with Wrynn's Vanguard.
Player vs. Player
Hero of the Zandalar Tribe Earn exalted status with the Zandalar Tribe.
Hero of Warspear Gain exalted reputation with Vol'jin's Spear.
Player vs. Player
Heroic Skills to Pay the Bills Obtain 800 skill points in Fishing, First Aid, Cooking, and Archaeology.
Heroic: A Brewing Storm Complete A Brewing Storm scenario on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Battle on the High Seas Complete the Battle on the High Seas scenario on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Battle on the High Seas Complete the Battle on the High Seas scenario on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Blood in the Snow Complete the Blood in the Snow scenario on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Crypt of Forgotten Kings Complete the Crypt of Forgotten Kings scenario on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Dark Heart of Pandaria Complete the Dark Heart of Pandaria scenario on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Gate of the Setting Sun Complete Gate of the Setting Sun on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Heart of Fear Defeat the following enemies in the Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.
Greater Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Mogu'shan Palace Complete Mogu'shan Palace on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Mogu'shan Vaults Defeat the following enemies in the Mogu'shan Vaults on Heroic difficulty.
Greater Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Pandaria Dungeons Complete all of the Pandaria Dungeons on Heroic difficulty.
Item: Timerunner's Seal
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Pandaria Raids Complete all of the Pandaria Raids on Heroic difficulty.
Title: Claw of Eternus
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Pandaria Scenarios Complete all of the Pandaria Scenarios on Heroic difficulty.
Item: Timerunner's Ring
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Scarlet Halls Complete Scarlet Halls on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Scarlet Monastery Complete Scarlet Monastery on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Scholomance Complete Scholomance on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Secrets of Ragefire Complete the Secrets of Ragefire scenario on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Shado-Pan Monastery Complete Shado-Pan monastery on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Siege of Niuzao Temple Complete Siege of Niuzao Temple on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Siege of Orgrimmar Defeat the following enemies in the Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty.
Greater Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Stormstout Brewery Complete Stormstout Brewery on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Temple of the Jade Serpent Complete the Temple of the Jade Serpent on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Terrace of Endless Spring Defeat the following enemies in the Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty.
Greater Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Throne of Thunder Defeat the following enemies in the Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Greater Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
He's Not Getting Any Older (10 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron within 7 minutes in 10-player mode.
He's Not Getting Any Older (25 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron within 7 minutes in 25-player mode.
Hidden Treasures: Krasarang Wilds Find the Saurok Stone Tablet in the Krasarang Wilds.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Hidden Treasures: Kun-Lai Summit Find three of the lost treasures hidden throughout Kun-Lai Summit.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Hidden Treasures: The Jade Forest Find two of the lost treasures hidden throughout the Jade Forest.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Hidden Treasures: Timeless Isle Find four of the lost treasures hidden throughout the Timeless Isle.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Hidden Treasures: Townlong Steppes Find two of the lost treasures hidden throughout Townlong Steppes.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Hidden Treasures: Valley of the Four Winds Find one of the lost treasures hidden throughout Valley of the Four Winds or The Veiled Stair.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
High Warlord Earned the title, "High Warlord" at level 60.
Player vs. Player
Honorable Medallion Enter a Battleground or Arena and learn the spell Honorable Medallion.
Player vs. Player
Honoring the Past Unlock a new color variant for your artifact by honoring its past.
Expansion Features
Hordebreaker Responsible for pitting Vol'jin's troll uprising against Garrosh Hellscream's Horde during Patch 5.3: Escalation.
Rewards Title: <Name> the Hordebreaker
Hot Pocket (10 player) Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master's Slag Pot in 10-player mode.
Hot Pocket (25 player) Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master's Slag Pot in 25-player mode.
I Am Thrall's Complete Lack Of Surprise Defeat 10 bosses using random brawl mode in the Brawler's Guild.
World Events
I Am Thrall's Complete Lack Of Surprise (Season 3) Defeat 10 bosses using random brawl mode in the Brawler's Guild during the Broken Isles campaign.
I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (10 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive in 10-player mode.
I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (25 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive in 25-player mode.
I Choose You, Steelbreaker (10 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Steelbreaker as the last member alive in 10-player mode.
I Choose You, Steelbreaker (25 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Steelbreaker as the last member alive in 25-player mode.