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Name Side Points Reward Category
In Service of the Horde Win 10 rated battlegrounds.
Horde 10
Rated Battleground
In Service of the Horde Win 25 rated battlegrounds.
Horde 10
Rated Battleground
Veteran of the Horde Win 75 rated battlegrounds.
Horde 10 Rated Battleground
Warbringer of the Horde Win 300 rated battlegrounds.
Horde 10 Rated Battleground
In Service of the Horde Win a rated battleground.
Horde 10
Rated Battleground
Cloud Nine In a single Twin Peaks battle, capture and return a total of 9 flags.
Horde 10
Twin Peaks
Wild Hammering Kill 5 Dwarves in a single Twin Peaks battle.
Horde 10
Twin Peaks
Fire, Walk With Me Grab the flag and capture it in under 75 seconds.
Horde 10
Twin Peaks
I'm in the Black Lodge In a single Twin Peaks battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the Dragonmaw Flag Room.
Horde 10
Twin Peaks
Frostwolf Perfection Win Alterac Valley without losing a tower or captain. You must also control all of the Alliance's towers.
Horde 20
Alterac Valley
Soaring Spirits Kill 100 flag carriers in Twin Peaks.
Horde 10
Twin Peaks
Master of Isle of Conquest Complete the Isle of Conquest achievements listed below.
Horde 25 Isle of Conquest
Resource Glut Win Isle of Conquest while your team controls the Quarry and Oil Refinery.
Horde 10
Isle of Conquest
Mine Win Isle of Conquest while controlling the Quarry, Oil Refinery, Shipyard, Siege Workshop and Hangar.
Horde 10
Isle of Conquest
Demolition Derby Destroy the following vehicles in Isle of Conquest
Horde 10
Isle of Conquest
Grizzled Veteran Complete the Grizzly Hills PvP daily quests listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Destruction Derby Destroy each of the vehicles listed below.
Horde 10
Everything Counts Win Alterac Valley while your team controls both mines.
Horde 10
Alterac Valley
Battlemaster Complete the battleground achievements listed below.
Horde 50
Title Reward: Battlemaster <Name>
Player vs. Player
Not In My House In a single Warsong Gulch battle, kill 2 flag carriers before they leave the Warsong Flag Room.
Horde 10
Warsong Gulch
Supreme Defender Kill 100 flag carriers in Warsong Gulch.
Horde 10
Warsong Gulch
Quick Cap Grab the flag and capture it in under 75 seconds.
Horde 10
Warsong Gulch
Call to Arms! Complete 100 battlegrounds at max level.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Know Thy Enemy Get an honorable, killing blow against all Alliance races.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
City Defender Kill 50 enemy players in any of your home cities.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Warsong Outrider Gain exalted reputation with the Warsong Outriders.
Horde 10
Warsong Gulch
The Defiler Gain exalted reputation with The Forsaken Defilers.
Horde 10
Arathi Basin
The Conqueror Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.
Horde 20
Title Reward: Conqueror <Name>
Player vs. Player
Hero of the Frostwolf Clan Gain exalted reputation with the Frostwolf Clan.
Horde 10
Alterac Valley
Loyal Defender In Alterac Valley, kill 50 enemy players in the Hall of the Frostwolf.
Horde 10
Alterac Valley
Wrath of the Horde Kill 5 Alliance players in each of the cities listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Overthrow the Council Kill Representatives Moira Thaurissan, Muradin Bronzebeard and Falstad Wildhammer.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Putting Out the Light Kill Prophet Velen.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
For the Horde! Slay the leaders of the Alliance.
Horde 20
Reward: Black War Bear
Player vs. Player
World Wide Winner Win a ranked arena match in Blade's Edge, Nagrand, Dalaran Sewers, the Ruins of Lordaeron, Tol'Viron Arena and the Tiger's Peak.
Make Love, Not Warcraft Emote /hug on a dead enemy before they release corpse.
Player vs. Player
Ironman In a single Warsong Gulch battle, carry and capture the flag 3 times without dying.
Warsong Gulch
Wrecking Ball Get 20 killing blows without dying in a single battle in any battleground.
Player vs. Player
Bloodthirsty Berserker Get a killing blow while under the effects of the berserker buff in Eye of the Storm.
Eye of the Storm
An Honorable Kill Achieve an honorable kill.
Player vs. Player
25000 Honorable Kills Get 25000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
That Takes Class Get an honorable, killing blow on one of each class.
Player vs. Player
Gurubashi Arena Master Loot the Arena Master trinket from the Gurubashi Arena.
Player vs. Player
Gurubashi Arena Grand Master Complete Short John Mithril's quest to obtain the Arena Grand Master trinket.
Player vs. Player
Step Into The Arena Win a ranked arena match.
Mercilessly Dedicated Win 100 ranked arena matches.
Just the Two of Us: 1550 Earn a 1550 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena.
Just the Two of Us: 1750 Earn a 1750 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena.
Just the Two of Us: 2000 Earn a 2000 personal rating in the 2v2 bracket of the arena.
Three's Company: 1550 Earn a 1550 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena.
Three's Company: 1750 Earn a 1750 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena.
Three's Company: 2000 Earn a 2000 personal rating in the 3v3 bracket of the arena.
Hot Streak Win ten ranked matches in a row.
10000 Honorable Kills Get 10000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
5000 Honorable Kills Get 5000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
100 Honorable Kills Get 100 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
500 Honorable Kills Get 500 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
1000 Honorable Kills Get 1000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
Alterac Valley All-Star In a single Alterac Valley battle, assault a graveyard, defend a graveyard, assault a tower, defend a tower and slay someone in the Field of Strife.
Alterac Valley
Arathi Basin All-Star Assault and Defend 2 bases in a single Arathi Basin match.
Arathi Basin
Arathi Basin Assassin Get five honorable kills at each of the bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.
Arathi Basin
Stormy Assassin In a single Eye of the Storm battle, get 5 honorable kills at each of the bases.
Eye of the Storm
The Alterac Blitz Win Alterac Valley in 6 minutes.
Alterac Valley
Damage Control Do 300,000 damage or healing in a single battle in any battleground. The damage or healing must be done to a player.
Player vs. Player
The Grim Reaper Get 30 Honorable Kills in a single battle in any battleground.
Player vs. Player
Alterac Grave Robber Take 50 graveyards in Alterac Valley.
Alterac Valley
Tower Defense Defend 50 towers in Alterac Valley.
Alterac Valley
The Sickly Gazelle In Alterac Valley, kill an enemy in the Field of Strife before they dismount.
Alterac Valley
Save the Day Kill the enemy who is carrying your flag in the opposing team's flag room while the opposing team's flag is at their base, within their control.
Warsong Gulch
Eye of the Storm Victory Win Eye of the Storm.
Eye of the Storm
Eye of the Storm Veteran Complete 100 victories in Eye of the Storm.
Eye of the Storm
Storm Glory While your team holds 4 of the bases in Eye of the Storm, personally grab the flag and capture it.
Eye of the Storm
Storm Capper Personally carry and capture the flag in Eye of the Storm.
Eye of the Storm
Stormtrooper Kill 5 flag carriers in a single Eye of the Storm battle.
Eye of the Storm
Flurry Win Eye of the Storm in under 6 minutes.
Eye of the Storm
Bound for Glory In a single Eye of the Storm match, capture the flag 3 times without dying.
Eye of the Storm
Alterac Valley Victory Win Alterac Valley.
Alterac Valley
Alterac Valley Veteran Complete 100 victories in Alterac Valley.
Alterac Valley
Disgracin' The Basin Assault 3 bases in a single Arathi Basin battle.
Arathi Basin
Arathi Basin Victory Win Arathi Basin.
Arathi Basin
Arathi Basin Veteran Complete 100 victories in Arathi Basin.
Arathi Basin
Territorial Dominance Win 10 Arathi Basin matches while controlling all 5 flags.
Arathi Basin
To The Rescue! Come to the defense of a base in Arathi Basin 50 times by recapping the flag.
Arathi Basin
Me and the Cappin' Makin' it Happen Take 50 flags in Arathi Basin.
Arathi Basin
Let's Get This Done Win Arathi Basin in 6 minutes.
Arathi Basin
Resilient Victory Overcome a 500 resource disadvantage in a match of Arathi Basin and claim victory.
Arathi Basin
We Had It All Along *cough* Win Arathi Basin by 50 points or less.
Arathi Basin
Arathi Basin Perfection Win Arathi Basin with a score of 1600 to 0.
Arathi Basin
Warsong Gulch Victory Win Warsong Gulch.
Warsong Gulch
Warsong Gulch Veteran Complete 100 victories in Warsong Gulch.
Warsong Gulch
Warsong Gulch Perfection Win Warsong Gulch with a score of 3 to 0.
Warsong Gulch
Capture the Flag Personally carry and capture the flag in Warsong Gulch.
Warsong Gulch
Persistent Defender Return 50 flags as a defender in Warsong Gulch.
Warsong Gulch
Warsong Expedience Win Warsong Gulch in under 7 minutes.
Warsong Gulch
Call in the Cavalry Obtain one of the war mounts through the honor system.
Player vs. Player
The Perfect Storm Win Eye of the Storm with a score of 1500 to 0.
Eye of the Storm
Eye of the Storm Domination Win Eye of the Storm 10 times while holding 4 bases.
Eye of the Storm
50000 Honorable Kills Get 50000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
100000 Honorable Kills Get 100000 honorable kills.
10 Player vs. Player
Frenzied Defender Return 5 flags in a single Warsong Gulch battle.
Warsong Gulch