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Name Side Points Reward Category
You Are Now Prepared! (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Argus campaign.
The Throne of Zuldazar Complete the Zuldazar storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
The Dark Heart of Nazmir Complete the Nazmir storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
The Reining Champion Score at least 600 points in the Norwington Estate horse show in Tiragarde Sound.
Alliance 5
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> Zandalar Intro Breadcrumb Launch
Battle for Azeroth
A Sound Plan Complete the Tiragarde Sound storylines listed below.
Alliance 10
Battle for Azeroth
Secrets in the Sands Complete the Vol'dun storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Zandalar Forever! Complete the following achievements on the continent of Zandalar.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
A Bargain of Blood Complete the Blood Gate storyline in Zuldazar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
The Final Seal Complete the Zandalar Forever scenario in Zuldazar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Stormsong and Dance Complete the Stormsong Valley storylines listed below.
Alliance 10
Battle for Azeroth
Drust Do It. Complete the Drustvar storylines listed below.
Alliance 10
Battle for Azeroth
Ready for War Complete the war campaign in Zandalar and Kul Tiras.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Ready for War Complete the war campaign in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
Alliance 10
Battle for Azeroth
Welcome to Zandalar Complete the introduction quests to Zandalar.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Come Sail Away Complete the introduction to Kul Tiras.
Alliance 10
Battle for Azeroth
Loremaster of Kul Tiras Complete the Kul Tiras quest achievements listed below.
Alliance 10
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 WQ Unlock - Alliance <DND>
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 WQ Unlock - Horde <DND>
Battle for Azeroth
Loa Expectations Have the following buffs cast on you in Zandalar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Spirits Be With You Complete the following storylines in Zandalar.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
A Nation United Complete the following achievements and quests on the continent of Kul Tiras.
Alliance 10
Battle for Azeroth
The Pride of Kul Tiras Complete the Pride of Kul Tiras storyline.
Alliance 10
Battle for Azeroth
Adept Sandfisher Collect each of the Sandworm Scales listed below from Sandfishing in Vol'dun.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Scourge of Zem'lan Kill pirates while accompanied by Ol' Bonebite at the Port of Zem'lan in Vol'dun.
Battle for Azeroth
Vorrik's Champion Assault Faithless in Vol'dun with Vorrik's Bulwark, Rakjan the Unbroken, or a Battle Krolusk.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Champion of the Vulpera Rescue vulpera in Vol'dun.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Bow to Your Masters Show respect to the loa of Zandalar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
A Most Efficient Apocalypse Board the A.F.M.O.D and complete the Nazmir world quest "Cancel the Blood Troll Apocalypse" in 30 seconds while not in a group.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Revenge is Best Served Speedily Ride the frog loa and complete the Nazmir world quest "Revenge of Krag'wa" in 45 seconds while not in a group.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
It's Really Getting Out of Hand Become the Hand of Fate and complete the Nazmir world quest "Getting out of hand" in 20 seconds while not in a group.
Battle for Azeroth
Zandalari Spycatcher Slay all of the invaders in the Nazmir world quest "Don't Stalk Me, Troll" in 60 seconds while not in a group.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
7th Legion Spycatcher Slay all of the invaders in the Nazmir world quest "Don't Stalk Me, Troll" in 60 seconds while not in a group.
Alliance 5
Battle for Azeroth
How to Ptrain Your Pterrordax Complete the following quests to raise your pterrordax from hatchling to mount at Warbeast Kraal in Zuldazar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
By de Power of de Loa! Complete the Zuldazar world quest "Hundred Troll Holdout" without dropping any of the four totem buffs.
Battle for Azeroth
Torcanata Win the Torcanata in Zuldazar.
Battle for Azeroth
Raptari Rider Maintain the Speed of Gonk for 3 minutes in Zuldazar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Paku'ai Travel Zuldazar using 6 different Totems of Pa'ku in 1 minute.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Hungry, Hungry Ranishu Feed your Voracious Ranishu in under 45 seconds in Vol'dun.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
About To Break Suffer from all three negative Strain effects at once in Stormsong Valley.
Battle for Azeroth
Every Day I'm Truffling Have all four Stormsong Valley truffle effects on you at the same time.
Battle for Azeroth
These Hills Sing Enjoy an Unforgettable Luncheon at a special location in Stormsong Valley.
Battle for Azeroth
Clever Use of Mechanical Explosives Use a Sporonite Bomb on the Lichen King in Stormsong Valley.
Battle for Azeroth
Life Finds a Way... To Die! Hunt down and kill a fearsome dinosaur of each species from the following list in Zuldazar and Nazmir.
Battle for Azeroth
The Long Con Complete Roko the Wandering Merchant's storyline in Tiragarde Sound.
Alliance 5
Battle for Azeroth
Bless the Rains Down in Freehold Hit the following targets with Vile Bombardment during "Swab This!" in Tiragarde Sound.
Battle for Azeroth
Deadliest Cache Listen to the tall tales of Coxswain Hook, Master Gunner Line, and "Sinker" at Thresher's Wharf in Stormsong Valley.
Alliance 5
Battle for Azeroth
Sabertron Assemble Destroy each color of Sabertron in Stormsong Valley.
Battle for Azeroth
Drag Race Use the Bolas to drag 5 invading troggs behind Cooper at the same time in the Norwington Estate in Tiragarde Sound.
Alliance 5
Battle for Azeroth
Kul Runnings Complete all of the pengling sledding world quests on Kul Tiras.
Alliance 5
Battle for Azeroth
7.0 WQ Unlock <DND>
Defender of the Broken Isles Repel Legion assaults against Azsuna, Highmountain, Stormheim, and Val'sharah.
Breaching the Tomb Complete the Legionfall campaign.
They See Me Rolling Successfully deliver a Barrel of Storm Brew without taking any damage.
Crate Expectations Reach the final portal of the Dreadex without losing your Wyrmtongue Transformation.
A Magic Contribution Contribute to the Mage Tower on the Broken Shore 5 times.
A Magnificent Contribution Contribute to the Mage Tower on the Broken Shore 50 times.
Take Command Contribute to the Command Center on the Broken Shore 5 times.
Assume Command Contribute to the Command Center on the Broken Shore 50 times.
Disrupting the Nether Contribute to the Nether Disruptor on the Broken Shore 5 times.
It'll Nether Happen Contribute to the Nether Disruptor on the Broken Shore 50 times.
Champions of Legionfall Recruit your Legionfall campaign follower by completing the quest "Champions of Legionfall."
BS Unlock <DND>
You Are Now Prepared! Complete the Argus campaign.
Locked and Loaded Unlock all of the powers for the Vindicaar Matrix Core.
Argus - Block 1 Unlock <DND>
Argus - Block 2 Unlock <DND>
Argus - Block 3 Unlock <DND>
The Total Package Find the Postmaster in Dalaran and lend him your aid.
Hidden Tracking - 110 Class Trial Quest End
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Foothold 2
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Islands
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Foothold 3
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - World Quests
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Chapter 02
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Chapter 03
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Chapter 04
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Chapter 05
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign Auto-Launch - Warfronts
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Lordaeron Skip Unlock - Alliance
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Lordaeron Skip Unlock - Horde
Battle for Azeroth
Wide World of Quests Complete 100 different World Quests in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Darkshore Skip Unlock - Alliance
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Darkshore Skip Unlock - Horde
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> Magni Heart of Azeroth Intro Auto-Launch (DNT)
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Lordaeron Push - Alliance and Horde [CRITERIA 66724 and SPELL 273245 REMOVED]
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Lordaeron Push - Horde (UNUSED DELETE ME)
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Teldrassil Push - Horde and Alliance
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign - Chapter 04 Complete (H)
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> War Campaign - Chapter 04 Complete (A)
Battle for Azeroth
Vrykul Story, Bro Complete the Stormheim storylines listed below.
What a Ripoff! Complete all of the Sixtrigger brothers' quests in Stormheim.
Pillars of Creation Scour the Broken Isles and recover all five Pillars of Creation.
Good Suramaritan Complete the Suramar storylines listed below.
Now You're Thinking With Portals Activate all teleporters in Suramar.
Why Can't I Hold All This Mana? Obtain all possible increases to your Ancient Mana capacity.
Loremaster of Legion Complete the Legion quest achievements listed below.
Tehd & Marius' Excellent Adventure Find and aid Tehd & Marius in a demon encounter in each of the following zones.
Variety is the Spice of Life Complete 100 different Legion World Quests.
Harbinger Unearth the stories of the Harbingers of the Legion's invasion.