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Name Side Points Reward Category
Don't Call Me Junior Complete the achievements listed below:
Alliance 10
Follower Contract: Harrison Jones
Draenor Garrison
Don't Call Me Junior Complete the achievements listed below:
Horde 10
Follower Contract: Harrison Jones
Draenor Garrison
Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Within a single run, defeat all bosses in Dawn of the Infinite and restore the four time-lost artifacts without any player dying on Mythic difficulty.
Ensemble: Infinite Acolyte's Regalia
Dragonflight Dungeon
Zaralek Cavern: Silver Obtain silver in all normal races in Zaralek Cavern.
Drake Customization: Winding Slitherdrake - Red Hair
Zaralek Cavern Advanced: Silver Obtain silver in all advanced races in Zaralek Cavern.
Drake Customization: Winding Slitherdrake - Red and Gold Armor
Ohn'ahran Plains: Silver Obtain silver in all normal races in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
Drake Customization: Windborne Velocidrake - Red Hair
Ohn'ahran Plains Advanced: Silver Obtain silver in all advanced races in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
Drake Customization: Windborne Velocidrake - Gold and Red Armor
Waking Shores: Silver Obtain silver in all normal races in the Waking Shores.
Drake Customization: Renewed Proto-Drake - Red Hair
Waking Shores Advanced: Silver Obtain silver in all advanced races in the Waking Shores.
Drake Customization: Renewed Proto-Drake - Gold and Red Armor
Azure Span Advanced: Silver Obtain silver in all advanced races in the Azure Span.
Drake Customization: Highland Drake - Gold and Red Armor
Azure Span: Silver Obtain silver in all normal races in the Azure Span.
Drake Customization: Highland Drake - Brown Hair
Thaldraszus Advanced: Silver Obtain silver in all advanced races in Thaldraszus.
Drake Customization: Cliffside Wylderdrake - Gold and Orange Armor
Thaldraszus: Silver Obtain silver in all normal races in Thaldraszus.
Drake Customization: Cliffside Wylderdrake - Blonde Hair
[HIDDEN] Now THIS is Dragon Racing! Complete each of the Dragonriding achievements listed below.
Drake Customization Reward: Grotto Netherwing Drake: Black Scales
Now THIS is Dragon Racing! Complete each of the Dragonriding achievements listed below.
Drake Customization Reward: Grotto Netherwing Drake: Black Scales
I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out Defeat Illidan during Black Temple Timewalking after completing the "Warglaives of Azzinoth" achievement.
Demon Hunter Transmog: Arsenal: The Warglaives of Azzinoth
Seeing Red (account) Witness Velen's prophecy of unexpected penitence unfold.
Customization Reward: Man'ari Eredar Appearances for Draenei
Fledgling Hero of Warcraft Raise your character's level to 20.
Cross-Game Reward: Lady Liadrin Paladin Hero in Hearthstone
Tour The Jade Forest Recover treasures, defeat rare enemies, and reveal the covered areas of the Jade Forest with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Tour Valley of the Four Winds Recover treasures, defeat rare enemies, and reveal the covered areas of the Valley of the Four Winds with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Tour Krasarang Wilds Recover treasures, defeat rare enemies, and reveal the covered areas of Krasarang Wilds with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Tour Kun-Lai Summit Recover treasures, defeat rare enemies, and reveal the covered areas of Kun-Lai Summit with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Tour Townlong Steppes Recover treasures, defeat rare enemies, and reveal the covered areas of Townlong Steppes with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Tour Dread Wastes Defeat rare enemies and reveal the covered areas of the Dread Wastes with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Tour Timeless Isle Recover treasures and defeat rare enemies on the Timeless Isle with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Raid Finder: Siege of Orgrimmar Defeat the following enemies in the Siege of Orgrimmar on any difficulty.
Bronze Cache
Siege of Orgrimmar Defeat the following enemies in the Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
Bronze Cache
Raid Finder: Throne of Thunder Defeat the following enemies in the Throne of Thunder on any difficulty.
Bronze Cache
Throne of Thunder Defeat the following enemies in the Throne of Thunder on Normal difficulty or higher.
Bronze Cache
Raid Finder: Terrace of Endless Spring Defeat the following enemies in the Terrace of Endless Spring on any difficulty.
Bronze Cache
Terrace of Endless Spring Defeat the following enemies in the Terrace of Endless Spring on Normal difficulty or higher.
Bronze Cache
Raid Finder: Heart of Fear Defeat the following enemies in the Heart of Fear on any difficulty.
Bronze Cache
Heart of Fear Defeat the following enemies in the Heart of Fear on Normal difficulty or higher.
Bronze Cache
Looking For Group: The Jade Forest Complete the following group activities in The Jade Forest.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Valley of the Four Winds Complete the following group activities in Valley of the Four Winds.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Kun-Lai Summit Complete the following group activities in Kun-Lai Summit.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Townlong Steppes Complete the following group activities in Townlong Steppes.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Vale of Eternal Blossoms Complete the following group activities in Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Isle of Thunder Complete the following group activities on the Isle of Thunder & Isle of Giants.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Timeless Isle Complete the following group activities in the Timeless Isle.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Order of the Cloud Serpent Earn Exalted status with Order of the Cloud Serpent with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
The August Celestials Earn Exalted status with the August Celestials with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Shado-Pan Earn Exalted status with the Shado-Pan with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
The Klaxxi Earn Exalted status with the Klaxxi with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Golden Lotus Earn Exalted status with the Golden Lotus with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Operation: Shieldwall Earn Exalted status with Operation: Shieldwall with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Dominance Offensive Earn Exalted status with the Dominance Offensive with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Kirin Tor Offensive Earn Exalted status with the Kirin Tor Offensive with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Sunreaver Onslaught Earn Exalted status with the Sunreaver Onslaught with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Shado-Pan Assault Earn Exalted status with the Shado-Pan Assault with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Emperor Shaohao Earn Exalted status with Emperor Shaohao with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Raid Finder: Mogu'shan Vaults Defeat the following enemies in the Mogu'shan Vaults on any difficulty.
Bronze Cache
Mogu'shan Vaults Defeat the following enemies in the Mogu'shan Vaults on Normal difficulty or higher.
Bronze Cache
Commander of Argus Complete the following special encounters on Argus.
10 Legion
Dune Dominance Complete the following special rare encounters in Zereth Mortis.
Arsenal: Weapons of Glorious Domination
Valley of the Four Winds Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Appearance: Halfhill Farmer's Backpack
Remix: Pandaria
Landfall Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Appearance: Class Ensemble
Remix: Pandaria
Isle of Thunder Complete one of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Appearance: Class Arsenal
Remix: Pandaria
Krasarang Wilds Complete one of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Appearance: Chen Stormstout's Keg
Remix: Pandaria
Kun-Lai Summit Complete two of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Appearance: Chen Stormstout's Hat
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] UTILITY: Promotion - China (Cenarion Hatchling) [DNT] Players in China who log in during the month of December 2011 to receive the Cenarion Hatchling pet in their mail as a promotion.
[DNT] UTILITY: Promotion - China (Cenarion Hatchling)
<Hidden> Heroic 11.0 Tender [DNT]
[DNT] 750 Tender Rewarded for Heroic or 250 Tender for Upgrade to Heroic
Feats of Strength
<Hidden> Base 11.0 Tender [DNT]
[DNT] 500 Tender Rewarded for Base
Feats of Strength
<Hidden> Epic 11.0 Tender [DNT]
[DNT] 1000 Tender Rewarded for Epic or 500 Tender for Upgrade from Base to Epic or 250 Tender for Upgrade from Heroic to Epic
Feats of Strength