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Name Side Points Reward Category
City Attacker Kill 2500 enemy players in any Horde home city.
Alliance 10
Player vs. Player
Guild Commanders Earn the Commander title on all of the classes below.
Alliance 10
Horde Slayer Complete the slayer achievements listed below.
Alliance 10
Reward: Guild Page
Player vs. Player
Heroic: Trial of the Champion Guild Run Defeat The Black Knight in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Alliance 10
Lich King Dungeon
Battle of Dazar'alor Guild Run Defeat the bosses of Battle of Dazar'alor on Normal difficulty or higher, while in a guild group.
Alliance 10
Battle Raid
Guild Field Marshals Earn the Field Marshal title on all of the classes below.
Alliance 10
Guild Marshals Earn the Marshal title on all of the classes below.
Alliance 10
Guild Grand Marshals Earn the Grand Marshal title on all of the classes below.
Alliance 15
Pandaren Slayer Get an honorable kill on a level 35 or greater Pandaren of each of the classes listed below.
Alliance 10
Player vs. Player
Guild Northrend Dungeon Hero Complete the heroic Northrend dungeon achievements listed below while in a guild group.
Alliance 20
Dungeons & Raids
Classy Pandaren Reach max level on each of the Pandaren classes listed below.
Alliance 10
Guild Level 25 Reach guild level 25.
Guild Feats of Strength
Classy Humans Reach max level on each of the Human classes listed below.
Alliance 10
Stay Classy Complete the classy achievements listed below.
Alliance 10 General
Classy Night Elves Reach max level on each of the Night Elf classes listed below.
Alliance 10
Classy Gnomes Reach max level on each of the Gnome classes listed below.
Alliance 10
Classy Dwarves Reach max level on each of the Dwarven classes listed below.
Alliance 10
Classy Draenei Reach max level on each of the Draenei classes listed below.
Alliance 10
Classy Worgen Reach max level on each of the Worgen classes listed below.
Alliance 10
Scenario Roundup Complete the following scenarios while in a guild group.
Alliance 10
Reward: Guild Shirts
Dungeon Diplomat Earn Exalted with the dungeon reputations listed below.
Alliance 10
Pandaren Embassy Earn Exalted with all of the pandaren reputations listed below.
Alliance 10
Reward: Artisan Guild Shirts
United Nations Raise 55 reputations to Exalted.
Alliance 15 Reputation
Ambassadors Raise 25 reputations to Exalted.
Alliance 10
Diplomacy Raise 15 reputations to Exalted.
Alliance 10
Classic Battles Earn Exalted reputation with the classic battlegrounds listed below.
Alliance 10
Guild Battlemasters Earn the Battlemaster title on all of the classes below.
Guild Feats of Strength
Sul'thraze the Lasher Acquire Sul'thraze the Lasher.
Unholy Determination Massacre all of the red dragons in the Ruby Sanctum
Feats of Strength
Words of the Old Gods: Odyn's Wrath Listened to Xal'atath and then subsequently slain by Odyn.
Feats of Strength
Words of the Old Gods: Elune's Wrath Listened to Xal'atath and then subsequently slain by Elune.
Feats of Strength
Armored Direwolf Mount Earned an Armored Direwolf Mount in Heroes of the Storm.