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Name Side Points Reward Category
Hidden Treasures: Krasarang Wilds Find the Saurok Stone Tablet in the Krasarang Wilds.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Hidden Treasures: Kun-Lai Summit Find three of the lost treasures hidden throughout Kun-Lai Summit.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Hidden Treasures: Townlong Steppes Find two of the lost treasures hidden throughout Townlong Steppes.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Hidden Treasures: Timeless Isle Find four of the lost treasures hidden throughout the Timeless Isle.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Elusive Foes: The Jade Forest Defeat three of the rare enemies in The Jade Forest.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Elusive Foes: Valley of the Four Winds Defeat three of the rare enemies in Valley of the Four Winds.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Elusive Foes: Krasarang Wilds Defeat three of the rare enemies in Krasarang Wilds.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Elusive Foes: Kun-Lai Summit Defeat three of the rare enemies in Kun-Lai Summit.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Elusive Foes: Townlong Steppes Defeat three of the rare enemies in Townlong Steppes.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Elusive Foes: Dread Wastes Defeat three of the rare enemies in the Dread Wastes.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Elusive Foes: Landfall Defeat the three champions of the opposing faction in Krasarang Wilds.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Elusive Foes: Isle of Thunder Defeat three of the rare enemies on the Isle of Thunder.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Elusive Foes: Timeless Isle Defeat three of the rare enemies on the Timeless Isle.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Powerful Enemies: Timeless Isle Defeat three of the rare elite enemies on the Timeless Isle.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Timeless Isle Complete one of the following achievements with a Timerunner.
Pet: Astral Emperor's Serpentling
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Pandaria Scenarios Complete all of the Pandaria Scenarios on Heroic difficulty.
Item: Timerunner's Ring
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Pandaria Dungeons Complete all of the Pandaria Dungeons on Heroic difficulty.
Item: Timerunner's Seal
Remix: Pandaria
Pandaria Raids Complete all of the Pandaria Raids on Normal difficulty.
Item: Timerunner's Amulet
Remix: Pandaria
Heroic: Pandaria Raids Complete all of the Pandaria Raids on Heroic difficulty.
Title: Claw of Eternus
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: The Jade Forest Complete the following group activities in The Jade Forest.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Valley of the Four Winds Complete the following group activities in Valley of the Four Winds.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Kun-Lai Summit Complete the following group activities in Kun-Lai Summit.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Townlong Steppes Complete the following group activities in Townlong Steppes.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Vale of Eternal Blossoms Complete the following group activities in Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Isle of Thunder Complete the following group activities on the Isle of Thunder & Isle of Giants.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Looking For Group: Timeless Isle Complete the following group activities in the Timeless Isle.
Bronze Cache
Remix: Pandaria
Salyis's Warband Defeat Salyis's Warband in the Valley of the Four Winds.
Minor Bronze Cache
Sha of Anger Defeat the Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit.
Minor Bronze Cache
Nalak, the Storm Lord Defeat Nalak, the Storm Lord on the Isle of Thunder.
Minor Bronze Cache
Oondasta Defeat Oondasta on the Isle of Giants.
Minor Bronze Cache
Chi-ji, the Red Crane Defeat Chi-ji, the Red Crane on the Timeless Isle.
Minor Bronze Cache
Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent Defeat Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent on the Timeless Isle.
Minor Bronze Cache
Niuzao, the Black Ox Defeat Niuzao, the Black Ox on the Timeless Isle.
Minor Bronze Cache
Xuen, the White Tiger Defeat Xuen, the White Tiger on the Timeless Isle.
Minor Bronze Cache
Ordos Defeat Ordos on the Timeless Isle.
Minor Bronze Cache
Explore Jade Forest Explore Jade Forest, revealing the covered areas of the world map with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Explore Valley of the Four Winds Explore Valley of the Four Winds, revealing the covered areas of the world map with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Explore Krasarang Wilds Explore Krasarang Wilds, revealing the covered areas of the world map with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Explore Kun-Lai Summit Explore Kun-Lai Summit, revealing the covered areas of the world map with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Explore Townlong Steppes Explore Townlong Steppes, revealing the covered areas of the world map with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Explore Dread Wastes Explore Dread Wastes, revealing the covered areas of the world map with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
[DNT] Damage - Humanoid
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Damage - Beast
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Damage - Aberration
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Damage - Demon
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Damage - Dragonkin
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Damage - Elemental
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Damage - Giant
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Damage - Mechanical
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Damage - Undead
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Resistance - Arcane
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Resistance - Fire
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Resistance - Frost
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Resistance - Holy
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Resistance - Nature
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Resistance - Physical
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Resistance - Shadow
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Stat - Critical Strike
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Stat - Haste
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Stat - Leech
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Stat - Mastery
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Stat - Primary
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Stat - Speed
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Stat - Stamina
Remix: Pandaria
[DNT] Stat - Versatility
Remix: Pandaria
Elusive Foes: Vale of Eternal Blossoms Defeat three of the rare enemies in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Lesser Bronze Cache
[DNT] Stat - Experience
Remix: Pandaria
Campaign: Townlong Steppes Complete the Townlong Steppes storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Greater Bronze Cache
Campaign: Dread Wastes Complete the Dread Wastes storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Greater Bronze Cache
Campaign: Landfall Complete the Landfall storyline with a Timerunner.
Greater Bronze Cache
Campaign: Isle of Thunder Complete the Isle of Thunder storylines listed below with a Timerunner.
Greater Bronze Cache
A Brewing Storm Complete A Brewing Storm scenario with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Temple of the Jade Serpent Complete the Temple of the Jade Serpent with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Temple of the Jade Serpent Complete the Temple of the Jade Serpent on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Stormstout Brewery Complete Stormstout Brewery with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Stormstout Brewery Complete Stormstout Brewery on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Shado-Pan Monastery Complete Shado-Pan monastery with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Shado-Pan Monastery Complete Shado-Pan monastery on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Siege of Niuzao Temple Complete Siege of Niuzao Temple with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Siege of Niuzao Temple Complete Siege of Niuzao Temple on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Gate of the Setting Sun Complete Gate of the Setting Sun with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Gate of the Setting Sun Complete Gate of the Setting Sun on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Mogu'shan Palace Complete Mogu'shan Palace with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Mogu'shan Palace Complete Mogu'shan Palace on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Scarlet Halls Complete Scarlet Halls with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Scarlet Halls Complete Scarlet Halls on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Scarlet Monastery Complete Scarlet Monastery with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Scarlet Monastery Complete Scarlet Monastery on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Scholomance Complete Scholomance with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: Scholomance Complete Scholomance on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Order of the Cloud Serpent Earn Exalted status with Order of the Cloud Serpent with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
The August Celestials Earn Exalted status with the August Celestials with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Shado-Pan Earn Exalted status with the Shado-Pan with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
The Klaxxi Earn Exalted status with the Klaxxi with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Golden Lotus Earn Exalted status with the Golden Lotus with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Shado-Pan Assault Earn Exalted status with the Shado-Pan Assault with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Emperor Shaohao Earn Exalted status with Emperor Shaohao with a Timerunner.
Bronze Cache
Greenstone Village Complete the Greenstone Village scenario with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache
Heroic: A Brewing Storm Complete A Brewing Storm scenario on Heroic difficulty with a Timerunner.
Lesser Bronze Cache
Unga Ingoo Complete the Unga Ingoo scenario with a Timerunner.
Minor Bronze Cache