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Name Side Points Reward Category
Khan Complete the battleground achievements listed below.
Alliance 50
Title Reward: <Name> Khan
Player vs. Player
Khan Complete the battleground achievements listed below.
Horde 50
Title Reward: <Name> Khan
Player vs. Player
250000 Honorable Kills Get 250000 honorable kills.
Title Reward: <Name> the Bloodthirsty
Player vs. Player
Battle Mender: The War Within Season 1 Win 50 Solo Shuffle rounds as a Healer at or above Rival I during The War Within Season 1.
Reward: Seasonal Character Title
Player vs. Player
Strategist: The War Within Season 1 Win 25 Rated Battleground Blitz matches while at Elite rank during The War Within Season 1.
Reward: Pennant & Seasonal Character Title
Player vs. Player
Forged Warlord: The War Within Season 1 End The War Within PvP Season 1 in the top 0.1% of the Rated Battleground Blitz ladder (requires 50 games won in The War Within Season 1).
Character Title: Forged Warlord
Player vs. Player
Forged Marshal: The War Within Season 1 End The War Within PvP Season 1 in the top 0.1% of the Rated Battleground Blitz ladder (requires 50 games won in The War Within Season 1).
Character Title: Forged Marshal
Player vs. Player
Forged Weapons of Conquest Earn 2500 Conquest on this character during The War Within Season 1.
Item Reward: Forged Gladiator's Weapon Token (x2)
Player vs. Player
An Honorable Kill Achieve an honorable kill.
Player vs. Player
25000 Honorable Kills Get 25000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
That Takes Class Get an honorable, killing blow on one of each class.
Player vs. Player
Know Thy Enemy Get an honorable, killing blow against all Horde races.
Alliance 10
Player vs. Player
Make Love, Not Warcraft Emote /hug on a dead enemy before they release corpse.
Player vs. Player
City Defender Kill 50 enemy players in any of your home cities.
Alliance 10
Player vs. Player
Gurubashi Arena Master Loot the Arena Master trinket from the Gurubashi Arena.
Player vs. Player
Gurubashi Arena Grand Master Complete Short John Mithril's quest to obtain the Arena Grand Master trinket.
Player vs. Player
Damage Control Do 300,000 damage or healing in a single battle in any battleground. The damage or healing must be done to a player.
Player vs. Player
The Grim Reaper Get 30 Honorable Kills in a single battle in any battleground.
Player vs. Player
Battlemaster Complete the battleground achievements listed below.
Alliance 50
Title Reward: Battlemaster <Name>
Player vs. Player
Wrecking Ball Get 20 killing blows without dying in a single battle in any battleground.
Player vs. Player
Solo Shuffle Medic: The War Within Win 100 Solo Shuffle rounds as a Healer at or above Rival I during The War Within.
Reward: Unbound Legend's Pennant
Player vs. Player
Battleground Blitz Medic: The War Within Win 50 Battleground Blitz matches as a Healer at or above Rival I during The War Within.
Reward: Unbound Strategist's Pennant
Player vs. Player
The Conqueror Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.
Horde 20
Title Reward: Conqueror <Name>
Player vs. Player
Call in the Cavalry Obtain one of the war mounts through the honor system.
Player vs. Player
Wrath of the Horde Kill 5 Alliance players in each of the cities listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Wrath of the Alliance Kill 5 Horde players in each of the cities listed below.
Alliance 10
Player vs. Player
Killed in Quel'Thalas Kill Lor'themar Theron.
Alliance 10
Player vs. Player
For the Alliance! Slay the leaders of the Horde.
Alliance 20
Reward: Black War Bear
Player vs. Player
Overthrow the Council Kill Representatives Moira Thaurissan, Muradin Bronzebeard and Falstad Wildhammer.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Putting Out the Light Kill Prophet Velen.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
For the Horde! Slay the leaders of the Alliance.
Horde 20
Reward: Black War Bear
Player vs. Player
10000 Honorable Kills Get 10000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
5000 Honorable Kills Get 5000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
100 Honorable Kills Get 100 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
500 Honorable Kills Get 500 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
1000 Honorable Kills Get 1000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
Battlemaster Complete the battleground achievements listed below.
Horde 50
Title Reward: Battlemaster <Name>
Player vs. Player
Grizzled Veteran Complete the Grizzly Hills PvP daily quests listed below.
Alliance 10
Player vs. Player
Grizzled Veteran Complete the Grizzly Hills PvP daily quests listed below.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
50000 Honorable Kills Get 50000 honorable kills.
Player vs. Player
100000 Honorable Kills Get 100000 honorable kills.
10 Player vs. Player
Duel-icious Win a duel against another player.
Player vs. Player
The Justicar Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.
Alliance 20
Title Reward: Justicar <Name>
Player vs. Player
Call to Arms! Complete 100 battlegrounds at max level.
Alliance 10
Player vs. Player
Call to Arms! Complete 100 battlegrounds at max level.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Know Thy Enemy Get an honorable, killing blow against all Alliance races.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
City Defender Kill 50 enemy players in any of your home cities.
Horde 10
Player vs. Player
Elite: Dragonflight Season 4 Earn the rank of Elite during Dragonflight Season 4.
Seasonal Character Title: the Elite
Player vs. Player
Battle Mender: Dragonflight Season 4 Win 50 Solo Shuffle rounds as a Healer at or above Rival I during Dragonflight Season 4.
Player vs. Player
Vicious Saddle (39)
Player vs. Player
Vicious Saddle (39)
Player vs. Player
Forged Gladiator: The War Within Season 1 End The War Within Season 1 in the top 0.1% of the 3v3 arena ladder (requires 150 games won in The War Within Season 1).
Character Title: Forged Gladiator
Player vs. Player
Forged Legend: The War Within Season 1 End The War Within Season 1 in the top 0.1% of the Solo Shuffle ladder (requires 50 games won in The War Within Season 1).
Character Title: Forged Legend
Player vs. Player
Hero of the Alliance: Forged End The War Within Season 1 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in The War Within Season 1.
Player vs. Player
Hero of the Horde: Forged End The War Within Season 1 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in The War Within Season 1.
Player vs. Player
Combatant I: The War Within Season 1 Earn the rank of Combatant I during The War Within Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: Combatant
Player vs. Player
Combatant II: The War Within Season 1 Earn the rank of Combatant II during The War Within Season 1.
Player vs. Player
Challenger I: The War Within Season 1 Earn the rank of Challenger I during The War Within Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: Challenger
Player vs. Player
Challenger II: The War Within Season 1 Earn the rank of Challenger II during The War Within Season 1.
Player vs. Player
Rival I: The War Within Season 1 Earn the rank of Rival I during The War Within Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: Rival
Player vs. Player
Rival II: The War Within Season 1 Earn the rank of Rival II during The War Within Season 1.
Player vs. Player
Duelist: The War Within Season 1 Earn the rank of Duelist during The War Within Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: Duelist
Player vs. Player
Elite: The War Within Season 1 Earn the rank of Elite during The War Within Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: the Elite
Player vs. Player
Gladiator: The War Within Season 1 Win 50 3v3 games while at Elite rank during The War Within Season 1.
Reward: Gladiator Mount, Customization, Seasonal Character Title
Player vs. Player
Legend: The War Within Season 1 Win 100 Rated Solo Shuffle rounds while at Elite rank during The War Within Season 1
Reward: Pennant & Seasonal Character Title
Player vs. Player
Forged Combatant
Player vs. Player
Forged Combatant
Player vs. Player
Crimson Legend: Dragonflight Season 1 End Dragonflight PvP Season 1 in the top 0.1% of the Solo Shuffle ladder (requires 50 games won in Dragonflight Season 1).
Character Title: Crimson Legend
Player vs. Player
Crimson Combatant
Player vs. Player
Crimson Combatant
Player vs. Player
Crimson Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 1 End Dragonflight PvP Season 1 in the top 0.1% of the 3v3 arena ladder (requires 150 games won in Dragonflight Season 1).
Character Title: Crimson Gladiator
Player vs. Player
Rival I: Dragonflight Season 1 Earn the rank of Rival I during Dragonflight Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: Rival
Player vs. Player
Rival II: Dragonflight Season 1 Earn the rank of Rival II during Dragonflight Season 1.
Player vs. Player
Duelist: Dragonflight Season 1 Earn the rank of Duelist during Dragonflight Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: Duelist
Player vs. Player
Challenger I: Dragonflight Season 1 Earn the rank of Challenger I during Dragonflight Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: Challenger
Player vs. Player
Challenger II: Dragonflight Season 1 Earn the rank of Challenger II during Dragonflight Season 1.
Player vs. Player
Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 1 Win 50 3v3 games while at Elite rank during Dragonflight Season 1.
Reward: Gladiator Mount, Customization, Seasonal Character Title
Player vs. Player
Hero of the Horde: Crimson End Dragonflight Season 1 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Dragonflight Season 1).
Player vs. Player
Hero of the Alliance: Crimson End Dragonflight Season 1 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in Dragonflight Season 1).
Player vs. Player
Combatant I: Dragonflight Season 1 Earn the rank of Combatant I during Dragonflight Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: Combatant
Player vs. Player
Combatant II: Dragonflight Season 1 Earn the rank of Combatant II during Dragonflight Season 1.
Player vs. Player
Elite: Dragonflight Season 1 Earn the rank of Elite during Dragonflight Season 1.
Seasonal Character Title: the Elite
Player vs. Player
Eternal Combatant
Player vs. Player
Eternal Combatant
Player vs. Player
Challenger I: Shadowlands Season 4 Earn the rank of Challenger I during Shadowlands Season 4.
Seasonal Character Title: Challenger
Player vs. Player
Challenger II: Shadowlands Season 4 Earn the rank of Challenger II during Shadowlands Season 4.
Player vs. Player
Rival I: Shadowlands Season 4 Earn the rank of Rival I during Shadowlands Season 4.
Seasonal Character Title: Rival
Player vs. Player
Rival II: Shadowlands Season 4 Earn the rank of Rival II during Shadowlands Season 4.
Player vs. Player
Duelist: Shadowlands Season 4 Earn the rank of Duelist during Shadowlands Season 4.
Seasonal Character Title: Duelist
Player vs. Player
Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 4 Win 50 3v3 games while at Elite rank during Shadowlands Season 4.
Reward: Gladiator Mount & Seasonal Character Title
Player vs. Player
Eternal Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 4 End Shadowlands PvP Season 4 in the top 0.1% of the 3v3 arena ladder (requires 150 games won on your current faction in Shadowlands Season 4).
Character Title: Eternal Gladiator
Player vs. Player
Hero of the Horde: Eternal End Shadowlands Season 4 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won on your current faction in Shadowlands Season 4).
Player vs. Player
Hero of the Alliance: Eternal End Shadowlands Season 4 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won on your current faction in Shadowlands Season 4).
Player vs. Player
Combatant I: Shadowlands Season 4 Earn the rank of Combatant I during Shadowlands Season 4.
Seasonal Character Title: Combatant
Player vs. Player
Combatant II: Shadowlands Season 4 Earn the rank of Combatant II during Shadowlands Season 4.
Player vs. Player
Combatant II: Shadowlands Season 2 Earn the rank of Combatant II during Shadowlands Season 2.
Player vs. Player
Challenger II: Shadowlands Season 2 Earn the rank of Challenger II during Shadowlands Season 2.
Player vs. Player
Rival II: Shadowlands Season 2 Earn the rank of Rival II during Shadowlands Season 2.
Player vs. Player
Cosmic Combatant
Player vs. Player
Cosmic Combatant
Player vs. Player