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Name Side Points Reward Category
Realm First! Illustrious Enchanter First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in enchanting.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Illustrious Engineer First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in engineering.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Illustrious Herbalist First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in herbalism.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Illustrious Jewelcrafter First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in jewelcrafting.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Illustrious Leatherworker First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in leatherworking.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Illustrious Medic First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in first aid.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Illustrious Miner First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in mining.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Illustrious Scribe First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in inscription.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Illustrious Skinner First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in skinning.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Illustrious Tailor First person on the realm to achieve 525 skill in tailoring.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Imperator's Fall First guild on the realm to complete the Imperator Mar'gok encounter in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Kil'jaeden First guild on the realm to defeat Kil'jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Legion Keystone Master Participated in the realm-first completion of a Level 15 or higher Legion Mythic dungeon within the time limit.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 First person on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Blood Elf First blood elf on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Death Knight First death knight on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Draenei First draenei on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Druid First druid on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Dwarf First dwarf on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Forsaken First forsaken on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Gnome First gnome on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Human First human on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Hunter First hunter on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Mage First mage on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Night Elf First night elf on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Orc First orc on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Paladin First paladin on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Priest First priest on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Rogue First rogue on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Shaman First shaman on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Tauren First tauren on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Troll First troll on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Warlock First warlock on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 80 Warrior First warrior on the realm to achieve level 80.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 First person on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Death Knight First death knight on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Druid First druid on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Hunter First hunter on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Mage First mage on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Paladin First paladin on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Priest First priest on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Rogue First rogue on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Shaman First shaman on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Warlock First warlock on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 85 Warrior First warrior on the realm to achieve level 85.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 First person on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Death Knight First death knight on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Druid First druid on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Hunter First hunter on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Mage First mage on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Monk First monk on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Paladin First paladin on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Priest First priest on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Rogue First rogue on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Shaman First shaman on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Warlock First warlock on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Level 90 Warrior First warrior on the realm to achieve level 90.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Magic Seeker Participated in the realm first defeat of Malygos in 25-player mode.
Title Reward: <Name> the Magic Seeker
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Nefarian First guild on the realm to defeat Nefarian in Blackwing Descent on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Northrend Vanguard First person on the realm to gain Exalted reputation with the Argent Crusade, Wyrmrest Accord, Kirin Tor and Knights of the Ebon Blade.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Obsidian Slayer Participated in the realm first defeat of Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.
Title Reward: Obsidian Slayer <Name>
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Pandaren Ambassador First person on the realm to gain Exalted reputation with all pandaren factions.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Ra-den First guild on the realm to defeat Ra-den in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Ragnaros First guild on the realm to defeat Ragnaros in Firelands on Heroic Difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Sha of Fear First guild on the realm to defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Shadowlands Keystone Master Participated in the realm-first completion of a Level 15 or higher Shadowlands Mythic dungeon within the time limit.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Sinestra First guild on the realm to defeat Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Warlord Blackhand First guild on the realm to defeat Warlord Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Will of the Emperor First guild on the realm to defeat the Will of the Emperor encounter in Mogu'shan Vaults on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Working as a Better Team First guild on the realm to obtain 600 skill points in all professions and secondary professions.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Working as a Team First guild on the realm to obtain 525 skill points in all professions and secondary professions.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Xavius First guild on the realm to defeat Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare on Mythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Guild Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Alchemist First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in alchemy.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Angler First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in fishing.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Archaeologist First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in archaeology.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Blacksmith First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in blacksmithing.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Cook First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in cooking.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Enchanter First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in enchanting.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Engineer First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in engineering.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Herbalist First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in herbalism.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Jewelcrafter First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in jewelcrafting.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Leatherworker First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in leatherworking.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Medic First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in first aid.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Miner First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in mining.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Scribe First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in inscription.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Skinner First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in skinning.
Feats of Strength
Realm First! Zen Master Tailor First person on the realm to achieve 600 skill in tailoring.
Feats of Strength
Reclamation of Gilneas Complete the Reclamation of Gilneas storyline.
Reclamation of Gilneas (Hidden Character Achievement) Complete the Reclamation of Gilneas storyline.
Recollection Collection Return 10 memories to the Runecarver.
Recruitment Officer Recruit one of every troop type in the Battle for Darkshore.
Horde 10
War Effort
Recruitment Officer Recruit one of every troop type in the Battle for Darkshore.
Alliance 10
War Effort
Red Rider Air Rifle Proud owner of the 2009 Vintage Winter Veil gift, the Red Rider Air Rifle.
Redridge Mountains Quests Complete the Redridge Mountains storylines listed below.
Alliance 10
Eastern Kingdoms
Redridge Rally Advanced: Bronze Complete Eastern Kingdoms Redridge Rally Advanced.
Redridge Rally Advanced: Gold Get Gold ranked time for Eastern Kingdoms Redridge Rally Advanced.
Redridge Rally Advanced: Silver Get Silver ranked time for Eastern Kingdoms Redridge Rally Advanced.
Redridge Rally Reverse: Bronze Complete Eastern Kingdoms Redridge Rally Reverse.
Redridge Rally Reverse: Gold Get Gold ranked time for Eastern Kingdoms Redridge Rally Reverse.
Redridge Rally Reverse: Silver Get Silver ranked time for Eastern Kingdoms Redridge Rally Reverse.