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Name Side Points Reward Category
Fading into Twilight (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Twilight Highlands storylines listed below.
Ashenvale Quests (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Ashenvale storylines listed below.
Dustwallow Marsh Quests (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Dustwallow Marsh storylines listed below.
Feralas Quests (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Feralas storylines listed below.
Stonetalon Mountains Quests (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Stonetalon Mountains storylines listed below.
Southern Barrens Quests (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Southern Barrens storylines listed below.
Sinking into Vashj'ir (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Vashj'ir storylines listed below.
Northern Barrens Quests (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Northern Barrens storylines listed below.
Ghostlands Quests (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Ghostlands storylines listed below.
Eastern Kingdoms
Silverpine Forest Quests (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Silverpine Forest storylines listed below.
Eastern Kingdoms
Hillsbrad Foothills Quests (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Hillsbrad Foothills storylines listed below.
Eastern Kingdoms
Terror of Terokkar (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Terokkar Forest storylines listed below.
Nagrand Slam (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Nagrand storylines listed below.
Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Grizzly Hills storylines listed below.
Might of Dragonblight (char specific hidden copy) Complete the Dragonblight storylines listed below.
<Hidden> Nazjatar - Flight Master Whistle Upgrade - Horde (DNT)
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> 10.1.5 Warlock Expansion - Mail Quest Push - Horde (NJS)
How to Ptrain Your Pterrordax Help Kua'fon earn his wings by completing the following quest.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
The Mechagonian Threat Complete the Mechagon storyline.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Unfathomable Complete the Nazjatar storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Pushing the Payload Slay 6 enemies while on the assault world quest "Get On The Payload".
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Tides of Vengeance Complete the Tides of Vengeance war campaign.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
How to Train Your Direhorn Complete the following quests to raise your direhorn from hatchling to mount at Warbeast Kraal in Zuldazar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Doomsoul Surprise Complete the Drustvar Assault World Quest "Lights Out" with a single Doomsoul.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Scavenge like a Vulpera Complete a digsite while dressed like a vulpera during the Vol'dun Assault World Quest "Vulpera for a Day."
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Loremaster of Zandalar Complete the following achievements on the continent of Zandalar.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Frontline Warrior Complete all six Horde Assaults.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
The Shadow Hunter Aid Vol'jin in his search for answers.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Lordaeron Skip Unlock - Horde
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Darkshore Skip Unlock - Horde
Battle for Azeroth
8.0 Lordaeron Push - Horde (UNUSED DELETE ME)
Battle for Azeroth
Dracthyr, Awaken Complete the following storylines in the Forbidden Reach.
Horde 10
How to Ptrain Your Pterrordax Complete the following quests to raise your pterrordax from hatchling to mount at Warbeast Kraal in Zuldazar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Securing Draenor Complete the Draenor bonus objectives listed below.
Horde 10
Zandalari Spycatcher Slay all of the invaders in the Nazmir world quest "Don't Stalk Me, Troll" in 60 seconds while not in a group.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Adept Sandfisher Collect each of the Sandworm Scales listed below from Sandfishing in Vol'dun.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Vorrik's Champion Assault Faithless in Vol'dun with Vorrik's Bulwark, Rakjan the Unbroken, or a Battle Krolusk.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Champion of the Vulpera Rescue vulpera in Vol'dun.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Bow to Your Masters Show respect to the loa of Zandalar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
A Most Efficient Apocalypse Board the A.F.M.O.D and complete the Nazmir world quest "Cancel the Blood Troll Apocalypse" in 30 seconds while not in a group.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Revenge is Best Served Speedily Ride the frog loa and complete the Nazmir world quest "Revenge of Krag'wa" in 45 seconds while not in a group.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Torcanata Win the Torcanata in Zuldazar.
Battle for Azeroth
Raptari Rider Maintain the Speed of Gonk for 3 minutes in Zuldazar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Paku'ai Travel Zuldazar using 6 different Totems of Pa'ku in 1 minute.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Hungry, Hungry Ranishu Feed your Voracious Ranishu in under 45 seconds in Vol'dun.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Welcome to Zandalar Complete the introduction quests to Zandalar.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Loa Expectations Have the following buffs cast on you in Zandalar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
Spirits Be With You Complete the following storylines in Zandalar.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Ready for War Complete the war campaign in Zandalar and Kul Tiras.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
<Hidden> Zandalar Intro Breadcrumb Launch
Battle for Azeroth
Secrets in the Sands Complete the Vol'dun storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
Zandalar Forever! Complete the following achievements on the continent of Zandalar.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
A Bargain of Blood Complete the Blood Gate storyline in Zuldazar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
The Final Seal Complete the Zandalar Forever scenario in Zuldazar.
Horde 5
Battle for Azeroth
The Throne of Zuldazar Complete the Zuldazar storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
The Dark Heart of Nazmir Complete the Nazmir storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Battle for Azeroth
In Pursuit of Gul'dan Complete the Garrison Campaign chapters listed below.
Horde 10
Draenor's Last Stand Complete the Tanaan Jungle daily objectives listed below.
Horde 10
Rumble in the Jungle Complete all of the Tanaan Jungle achievements listed below.
Horde 25
Title Reward: <Name> of the Jungle
Master Relic Hunter Complete all 6 Relic Hunter Quests offered by Harrison Jones in your Garrison.
Horde 10
Loremaster of Draenor Complete the Draenor quest achievements listed below.
Horde 10
Writing in the Snow Find Shadow Hunter Bwu'ja's tattered journal page in the Bloodmaul Stronghold.
Horde 10
Frostfire Fridge Complete the Frostfire Ridge bonus objectives listed below.
Horde 10
On the Shadow's Trail Complete the Frostfire Ridge storyline listed below.
Horde 10
The Garrison Campaign Complete the Garrison Campaign chapters listed below.
Horde 10
Between Arak and a Hard Place Complete the Spires of Arak storylines listed below.
Horde 10 Draenor
Putting the Gore in Gorgrond Complete the Gorgrond storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Unlock: "Treasure Map: Gorgrond"
Nagrandeur Complete the Nagrand storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Unlock: "Treasure Map: Nagrand"
Welcome to Draenor Complete the Assault on the Dark Portal.
Horde 10
Don't Let the Tala-door Hit You on the Way Out Complete the Talador storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Unlock: "Treasure Map: Talador"
Mighty Roamin' Krasaranger Complete the Krasarang Wilds storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Upjade Complete Complete the Jade Forest storylines listed below.
Horde 10
You'll Get Caught Up In The... Frostfire! Complete the Frostfire Ridge storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Unlock: "Treasure Map: Frostfire Ridge"
Dragonmaw Tour of Duty Explore all the nooks and crannies of the Thundermar Ruins in Twilight Highlands and impress your Dragonmaw allies by killing the following.
Horde 10
Joy Ride Ride the full length of the Rocketway in Azshara.
Horde 10
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Complete the Neptulon quests in Vashj'ir up to and including Defending the Rift.
Horde 10
Dominance Offensive Campaign Complete the Dominance Offensive storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Fading into Twilight Complete the Twilight Highlands storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Slum It in the Summit Complete the Kun-Lai Summit storylines listed below.
Horde 10
King of the Mountain Complete the Twilight's Hammer quest chain in Twilight Highlands up to and including Skullcrusher the Mountain.
Horde 10
Northern Barrens Quests Complete the Northern Barrens storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Ashenvale Quests Complete the Ashenvale storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Dustwallow Marsh Quests Complete the Dustwallow Marsh storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Feralas Quests Complete the Feralas storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Stonetalon Mountains Quests Complete the Stonetalon Mountains storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Southern Barrens Quests Complete the Southern Barrens storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Sinking into Vashj'ir Complete the Vashj'ir storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Azshara Quests Complete the Azshara storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Ghostlands Quests Complete the Ghostlands storylines listed below.
Horde 20
Eastern Kingdoms
Silverpine Forest Quests Complete the Silverpine Forest storylines listed below.
Horde 20
Eastern Kingdoms
Hillsbrad Foothills Quests Complete the Hillsbrad Foothills storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Eastern Kingdoms
To Hellfire and Back Complete the Hellfire Peninsula storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Terror of Terokkar Complete the Terokkar Forest storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Nagrand Slam Complete the Nagrand storylines listed below.
Horde 10
I've Toured the Fjord Complete the Howling Fjord storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle Complete the Grizzly Hills storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Nothing Boring About Borean Complete the Borean Tundra storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Might of Dragonblight Complete the Dragonblight storylines listed below.
Horde 10
Frontline Slayer Kill 50 Alliance players during an Assault on Kul Tiras or Zandalar.
Horde 5
Frontline Veteran Complete all six Horde Assaults in War Mode.
Horde 10