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Name Side Points Reward Category
Shadowlands Keystone Conqueror: Season Two Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1500 during Shadowlands Season Two.
Title: The Tormented
Glory of the Tomb Raider Complete the Tomb of Sargeras raid achievements listed below.
Title Reward: <Name> the Tomb Raider
Dungeons & Raids
Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror: Season One Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1500 during Dragonflight Season One.
Title: The Thundering
The War Within Keystone Conqueror: Season One Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1500 during The War Within Season One.
Title: The Tempered
Honor Level 300 Reach Honor Level 300.
Title Reward: <Name> the Tactician
Mythic: Raszageth the Storm-Eater Defeat Raszageth the Storm-Eater in Vault of the Incarnates on Mythic difficulty.
Title: The Storm-Eater
Dragonflight Raid
Stormbreaker Complete the Isle of Thunder achievements listed below.
10 Pandaria
Storm Rider: Gold Obtain gold in all the Storm Gryphon races.
Title: The Storm Rider
Smoldering Hero: Dragonflight Season 2 End Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 2 with a Mythic+ Rating in the top 0.1% of all players in your region.
Title: The Smoldering Hero
Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror: Season Two Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1500 during Dragonflight Season Two.
Title: The Smoldering
Shadowlands Keystone Conqueror: Season Four Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1500 during Shadowlands Season Four.
Title: The Shrouded
3000 Quests Completed Complete 3000 quests.
Title Reward: <Name> the Seeker
Savage Hero Defeat the following Draenor dungeon and raid bosses on Heroic difficulty or higher.
Title Reward: <Name> the Savage Hero
Dungeons & Raids
Is Another Man's Treasure Find 20 of the lost treasures hidden throughout Pandaria.
Title Reward: <Name> the Relic Hunter
Active Listening Skills Complete the Rebel Dragonkin storyline.
Title: The Reconciler
Mythic: G'huun Defeat G'huun in Uldir on Mythic difficulty.
Title Reward: <Name> the Purifier
Battle Raid
Proving Yourself: Endless Healer (Wave 30) (Level 90) Successfully complete Wave 30 of the Basic Healer (Endless) trial at the Proving Grounds.
Title Reward: <Name> the Proven Healer
Proving Yourself: Endless Healer (Wave 30) Successfully complete Wave 30 of the Basic Healer (Endless) trial at the Proving Grounds.
Title Reward: <Name> the Proven Healer
Proving Grounds
Proving Yourself: Endless Tank (Wave 30) Successfully complete Wave 30 of the Basic Tank (Endless) trial at the Proving Grounds.
10 Proving Grounds
Proving Yourself: Endless Tank (Wave 30) (Level 90) Successfully complete Wave 30 of the Basic Tank (Endless) trial at the Proving Grounds.
Proving Yourself: Endless Damage (Wave 30) (Level 90) Successfully complete Wave 30 of the Basic Damage (Endless) trial at the Proving Grounds.
Proving Yourself: Endless Damage (Wave 30) Successfully complete Wave 30 of the Basic Damage (Endless) trial at the Proving Grounds.
10 Proving Grounds
Shadowlands Keystone Conqueror: Season One Complete all Shadowlands Season One dungeons at Mythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit.
Title: The Proud
Honor Level 50 Reach Honor Level 50.
Title Reward: The Prestigious <Name>
Looking For Many Use the Dungeon Finder tool to finish random heroic dungeons until you have grouped with 50 random players total.
Title Reward: <Name> the Patient
Dungeons & Raids
The Party Herald Complete the Ember Court achievements listed below.
Title: The Party Herald
Covenant Sanctums
Noble Gardener Complete the Noblegarden achievements listed below.
Title Reward: <Name> the Noble
World Events
Realm First! Magic Seeker Participated in the realm first defeat of Malygos in 25-player mode.
Title Reward: <Name> the Magic Seeker
Feats of Strength
Fool For Love Complete the Love is in the Air achievements listed below.
Title Reward: <Name> the Love Fool
World Events
The Light of Dawn Defeat the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player Heroic mode.
Title Reward: <Name> the Light of Dawn
Lich King Raid
The Frozen Throne (25 player) Defeat the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player mode.
Title Reward: <Name> the Kingslayer
Lich King Raid
The Frozen Throne (10 player) Defeat the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode.
Title Reward: <Name> the Kingslayer
Lich King Raid
Door Buster Unlock 150 doors within the Zskera Vaults using Zskera Vault Keys.
Title: the Key Master
Dragon Isles
Insane in the Membrane Raise your reputation to Honored with the Bloodsail Buccaneers, and Exalted with Booty Bay, Everlook, Gadgetzan, Ratchet, Darkmoon Faire, and Raven...
Title Reward: <Name> the Insane
The Inquisitive Finish the first day's secrets during the Secrets of Azeroth event.
Title: The Inquisitive
Dragon Isles
Challenge Warlord: Bronze Complete every Challenge Mode dungeon from the Warlords of Draenor expansion with a rating of Bronze or better.
Title Reward: <Name> the Indomitable
The Immortal Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-play...
Title Reward: <Name> the Immortal
Hordebreaker Responsible for pitting Vol'jin's troll uprising against Garrosh Hellscream's Horde during Patch 5.3: Escalation.
Rewards Title: <Name> the Hordebreaker
Honor Level 25 Reach Honor Level 25.
Title Reward: The Honorable <Name>
Hallowed Be Thy Name Complete the Hallow's End achievements listed below.
Title Reward: <Name> the Hallowed
World Events
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Goblins Complete the quest "Time to Collect."
Title: The Gullible
No Stone Unturned Complete 250 Legion Digsites.
10 Archaeology
Realm First! Grand Crusader Participated in the realm first conquest of the Trial of the Grand Crusader with 50 attempts remaining in 25-player mode.
Title Reward: Grand Crusader <Name>
Feats of Strength
You Know How to Reach Me Complete all of the Forbidden Reach achievements listed below.
Title: The Forbidden
Dragon Isles
Veteran of the Molten Front Complete the Regrowth and Molten Front achievements listed below.
Title Reward: <Name> the Flamebreaker
Heroic: Sha of Fear Defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty.
Title Reward: <Name> the Fearless
Pandaria Raid
Mad World Complete all objectives in the Horrific Visions of Stormwind and Orgrimmar in a single visit while not in a party and with all 5 Faceless Masks act...
Title: The Faceless One
Feats of Strength
Fabulous Unlock each of the achievements listed below.
Title Reward: <Name> the Fabulous
Universal Explorer Explore Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland, Northrend, the areas revealed by the Cataclysm, Pandaria, Draenor, the Broken Isles, Kul Tiras, and Za...
Title Reward: <Name> the Explorer
40 Exalted Reputations Raise 40 reputations to Exalted.
Title Reward: <Name> the Exalted
Mythic: Queen Azshara Defeat Queen Azshara in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
Title: The Eternal
Battle Raid
Dreaming Hero: Dragonflight Season 3 End Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 3 with a Mythic+ Rating in the top 0.1% of all players in your region.
Title: The Dreaming Hero
Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror: Season Three Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1500 during Dragonflight Season Three.
Title: the Dreaming
Mythic: Xavius Defeat Xavius in the Emerald Nightmare on Mythic difficulty.
Title: the Dreamer
Legion Raid
Draconic Hero: Dragonflight Season 4 End Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 4 with a Mythic+ Rating in the top 0.1% of all players in your region.
Title: The Draconic Hero
Dragonflight Keystone Conqueror: Season Four Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1500 during Dragonflight Season Four.
Title: The Draconic
The Diplomat Raise your reputation level from Unfriendly to Exalted with Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar and the Kurenai.
Alliance 25
Title Reward: <Name> the Diplomat
The Diplomat Raise your reputation level from Unfriendly to Exalted with Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar and The Mag'har.
Horde 25
Title Reward: <Name> the Diplomat
Nemesis: Death Stalker Complete the quest Nemesis: Death Stalker at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Death Stalker
Draenor Garrison
Mythic: Kil'jaeden Defeat Kil'jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras on Mythic difficulty.
Title Reward: <Name> the Darkener
Legion Raid
Shadowlands Keystone Conqueror: Season Three Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1850 during Shadowlands Season Three.
Title: The Cryptic
Crazy for Cats Obtain 20 of the cats listed below.
10 Collect
Choppin' Even More Logs Place 100 Work Orders at the Lumber Mill.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Commandojack
Draenor Garrison
The Chosen Defeat Helya in Trial of Valor on Mythic difficulty without failing the Test of the Chosen.
Title Reward: <Name> the Chosen
Realm First! Celestial Defender Participated in the realm first defeat of Algalon the Observer in 25-player mode.
Feats of Strength
Scourer of the Eternal Sands Obtain the reins of the Grey Riding Camel from Dormus the Camel-Hoarder.
Title Reward: <Name> the Camel-Hoarder
Nemesis: The Butcher Complete the quest Nemesis: The Butcher at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Butcher
Draenor Garrison
Copious Coffers Open 250 Bountiful Coffers with Restored Coffer Keys.
Title: The Bountiful
250000 Honorable Kills Get 250000 honorable kills.
Title Reward: <Name> the Bloodthirsty
Player vs. Player
Mythic: Fyrakk the Blazing Defeat Fyrakk the Blazing in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope on Mythic difficulty.
Title: The Blazing
Dragonflight Raid
60 Exalted Reputations Raise 60 reputations to Exalted.
Title Reward: <Name> the Beloved
Battle for Azeroth Keystone Conqueror: Season Four Complete all Battle for Azeroth Season Four dungeons at Mythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit.
Title: The Awakened
Observed (25 player) Defeat Algalon the Observer in 25-player mode.
Title Reward: <Name> the Astral Walker
The Argent Champion Earn Exalted status with the Argent Dawn and the Argent Crusade.
25 Reputation
80 Exalted Reputations Raise 80 reputations to Exalted.
Title Reward: <Name> the Admired
Nemesis: Terror of the Tushui Complete the quest Nemesis: Terror of the Tushui at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Horde 5 Draenor Garrison
Tempered Hero: The War Within Season 1 End The War Within Mythic+ Season 1 with a Mythic+ Rating in the top 0.1% of all players in your region.
Title: Tempered Hero
Victory in Hillsbrad Win a battle in the 10th Anniversary battleground, Southshore vs. Tarren Mill.
Alliance Events
Taming Azeroth Complete all of the Taming achievements listed below.
Title Reward: Tamer <Name>
Mantle of the Talon King Complete the Terokk's Legacy storyline and earn Exalted status with the Arakkoa Outcasts.
5 Draenor
Azeroth's Next Top Model Unlock a class armor set from 10 different raid tiers or PvP seasons.
Title Reward: Stylist <Name>
Heroic: Lei Shen Defeat Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.
Title Reward: <Name>, Storm's End
Pandaria Raid
Stone Guard Earn a rating of 1600 in either Rated Battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Stone Guard <Name>
Rated Battleground
Observed (10 player) Defeat Algalon the Observer in 10-player mode.
Title Reward: Starcaller <Name>
The Stable Master Defeat all mount-in-training targets in Nagrand while carrying the Garn-Tooth Necklace.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Stable Master <Name>
Draenor Garrison
The Stable Master Defeat all mount-in-training targets in Nagrand while carrying the Garn-Tooth Necklace.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Stable Master <Name>
Draenor Garrison
Twisting Corridors: Layer 6 Complete Layer 6 of Twisting Corridors in Torghast, Tower of the Damned.
Title: Spirestalker
Victory in Hillsbrad Win a battle in the 10th Anniversary battleground, Southshore vs. Tarren Mill.
Horde Events
Soupervisor Complete 100 tasks at the Community Feast in Iskaara.
Title: Soupervisor
Supreme Soloist Win 150 rounds of Solo Shuffle
Title: Soloist
A Niffen's Best Buddy Complete the following Sniffenseek achievements.
Title: Sniffenseeker
Dragon Isles
Ruffious's Bid Complete the World PvP achievements listed below.
Title: Slayer of the Deeps, Mount: Raging Cinderbee
Nemesis: Slayer of Sin'dorei Complete the quest Nemesis: Slayer of Sin'dorei at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5 Draenor Garrison
Airborne Tumbler Use Whirling Surge to dismount 50 enemy players in War Mode.
Title: Skyscourge
Mythic: Sire Denathrius Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Sinbreaker
Shadowlands Raid
The Grand Tapestry Reach the maximum reputation with the Weaver in Azj'Kahet.
Title: Silksinger
War Within
Shrouded Hero: Shadowlands Season 4 End Shadowlands Mythic+ Season 4 with a Mythic+ Rating in the top 0.1% of all players in your region.
Title: Shrouded Hero
The Shado-Master Prove your worth to the Shado-Pan elite by completing all of the achievements listed below.
Title Reward: Shado-Master <Name>
Servant of N'Zoth While an Assassin within War Mode, slay your own faction to gain 10 honorable kills without dying.
Title: Servant of N'Zoth
Player vs. Player
Sergeant Major Earn a rating of 1500 in either Rated Battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Sergeant Major <Name>
Rated Battleground