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Name Side Points Reward Category
Sergeant Major Earn a rating of 1500 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Sergeant Major <Name>
Rated Battleground
Sergeant Earn a rating of 1300 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Sergeant <Name>
Rated Battleground
Sergeant Earn a rating of 1300 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Sergeant <Name>
Rated Battleground
Senior Sergeant Earn a rating of 1400 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Senior Sergeant <Name>
Rated Battleground
Leave No Treasure Unfound Find and open all Sturdy Chests hidden throughout the War Within delves.
Title: Seeker of Loot
The War Within
The Seat of Knowledge Restore and display pristine versions of all Pandaren and Mogu artifacts.
10 Archaeology
Scout Earn a rating of 1100 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Scout <Name>
Rated Battleground
Nemesis: Scourge of the Kaldorei Complete the quest Nemesis: Scourge of the Kaldorei at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Horde 5 Draenor Garrison
Scenaturday Complete all of the scenarios listed below on a Saturday.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Scenaturdist
Pandaria Scenarios
Scenaturday Complete all of the scenarios listed below on a Saturday.
Horde 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Scenaturdist
Pandaria Scenarios
Heroic: Madness of Deathwing Destroy Deathwing in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
10 Cataclysm Raid
Accomplished Angler Complete the fishing achievements listed below.
Title Reward: Salty <Name>
Reverse Racer: Gold Obtain gold in all reverse races in the Dragon Isles.
Title: Reverse Racer
Mythic: Queen Ansurek Defeat Queen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Queenslayer
War Within Raid
Master of Seething Shore Complete the Seething Shore achievements listed below.
Title: Prospector
Seething Shore
It Belongs in a Museum! Find 20 rare artifacts.
Title Reward: Professor <Name>
Private Earn a rating of 1100 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Private <Name>
Rated Battleground
Predator Defeat Xemirkol in Tanaan Jungle.
Title Reward: Predator <Name>
Feats of Strength
Priority Mail Sort 30 partially addressed letters within 60 seconds in the Postmaster's Office.
Title: Postmaster
Personal Crafter Fulfill 500 Personal Crafting Orders.
Title: Personal Crafter
The Obsidian Bloodline Reach the maximum friendship with Sabellian at the Obsidian Throne.
Title: Paragon of the Obsidian Brood
Mythic Remix: Siege of Orgrimmar Defeat the following enemies in the Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty with a Timerunner during Mists of Pandaria: Remix.
Title: Paragon of the Mists
Nemesis: Orcslayer Complete the quest Nemesis: Orcslayer at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: Orcslayer <Name>
Draenor Garrison
Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Thunder Bluff in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Thunder Bluff
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of the Undercity Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Undercity in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of the Undercity
Argent Tournament
Of the Tyr's Guard Complete Tyr's storyline in the Dragon Isles.
Title: of the Tyr's Guard
The Twilight Zone (10 player) With all three Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 10-player mode.
Title Reward: <Name> of the Nightfall
Lich King Raid
Rumble in the Jungle Complete all of the Tanaan Jungle achievements listed below.
Horde 25
Title Reward: <Name> of the Jungle
Rumble in the Jungle Complete all of the Tanaan Jungle achievements listed below.
Alliance 25
Title Reward: <Name> of the Jungle
The Iron Invasion Complete the Blasted Lands invasion quests before the Assault on the Dark Portal begins.
Defender of the Timeways Defeat all bosses in Dawn of the Infinite on Mythic Difficulty before the release of the next raid tier.
Title: of the Infinite
100000 Honorable Kills Get 100000 honorable kills.
10 Player vs. Player
Heroic: Al'Akir Defeat Al'Akir in the Throne of the Four Winds on Heroic Difficulty.
Title Reward: <Name> of the Four Winds
Cataclysm Raid
Exalted Champion of the Exodar Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Exodar in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of the Exodar
Argent Tournament
Dream On Complete the following achievements:
Title: of the Emerald Dream
Undersea Usurper Complete the Nazjatar achievements listed below.
Title: Of The Deeps, Mount Reward: Snapback Scuttler
Battle for Azeroth
Breaker of the Black Harvest Defeated Kanrethad Ebonlocke and gained command over fel energy before the expedition to Draenor set out.
Feats of Strength
The Ashen Verdict Earn Exalted status with the Ashen Verdict.
15 Wrath of the Lich King
Exalted Champion of Stormwind Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Stormwind
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Silvermoon City in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Silvermoon
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Sen'jin Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Sen'jin in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Sen'jin
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Orgrimmar in the Argent Tournament.
Horde 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Orgrimmar
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Ironforge Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Ironforge in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Ironforge
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan Earn exalted status with and the right to represent the Gnomeregan Exiles in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Gnomeregan
Argent Tournament
Exalted Champion of Darnassus Earn exalted status with and the right to represent Darnassus in the Argent Tournament.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: <Name> of Darnassus
Argent Tournament
Realm First! Obsidian Slayer Participated in the realm first defeat of Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.
Title Reward: Obsidian Slayer <Name>
Feats of Strength
Mistwalker Attained one or more realm-best times during the Mists of Pandaria Challenge Mode season.
Title Reward: Mistwalker <Name>
Merrymaker Complete the Winter Veil achievements listed below.
Title Reward: Merrymaker <Name>
World Events
Merchant Artisan Fulfill 1000 Crafting Orders.
Title: Merchant Artisan
Walking in Maw-mphis Complete the Maw achievements listed below.
Title: Maw Walker
For the Children Complete the Children's Week achievements listed below.
Title Reward: Matron <Name> or Patron <Name>
World Events
Master Sergeant Earn a rating of 1400 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Master Sergeant <Name>
Rated Battleground
Master of Pandaren Cooking Obtain 75 skill points in all six Ways of Pandaren cooking.
10 Cooking
Marshal Earn a rating of 2200 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Marshal <Name>
Rated Battleground
Nemesis: Manslayer Complete the quest Nemesis: Manslayer at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Horde 5
Title Reward: <Name> the Manslayer
Draenor Garrison
Dragonfight Club Complete the World PvP achievements listed below.
Title: Malicious
Choppin' Some More Logs Place 50 Work Orders at the Lumber Mill.
Title Reward: Lumberjack <Name>
Draenor Garrison
The Last of Us Become the last gladiator standing at the Highmaul Coliseum.
Player vs. Player
Paragon of Argus Complete the Argus achievements listed below.
Title Reward: <Name> the Lightbringer
Lieutenant General Earn a rating of 2100 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Horde 10 Rated Battleground
Lieutenant Commander Earn a rating of 2000 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10 Rated Battleground
Liberator of Orgrimmar Defeat Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.
Horde 10 Pandaria Raid
Legionnaire Earn a rating of 1800 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Legionnaire <Name>
Rated Battleground
Chapter V: Judgment of the Black Prince Work with Wrathion to create your legendary cloak and complete his quest to defeat Garrosh Hellscream.
Title: Legend of Pandaria
Knight-Lieutenant Earn a rating of 1700 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Knight-Lieutenant <Name>
Rated Battleground
Knight-Champion Earn a rating of 1900 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Knight-Champion <Name>
Rated Battleground
Knight-Captain Earn a rating of 1800 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Knight-Captain <Name>
Rated Battleground
Knight Earn a rating of 1600 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Knight <Name>
Rated Battleground
Nemesis: Killer of Kezan Complete the quest Nemesis: Killer of Kezan at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name>, Killer of Kezan
Draenor Garrison
Khan Complete the battleground achievements listed below.
Alliance 50
Title Reward: <Name> Khan
Player vs. Player
Khan Complete the battleground achievements listed below.
Horde 50
Title Reward: <Name> Khan
Player vs. Player
Kalimdor Racing Completionist: Gold Obtain gold in all races in Kalimdor.
Title: Kalimdor Racer
The Justicar Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.
Alliance 20
Title Reward: Justicar <Name>
Player vs. Player
Junkyard Tinkmaster Complete the Mechagon achievements listed below.
Title: Junkyard
Battle for Azeroth
Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy...? Assist Leeroy Jenkins in recovering his Devout shoulders in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.
Title Reward: <Name> Jenkins
Draenor Dungeon
Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy! Kill 50 rookery whelps within 15 seconds.
Title Reward: <Name> Jenkins
Dragon Racing Completionist: Gold Obtain gold in all races in the Dragon Isles.
Title: Isles Racer
The Archives Called, You Answered Complete the Azerothian Archives achievements listed below.
Title: Isles Archivist
Dragonriding Challenge: Dragon Isles: Gold Obtain gold for all Challenge races in the Dragon Isles.
Title: Isles Ace
Mythic: Blackhand's Crucible Defeat Warlord Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry on Mythic difficulty.
Title Reward: <Name> Ironbane
Draenor Raid
Immortal Spelunker Complete a delve without any deaths on Tier 11.
Title: Immortal Spelunker
Nemesis: Huojin's Fall Complete the quest Nemesis: Huojin's Fall at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Alliance 5
Title Reward: <Name>, Huojin's Fall
Draenor Garrison
High Warlord Earn a rating of 2400 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Horde 10
Title Reward: High Warlord <Name>
Rated Battleground
War Within Delves: Tier 11 Complete a Tier 11 delve with revives remaining.
Title: High Explorer
The War Within
Hero of the Horde End a PvP season in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in the current season).
Horde 10 Rated Battleground
Hero of the Alliance End a PvP season in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won in the current season).
Alliance 10 Rated Battleground
Heroic: Fates of the Shadowlands Raids Complete all three Fated raids on Heroic difficulty in Shadowlands Season 4.
Title: Hero of Fate
Feats of Strength
Mythic: Lady Jaina Proudmoore Defeat Lady Jaina Proudmoore in Battle of Dazar'alor on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Hero of Dazar'alor
Battle Raid
Herald of the Titans Defeat Algalon the Observer at level 30 without anyone in the raid wearing items higher than Item Level 107.
Mythic: Garrosh Hellscream Defeat Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.
10 Pandaria Raid
Mythic: Scalecommander Sarkareth Defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Heir to the Void
Dragonflight Raid
Mythic: The Jailer Defeat The Jailer in the Sepulcher of the First Ones on Mythic difficulty.
Title: Guardian of the Pattern
Shadowlands Raid
Guardian of Cenarius Earn Exalted status with the Cenarion Circle and Cenarion Expedition.
25 Reputation
Grunt Earn a rating of 1200 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Horde 10
Title Reward: Grunt <Name>
Rated Battleground
Grand Marshal Earn a rating of 2400 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Alliance 10
Title Reward: Grand Marshal <Name>
Rated Battleground
Master of Deepwind Gorge Complete the Deepwind Gorge achievements listed below.
Title: Gorgeous
Deepwind Gorge
Master of Deepwind Gorge Complete the Deepwind Gorge achievements listed below.
Player vs. Player
Nemesis: Gnomebane Complete the quest Nemesis: Gnomebane at the Gladiator's Sanctum.
Horde 5
Title Reward: Gnomebane <Name>
Draenor Garrison
General Earn a rating of 2200 in either rated battlegrounds or Rated Battleground Blitz.
Horde 10
Title Reward: General <Name>
Rated Battleground
The Jailer's Gauntlet: Layer 3 Complete Layer 3 of The Jailer's Gauntlet in Torghast, Tower of the Damned.
Title: Gauntlet Runner