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Name Type Category Counters Description
Ammo Reserves
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Battleship.
Automated Sky Scanner
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Carrier.
Bilge Pump
Ability Stormy WeatherPumps out excess water from the ship, allowing it to remain afloat during Stormy Weather.
Blast Furnace
Ability SwiftA massive furnace, capable of producing 11 out of 10 power.
Extra Quarters
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Transport.
Felsmoke Launcher
Ability First StrikeCreates a smoke screen around your ship, blocking sight on a First Strike.
Gyroscopic Internal Stabilizer
Ability Chaotic WhirlpoolsKeeps the ship upright and stable, allowing it to move effortlessly around Chaotic Whirlpools.
High Intensity Fog Lights
Ability Dense FogBurn through the fog (and maybe some retinas) with these super illuminating lights.
Ice Cutter
Ability Icy WaterSlices a path through Icy Waters.
Q-43 Noisemaker Mines
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Submarine.
Sonic Amplification Field
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Destroyer.
Trained Shark Tank
Ability MinelayerMines are no match for a tank of trained sharks.
True Iron Rudder
Ability EvasiveReinforces the rudder to allow tighter turns at higher speeds.