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Name Type Category Counters Description
Type DestroyerFires armor piercing rounds that cleanly cut through armor.
Boarding Party
Type Land ObjectiveAllows transports to run missions that require boots on the ground.
Boarding Party
Type Land ObjectiveAllows transports to run missions that require boots on the ground.
Type BattleshipA fleet of bombers that can attack from the air.
Type SubmarineDrops explosive shells into the water, destroying submerged craft.
Type CarrierAllows the submarine to become invisible to radar and sneak up on enemy ships.
Air Superiority
TraitAn airship spots and attacks hostile ships in the area, increasing the success chance of missions.
Apexis Storm
TraitThe kraken unleashed in this area grants Apexis Crystals upon completion of any successful mission.
Captain Reania's Command
TraitIncreases the experience gained from a mission for all ships by 50%.
Captain Thokash's Command
TraitIncreases the experience gained from a mission for all ships by 50%.
Empty Equipment Bay
TraitAttach ship equipment to this bay.
Empty Equipment Bay
TraitAttach ship equipment to this bay.
Fearless Privateer
TraitIncreases the success chance of missions.
Food Storage Bay
TraitAdds space for additional food stores, improving success chance on long missions.
Ghostly Spyglass
Trait Cursed CrewA long spyglass that seems to display nothing when you look through it. Maybe it will come in handy.
Nitro Fuel Tanks
TraitAllows the ship to burn nitro fuel, getting it to and from destinations quicker. Reduces mission time by 50%.
Salty Crew
TraitThis crew has seen it all and has the hats to prove it. Grants a bonus to mission success chance.
Treasure Map
TraitGrants additional Apexis Crystals upon completion of any successful mission.
Tuskarr Fishing Net
TraitA fishing net that is attached to the back of a ship, courtesy of the tuskarr. Supplies fish when returning from a successful mission.
TraitOn a devastating hit, saves the ship by surrounding the ship with an impenetrable shield. Unsinkable is destroyed when triggered.
Wreckage Recovery Module
TraitWhen deployed on a successful mission, filters the surrounding waters and returns a box full of useful junk.
Arakkoa Crew
Crew BattleshipCapable of launching attacks from the air.
Blood Elf Crew
CrewReduces mission time by 50%.
Draenic Crew
Crew Dense FogDraenei are adept at navigating the Dense Fog surrounding Shadowmoon Valley.
Dwarven Crew
CrewAllows naval equipment to be recovered from successful missions.
Gnomish Crew
CrewAllows naval equipment to be recovered from successful missions.
Goblin Crew
CrewAllows naval equipment to be recovered from successful missions.
Human Crew
CrewIncreases success chance on missions.
Murloc Crew
Crew Land ObjectiveMurlocs can exit their ship and swim ashore even when underwater, always functioning as a Transport. Being amphibious has its perks.
Night Elf Crew
CrewReduces mission time by 50%.
Orc Crew
Crew Icy WaterThe icy waters surrounding Frostfire have long been training grounds for navigating Icy Waters.
Pandaren Crew
CrewPandaren crewman stash extra supplies on their ships, which helps on long missions.
Tauren Crew
CrewIncreases the experience gained from a mission for all ships by 50%.
Troll Crew
CrewAllows naval equipment to be recovered from successful missions.
Undead Crew
CrewIncreases success chance on missions.
Worgen Crew
CrewIncreases the experience gained from a mission for all ships by 50%.
Ammo Reserves
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Battleship.
Automated Sky Scanner
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Carrier.
Bilge Pump
Ability Stormy WeatherPumps out excess water from the ship, allowing it to remain afloat during Stormy Weather.
Blast Furnace
Ability SwiftA massive furnace, capable of producing 11 out of 10 power.
Extra Quarters
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Transport.
Felsmoke Launcher
Ability First StrikeCreates a smoke screen around your ship, blocking sight on a First Strike.
Gyroscopic Internal Stabilizer
Ability Chaotic WhirlpoolsKeeps the ship upright and stable, allowing it to move effortlessly around Chaotic Whirlpools.
High Intensity Fog Lights
Ability Dense FogBurn through the fog (and maybe some retinas) with these super illuminating lights.
Ice Cutter
Ability Icy WaterSlices a path through Icy Waters.
Q-43 Noisemaker Mines
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Submarine.
Sonic Amplification Field
AbilityIncreases success chance when on a mission with a Destroyer.
Trained Shark Tank
Ability MinelayerMines are no match for a tank of trained sharks.
True Iron Rudder
Ability EvasiveReinforces the rudder to allow tighter turns at higher speeds.