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Name Level Type Item Level Followers Cost Duration Follower XP Rewards
Flock Together Rare

Arakkoa flocks are looting abandoned draenei homesteads. They're also killing any who try to stop them. That makes them our problem now.

95Combat3× 15 1.5 hrs900
Gorging Ogres

The Highmaul ogres have an excavation underway at Stonecrag Gorge. Get in there and extract information about their relics!

98Patrol2× 10 60 min900
Master and Pupil

Dark Master Vaalgryn and his pupils are conducting a ritual. Stop it at once!

609.0 Encounter - Ardenweald8005× 50 12 hrs900
Medical Necessity

Our soldiers in the field need medical supplies, but Warsong orcs are patrolling the road. Escort the caravan so it makes its destination.

98Combat1 1.5 hrs900
Mercy Killing

War has ravaged the region's plant life, and the clefthoof don't have enough to eat. We should thin out their numbers before they starve.

98Combat1 1.5 hrs900
Mysteries of Lok-rath Rare

The Warsong clan stationed in Lok-rath is rumored to stockpile some strange form of currency. It may hold some historic significance.

98Exploration1× 10 60 min900
Spell Check

The cause of our recent communal lethargy has been traced to Highmaul sorcerers. Find them and put an end to their sinister arcane rites.

98Combat2× 10 1.5 hrs900
Surge Protection

Energy-siphoning water spirits are giving our spellcasters fits. Time to bring in reinforcements.

98Combat1× 10 2 hrs900
The Wolfmother's Pelts

The wolfmother Gar'lua raises the most ferocious of Warsong wolves. Their pelts would dent the Warsong war effort and fetch a tidy sum.

99Treasure2 2 hrs900
Warsong Swan Song

Warsong shaman have enacted a spell to open an abyss beneath our feet! Kill all of them before the sands in the hourglass run out!

98Combat1× 10 1.5 hrs900
[PH] Pet 3


1107.0 Class Hall - Special Reward Missions7603× 150 12 hrs1000
99.0 [reuse me]

99.0 [reuse me]

1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions8003× 20 3 hrs1000
Air Assault


100Ship-Training2× 30 60 min1000
An End to the Felsoul

Yet still more demons flood the depths of Suramar. We must hold them.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 2 hrs1000
Assault on Black Rook

Black Rook must fall, send our forces to weaken their defenses.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 60 min1000
Assault on Black Rook

Black Rook must fall, send our forces to weaken their defenses.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 2 hrs1000
Assault on Black Rook

Black Rook must fall, send our forces to weaken their defenses.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 2 hrs1000
Assault on Black Rook

Black Rook must fall, send our forces to weaken their defenses.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 2 hrs1000
Assault on Black Rook

Black Rook must fall, send our forces to weaken their defenses.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 2 hrs1000
Assault on Snowmane

Snowmane Village is under attack! Send reinforcements immediately.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 3 hrs1000
Assault on the Gates of Valor

The time has come to clear out the demon forces at the gates of Valor. Ready your best.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 2 hrs1000
Azerite Weaponry

The Horde constructs doomsday weapons using Azerite in Orgrimmar. We must discover what they are building before it is too late.

1208.0 - Long Campaign8003× 40 1.7 days1000
Backup Brigade Rare

Soulflayers have struck back, enlisting Stalkers to protect them. Show them no mercy.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 30 9 hrs1000
Batten The Hatches

A storm is coming, but we must deploy reinforcements.

1208.2 - Deep Sea8003× 40 24 hrs1000
Bird Watching Rare

Rumors are swirling that a raid on an Outcast hovel has yielded a particularly interesting map. Intercept the arakkoa before they return to Skyreach!

97Exploration3× 50 6 hrs1000
Born of the Night

The Nightbornes infiltrations have gone on too long. Stop them at all costs.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 1.5 hrs1000
Burn down the Rook Rare

Black Rook must fall, send our forces to weaken their defenses.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 50 18 hrs1000
Burning Desire

Burning Blade orcs are attacking treasure hunters at Oshu'gun and looting their crystals. Could they be preparing for some dark ritual?

99Combat2× 10 1.5 hrs1000
Calling their Bluff

The Feltotems at Torok's Bluff are assaulting our troops as they make passage through the pass. Show them the error of their ways.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 2 hrs1000
Cave Mushrooms

Deep in a cave on Blackbeak Overlook can be found some very powerful Mushrooms that creates a soothing balm.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 5 hrs1000
Claim the Drakes

If we can take control of some drakes, we can take away some air superiority from the Tideskorns.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 8 hrs1000
Dark Skies, Darker Prospects

Mawsworn Vanquishers darken the skies and prevent further advance. With your power and knowledge, we shall prevail!

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 100 12 hrs1000
Darkness Falls

Among the trees of Val'sharah a number of enemies lie in wait.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 1.5 hrs1000
Dravok's Plot

Dravok the Chainwarden and a cohort of Mawsworn Soulweavers are performing dark rituals that must be stopped at any cost.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 200 12 hrs1000
Fel Smell

Theres a foul smell in the air.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 1.5 hrs1000
Feltotem Fiends

The Feltotem, led by a vicious Crawliac, are mustering troops. Hit them before they can strike us.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 8 hrs1000
Fight them in the streets Rare

We will fight them, no matter where they hide.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 50 12 hrs1000
Flowers in the Dark

Deep under the trees roots near Shalda'Nir grow some powerful flowers.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 3 hrs1000
Full Stomachs

Rotting corpses left by Melded Gorgers have attracted Nimble Scavengers as well, creating a hostile mass of wildlife. Break through and clear a path.

609.0 Encounter - Maw Assault8005× 25 4.5 hrs1000

Stygian Bombardiers shatter anything that approaches and our forces cannot advance. Shut them down and protect our allies.

609.0 Encounter - Maw Assault8005× 25 4.5 hrs1000
Glimmerfly Overpopulation Rare

Glimmerflies have overrun the fields and are stripping the plants bare. Retrieve their wings and render them to gold.

609.0 Encounter - Ardenweald8005× 30 8.5 hrs1000
Goremaster and May Hem

Bosses are on the loose, stop them.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 8 hrs1000
Gronn with the Wind

Our scouts have vanished without a trace! They were last seen entering gronn lands. Find out what happened to them.

99Combat1× 10 2 hrs1000
Harpies of The Haglands

Harpies in the Haglands have started raiding our nearby camps for supplies.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 60 min1000
Hazardous Roads

We must find our way into Faronaar, but the roads are covered in demons. Let us see if we can scout out an alternate route.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 2 hrs1000
High in the Mountain

Its time to take Stili the Salty down.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 6 hrs1000
Highplains Robbery Rare

A Warsong elder carrying historical documents important to the clan is communing at the Elemental Plateau. Relieve her of her burdens.

100Exploration3× 50 6 hrs1000
Hill Kings

The Ettin need to be erradicated.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 3 hrs1000
Hit And Swim

We've recovered a barely functional vessel. We are going to load it with explosives and aim it at the enemy. Just don't forget to jump..

1208.2 - Deep Sea8003× 40 24 hrs1000
Hunter Becomes the Hunted

Another dispute has broken out between the wildlife, and the disruption has rendered this space uninhabitable. Drive both parties back into the wilds.

609.0 Encounter - Maw Assault8005× 25 4 hrs1000
In A Time of Peril

At the worst possible time, we have a worgen hunter who's gone mad. He's setting out traps for our allies. Hunt the hunter.

1047.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 250 2 hrs1000
Interrupt the Reclaimers

Reclaimers in Suramar are performing some curious rituals. Interrupt them, and try to discover their intentions.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 6 hrs1000
Into The Deep

We have heard reports of a "thumping" coming from under the sea in this area.

1208.2 - Deep Sea8003× 40 24 hrs1000
Investigate Wailing Caverns

Powerful magic seeps through the Wailing Caverns, transforming the Barrens. Devise a way to leverage that magic for the Horde.

1208.0 - Long Campaign8003× 40 1.7 days1000
Investigate Wailing Caverns

Powerful magic seeps through the Wailing Caverns, transforming the Barrens. Devise a way to leverage that magic for the Alliance.

1208.0 - Long Campaign8003× 40 1.7 days1000
Land Ahoy!

Send our crews to explore the newly revealed landmass.

1208.2 - Deep Sea8003× 40 24 hrs1000
Lug'dol's Thugs

Lug'dol and his nascent brawler thugs are using our supply escorts for combat practice. You know we can't allow this to continue.

99Patrol2× 10 60 min1000
Marsh Cleanup

What was once a place of peace has become the realm of nightmare. Dreadful creatures spread darkness and filth through Val'sharah.

1047.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 4 hrs1000
Meat for the troops

The troops are in need of a feast to reward them for their efforts. Lets get some Goat on the menu.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 60 min1000
Meat for the troops

The troops are in need of a feast to reward them for their efforts. Lets get some Goat on the menu.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 60 min1000
Meat for the troops

The troops are in need of a feast to reward them for their efforts. Lets get some Goat on the menu.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 60 min1000
Meat for the troops

The troops are in need of a feast to reward them for their efforts. Lets get some Goat on the menu.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 60 min1000
Mind Your Ears

Theres a Deathscreamer up in the mountains thats keeping us up at night. Can you help out?

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 60 min1000
More Than They Can Chew

As well-intentioned as some warlocks may be, they sometimes get carried away. A pair of warlocks have a fragile containment on a doomlord.

1047.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 4 hrs1000
Munitions Testing

Few creatures are as tough and resilient as the mountain ettin, and thus, they make the perfect target to test our munitions.

1047.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 4 hrs1000
Nimble Scavengers

Scavengers are constantly hunting, stymieing our push foward. Deter them in any way possible.

609.0 Encounter - Maw Assault8005× 25 4 hrs1000

High ogre warriors are in battle array, screaming that they're going to "destroy the interlopers." Do you think they're talking about us?

99Combat1× 10 2 hrs1000
On Wings of Ferocity

A murderous Razorwing Gnasher is guarding access to this peak. Ground it - permanently.

609.0 Encounter - Maw Assault8005× 25 4.5 hrs1000
Orgrimmar Armory

The vengeful night elves have recalled their forces stationed throughout Kalimdor, to begin a campaign against Orgrimmar. Track their movements across the continent.

1208.0 - Long Campaign8003× 40 1.7 days1000
Out of His Element

Enraged, Stonegar has begun attacking shaman near the Throne of the Elements. We must send forces to aid.

99Combat1 1.5 hrs1000
Pride of the Forest Rare

A group of Runestags have claimed turf and are driving out other animals.

609.0 Encounter - Ardenweald8005× 30 8 hrs1000
Procuring Supplies

A small demon force has been located in eastern Aszuna, and rumors are that they report directly to Balnazzar. Send our champions to confront them, and extract any information we can about the dreadlord's location.

1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7003× 10 3 hrs1000
Raid on High Rare

The paths along the cliffs of Highmountain are beseiged with dangers.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 50 8 hrs1000
Raider Danger

Warsong orcs have razed our camp to the north, and the lone survivor says they're headed this way. We must repel the invaders!

99Combat1× 10 1.5 hrs1000
Rally the Nightwatchers

For centuries, the Nightwatchers kept Nar'thalas safe and beautiful. Now, it's fallen to the naga, and even their own spirits turn against them.

1047.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 250 4 hrs1000
Return to the Firelands


1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7103× 50 24 hrs1000
Sablehorn Hides

The hides of the Sablehorn provide valuable materials for our troops.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 6 hrs1000
Seeker of Secrets

The Naga have secrets, seek them out.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 60 min1000
Sharp Hides, Sharper Teeth

A pack of Shardhide Alphas is nesting near a cave entrance, savaging anyone who comes near. Drive them from field of battle.

609.0 Encounter - Maw Assault8005× 25 5 hrs1000
Sink Them!

We have detected a large enemy force moving through our lines. Wipe them out.

1208.2 - Deep Sea8003× 40 24 hrs1000
Skorn in our side

The Tideskorn are have made a push to new areas of Stormheim, and its not appreciated. Take care of them.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 1.5 hrs1000
Smashed to Smithereens

The murlocs have made a foothold in the wrecks at Shipwreck Cove. Clear them out.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 1.5 hrs1000

The Soultakers are an organized trio of Helarjar vrykul, intent on plundering the tombs of their own kings. Stop them!

1047.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 3 hrs1000
Storm the Gates Rare

Take the gates in Stormheim.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 50 60 min1000
Test - Mission 06

One army only.

110Generic (7.0)8503 8 hrs1000
The Dreadroot

Cleanse the Dreadroot of its Twisted Keepers.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 6 hrs1000
The Mother of All Kaliri

Hen-Mother Hami. She who breeds the swooping terrors of the sky. Find her, subdue her, and restore freedom to the skies.

94Combat3× 20 10 hrs1000
The Mysterious Manascale

The hides of the Manascale Basilisks in Suramar hold some... interesting properties. Recover some for research.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 60 min1000
The Mysterious Manascale

The hides of the Manascale Basilisks in Suramar hold some... interesting properties. Recover some for research.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 60 min1000
The Mysterious Manascale

The hides of the Manascale Basilisks in Suramar hold some... interesting properties. Recover some for research.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 60 min1000
The Mysterious Manascale

The hides of the Manascale Basilisks in Suramar hold some... interesting properties. Recover some for research.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 60 min1000
The Mysterious Manascale

The hides of the Manascale Basilisks in Suramar hold some... interesting properties. Recover some for research.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 60 min1000
Treacherous Paths

The paths along the cliffs of Highmountain are beseiged with dangers.

110Generic (7.0)9003× 20 4 hrs1000
Under The Fog

Fog is setting in, send a small force to destroy what they can under its cover.

1208.2 - Deep Sea8003× 40 24 hrs1000
Wailing Good Time

The swamps outside Bradensbrook are wailing. See whats causing the noise, and silence it.

110Generic (7.0)7003× 20 2 hrs1000
Weapons Test


100Ship-Training2× 30 60 min1000
Weary Traveler

It's one thing to have to camp in the middle of the woods, and it's another to wake full of tiny darts and surrounded by evil sprites.

1047.0 Class Hall - Generic Missions7603× 100 2 hrs1000
Yes, We Take Candle

Send some troops toe Candle Rock, and clear out the Bluewax miners there. We need the resources in that mine.

110Generic (7.0)8003× 20 3 hrs1000
Bad Day at Work Rare

Several laborers have gone missing, and we fear that the arakkoa plan to burn them alive in sacrifice. We must save them!

96Combat3× 20 1.9 hrs1050
Peace unto You Rare

The distressed spirits of fallen Azeroth soldiers have begun to rise. Quickly, let us end their torment.

96Combat3× 15 1.9 hrs1050