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Name Level Type Item Level Followers Cost Duration Follower XP Rewards
Break the Briarbane

It is time to break the back of the Briarbane! Their continued resistance is unacceptable.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 3.5 hrs500
Rampaging Bonemaulers

Horrific Bonemaulers are uprooting corpses. Remedy this unseemly disorder.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 3.5 hrs200
Skullduggery by Nobility

A group of nobles are trying to steal some of our anima supplies. Thwart them.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 3.5 hrs400
Trap the Trackers

A group of Carved Trackers is moving to capture valuable goods they've found. Waylay them!

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 3.5 hrs500
A New Order

Callous Peacekeepers continue to bedevil the residents. Drive them back.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4 hrs300
Ash Ghouls At Large

Ash Ghouls are being driven out of control by the searing pain, attacking anything nearby. Put them down.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4 hrs100
Briarbane Resistance

The Briarbane are still in open revolt. Teach them a lesson in humility.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4 hrs200
Campaign: Stacka's Last Stand Rare

Stacka refuses to cooperate. Show him the error of his ways.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 25 4 hrs300
Campaign: The Final Puzzle Rare

Archivist Ionata and her schemes must be unwound. Unravel the threads.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 25 4 hrs300
Investigate the Investigators

Archives Investigators are concealing important information about anima reserves. Extract it from them.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4 hrs500
Maw Menagerie

Return, if you can.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4 hrs500
Terrorwing Assault

Terrowings continue to menace the area. Deal with them before they roost!

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4 hrs400
Terrorwings on High

A fright of Terrorwings is roosting on one of the towers. Drive them out.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4 hrs200
Catch the Anima Smugglers

A group of anima smugglers are attemping to steal anima rations from the deserving. End them.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4.5 hrs100
Gorging Anima Thieves

Those cursed Gorgers and Mites continue to sap our anima reserves. Could you please deal with them properly?

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4.5 hrs500
Unreasonable Tithes

Cruel Collectors have banded together to extract anima from those less powerful. Protect the weak!

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 10 4.5 hrs300
Cinderwall Incursion Rare

The summoned ash creatures of Cinderwall continue to plague our lands. Deal with these uncivilized monstrosities.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 30 8 hrs400
Rifts, Unkept Rare

The Riftkeepers are neglecting their duties and causing a raucous ruckus. Can you remedy that?

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 30 8 hrs400
Illicit Celebrations Rare

A group of Privileged Contributors are throwing an underground party. This affront cannot be allowed.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 30 8.5 hrs600
Rolling Sinstones Rare

We still haven't managed to get the animated sinstones under control. Please see to it immediately.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 30 8.5 hrs600
Backup Brigade Rare

Soulflayers have struck back, enlisting Stalkers to protect them. Show them no mercy.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 30 9 hrs1000
Solace for Souls

Depraved Caregivers are shirking their duty by imprisoning souls rather than curating them. Rescue the souls!

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 50 10 hrs1200
Breach the Planes

Crucible Seekers and Mawsworn Interceptors patrol the entrance, hungry to inflict agonies upon the unwary.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 100 12 hrs500
Campaign: Alpha Bonemauler

A Bonemauler Alpha has chivvied a group of Horrific Bonemaulers into a ferocious force. This cannot stand.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 50 12 hrs300
Campaign: Big Shiny and Friends

Big Shiny has rallied some dredgers and stolen anima. Restrain him and retrieve the precious energy.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 50 12 hrs500
Campaign: Charthox the Indomitable

Charthox once again stands proud, freed from his restraints. Make him grovel.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 50 12 hrs500
Coalescing Stygia

Your power obligates us to gamble on rescuing who we can from this horrific place. Bring down the Stygia Coalescence and bring them home.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 100 12 hrs750
Cutting the Threads

Dolos has marshalled Winged Automatons and is tormenting innocents in the depths of Perdition Hold. Dull the blade of Death.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 200 12 hrs1250
Dark Skies, Darker Prospects

Mawsworn Vanquishers darken the skies and prevent further advance. With your power and knowledge, we shall prevail!

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 100 12 hrs1000
Dravok's Plot

Dravok the Chainwarden and a cohort of Mawsworn Soulweavers are performing dark rituals that must be stopped at any cost.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 200 12 hrs1000
Duelmaster Rowyn

He usually supervises the duels, but once in a while he needs to be kept on his toes.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 50 12 hrs900
Ghelak's Revenge

Ghelak the Incarcerator is doing unspeakable things to the poor souls in his grasp.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 200 12 hrs500
Grandiose Designs

The Grand Automaton inside Perdition Hold threatens the tenuous balance we've carved out in the Maw. We must stop it at any cost.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 100 12 hrs1250
Krala, Wings of Woe

Krala has gathered a host of Spectral Assassins. Clip her wings and bring an end to the misery.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 200 12 hrs1500
Lady Ouix'Ara

No matter how many times we try to deal with this lich, they keep returning to stir dissent. Deal with them.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 50 12 hrs1200
Shades of Despair

Master Shadeweaver is braiding the very souls of innocents into grotesque abominations at the Altar of Domination. Stop him and the Conquerors protecting him.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 100 12 hrs1500
Topple the Giants

Stygian Giants are guarding a mysterious object. Help us defeat them and invoke the power of the Waystone to bring our companions to safety.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 200 12 hrs750
Sinstone Hoarder

We have cornered another Sinstone Hoarder. Go claim our anima!

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 50 13 hrs1200
Maw: Breach the Planes

Crucible Seekers and Mawsworn Interceptors patrol the entrance, hungry to inflict agonies upon the unwary.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 100 24 hrs500
Maw: Coalescing Stygia

Your power obligates us to gamble on rescuing who we can from this horrific place. Bring down the Stygia Coalescence and bring them home.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 100 24 hrs750
Maw: Ghelak's Revenge

Ghelak the Incarcerator is doing unspeakable things to the poor souls in his grasp.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 200 24 hrs500
Maw: Topple the Giants

Stygian Giants are guarding a mysterious object. Help us defeat them and invoke the power of the Waystone to bring our companions to safety.

609.0 Encounter - Revendreth8005× 200 24 hrs750