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Name Level Type Item Level Followers Cost Duration Follower XP Rewards
Return to the Firelands


1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7103× 50 24 hrs1000
Dire Research

The research samples from Shaladrassil are ready. Let us assign Naralex to study them. He will need time to focus and examine them closely.

1007.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 10 hrs100
Menace on the Broken Shore

Dispatch champions to investigate Legion activities on the Broken Shore.

1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions8303× 150 4 hrs3000
99.0 [reuse me]

99.0 [reuse me]

1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 20 3 hrs100
99.0 [reuse me]

99.0 [reuse me]

1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions8003× 20 3 hrs1000
99.0 [reuse me]

99.0 [reuse me]

1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 20 3 hrs100
Procuring Supplies

A small demon force has been located in eastern Aszuna, and rumors are that they report directly to Balnazzar. Send our champions to confront them, and extract any information we can about the dreadlord's location.

1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7003× 10 3 hrs1000


1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7602× 10 2 hrs100
99.0 [reuse me]

99.0 [reuse me]

1107.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 2 hrs100
A Glade Defense

Sundersong Glade is under attack by the Legion's forces. This is a perfect opportunity to test our new troops in the field, and to unlock vital knowledge.

1007.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 20 60 min100
Additional Accoutrements

Matron Mother Malevolence has supplied you with a list of hard-to-find fel magic apparatuses. They will prove useful.

1007.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min300
Aiding the Valkyra

The Valkyra are under attack by Felskorn vrykul. Aid them and crush those who've betrayed Odyn.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Ancient Magic

The Broken Isles harbor many arcane secrets. We should send out our mages and discover as many as we can!

1007.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min300
Archmage Vargoth's Travels: Best Friends Forever

Zooti Fizzlefury is Archmage Vargoth's closest friend and confidant. Send a champion to Archmage Khadgar's tower in Talador to see if Zooti is still there.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Archmage Vargoth's Travels: Ruins of Nar'thalas

The Nar'thalas Academy was once a place of great learning. Although it is now in ruins, we know Archmage Vargoth visited it recently.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Archmage Vargoth's Travels: The Forests of Ashenvale

The crystal ball we found in Archmage Vargoth's study was used by Grommash Hellscream. We should send a Champion to investigate its former location in Ashenvale.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Archmage Vargoth's Travels: The Nightborne Vault

The Nightborne Vault is located deep within the Legion incursion area of Suramar. If Archmage Vargoth has been there, we should find signs of him.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Archmage Vargoth's Travels: The Scholars of Tel'anor

The magical tome we found most likely came from Tel'anor. We may be able to learn more of Archmage Vargoth's travels there if you send a champion.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Artifact: Aluneth, Greatstaff of the Magna

Aluneth was most notably wielded for a time by Aegwynn, the only female Guardian of Tirisfal, although stories indicate that it is far older than she. After passing from her hands, it was eventually locked away in a secret vault, where it remains still.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7602× 500 60 min100
Artifact: Deadwind Harvester

Wielded by Sataiel, the first necrolyte, the Deadwind Harvester earned its name by stripping the life from the lands known as Deadwind pass. After centuries locked away, Ulthalesh has been discovered in the posession of the Dark Riders - we must track them down.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7602× 500 60 min100
Artifact: Ebonchill

Alodi's greatstaff, Ebonchill, was the bane of many demons in the Legion. After he retired his mantle of Guardian, the staff passed down through his apprentices, eventually lost to time. None know where it resides now, save perhaps Alodi himself.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7602× 500 60 min100
Artifact: Felo'melorn

"Flamestrike" in its native tongue, Felo'melorn was borne into battle by members of the Sunstrider family. Ultimately, the sword was lost in Northrend.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7602× 500 60 min100
Artifact: Skull of the Man'ari

The sorcerer Thal'kiel was one of the first Eredar who learned the techniques of summoning and controlling demons. His skull would make a powerful weapon if we can locate it.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7602× 500 60 min100
Blood of Our Enemy: Azsuna

In the Felbeast Dens, the Legion creates terrifyingly resilient breeds of manastalkers. We should disrupt their operation by killing Felbreeder Argnotha.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Blood of Our Enemy: Highmountain

The Legion has desecrated the sacred burial sites of the Highmountain tribe, raising the bodies of the dead. We should put them back to rest.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Blood of Our Enemy: Stormheim

At the gates of the Hall of Valor, the Felskorn have assembled, including a massive brute named Cleaver Northamel. Slay him, and collect his blood.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Blood of Our Enemy: Suramar

In Felsoul Hold, giant infernals and felbats attack any who come near. Dispose of a few, and collect their blood for our use.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Blood of Our Enemy: Val'sharah

The druids at Val'sharah have their hands full with the satyr and the Nightmare. We can help by destroying a rampaging satyr warband, led by Illbringer Zizzifrax.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Bradensbrook Under Attack

Black Rook Assassins are attacking Bradensbrook, killing livestock and stealing crops. Defend the village from these ruthless attackers.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Cleansing the Vale

Nightmare imps have taken over Moonclaw Vale, corrupting the once serene glade. Help restore balance by ridding the area of imps.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Convincin' Old Yancey

In order to press gang more cutthroats into the ranks of the Uncrowned, Fleet Admiral Tethys wants our finest. A pirate, Yancey Grillsen, would be perfect.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min300
Elemental Diplomacy

The Earthen Ring must send representatives to Skywall to negotiate with the elementals of air. Since the death of Al'Akir, Skywall has been in turmoil.

1007.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min300
Emissary to the Priests

We need to send an emissary to the priests at Netherlight Temple. However, there may be danger along the way. Let us send Maxwell Tyrosus.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Enslaved by Sea Giants

A group of mighty warriors loyal to Odyn has been captured by sea giants and are being forced to fight in their underground pit. Free them!

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Fallen Steeds: Reins of Shadow

Salanar the Horseman requires the Shadow Reins used by an ancient Dark Rider. They can only be obtained by defeating one of the Dark Riders directly.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Fallen Steeds: Reins of Shadow

Salanar the Horseman requires the Shadow Reins used by an ancient Dark Rider. They can only be obtained by defeating one of the Dark Riders directly.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Fallen Steeds: Saddle of the Frozen Crown

Salanar the Horseman requires the saddle of Invincible, the former steed of Arthas Menethil. Since the defeat of Arthas, it has been lost beneath Icecrown.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Fallen Steeds: Saddle of the Headless Horseman

Salanar the Horseman requires the saddle used by the great Sir Thomas, the Headless Horseman. The saddle is buried in the cemetery of the Scarlet Monastery.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Fallen Steeds: Saddle of the Huntsman

Salanar the Horseman requires the saddle of Midnight, the steed of Attumen the Huntsman. The saddle should be found somewhere within the ruins of Karazhan.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Fallen Steeds: The Baron's Saddle

Salanar the Horseman requires the saddle of Deathcharger, the former steed of Baron Rivendare. Following his defeat, the saddle was returned to Stratholme.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Freya's Spring: Harpy Mother

We were attacked by relentless harpies. Defend against the attack and take down their leader.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Freya's Spring: Ice Furies

This high on the mountain, the elements themselves are our greatest enemy. Elementals of wind and ice roam the peaks. Defeat them and press on!

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Freya's Spring: Snowblind Mesa

The tauren at Snowblind Mesa are dealing with encroaching drogbar. They've asked for our aid in exchange for shelter.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Freya's Spring: The Mountain

We made camp at the base of the mountain, but the area is home to hostile ettin. We'll need to fend them off before we make our ascent.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Freya's Spring: The Mountain King

We are nearing Freya's Spring, but the area is guarded by a drogbar chieftain who calls himself the mountain king. Defeat him and we will gain our prize!

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Gathering the Dreamweavers: Celestine of the Harvest

The Temple of Elune is beset by satyr and the minions of the Legion. Celestine of the Harvest is helping, but we will need her here.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Gathering the Dreamweavers: Graham Silverclaw

A young druid with great potential, Graham Silverclaw, led our scouts to the edge of Suramar. But he ran into a Legion hunting party, and he needs assistance.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Gathering the Dreamweavers: Graham Silverclaw

A young druid with great potential, Graham Silverclaw, led our scouts to the edge of Suramar. But he ran into a Legion hunting party, and he needs assistance.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Gathering the Dreamweavers: Matoclaw

Matoclaw led a team of druids into Highmountain to deal with harpies, but she's been cornered. Defeat Nest Matron Subonn and bring Matoclaw back!

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Gathering the Dreamweavers: Talza

We haven't heard from Talza and his scouts in Stormheim. Considering the hostile vrykul in that area, it's likely they've been waylaid.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Gathering the Dreamweavers: Thisalee Crow

Thisalee Crow is in over her head. Sea giants have captured her, and she is being forced to battle in their underground fighting ring. We need to get her out!

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Holy Ground: Auchindoun

Deep beneath Auchindoun, the naaru D'ore has been regenerating into a being of pure Light once more. Seek out this holy shrine.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Holy Ground: Light's Hope Chapel

Since the days of the Argent Dawn, Light's Hope Chapel has been a beacon of the Light on Azeroth. Travel there and collect a fragment of Light.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Holy Ground: The Exodar

The priests of the Exodar have preserved a long tradition of the Light. Collect a fragment from the Exodar, and beware: the Legion may be drawn to it.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Holy Ground: The Sunwell

The Legion will do everything it can to stop us from revitalizing the wisp, and seek to intercept us before we can collect the last fragment.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Holy Ground: Uther's Tomb

Uther the Lightbringer was the first paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and never faltered from his beliefs. His grave is sacred to followers of the Light, but it may also draw evil spirits.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Hunting the Hunters

A group of poachers are threatening the wildlife in Highmountain. Show them what it's like to be hunted!

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Infiltrating Our Enemies

In order to fulfill Velen's prophecy, we must infiltrate our enemies and find out if any among them could make a potential ally.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 20 60 min1800
Investigate Felsoul Hold

Before we can break our way to the other side, we will need to find the best place to steal a Legion gateway. Felsoul Hold is a candidate.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 150 60 min1800
Investigate Tian Monastery

We lost contact with the monks at Tian Monastery. We should send Chen Stormstout to investigate.

1007.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min300
Investigating Deepholm

There are rumors of a new threat in Deepholm and Therazane has not been present in negotiations with the Elemental Lords. We should investigate.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 100 60 min600
Janai's Famous Flaming Omelettes

Elementalist Janai has requested that we send a strike team to the Firelands to collect Cinderweb eggs for her research.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Last Chance

The Legion gateway in Felblaze Ingress is the only place powerful enough to take your armies to Niskara. Hymdall will need to wrest it from the Legion first.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 150 60 min1800
Loramus, Is That You?

The dead dreadlord, Razelikh the Defiler, has returned to the world. Strangely, he sometimes goes around killing other demons.

1007.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 20 60 min100
Lost at Sea

Powerful armaments were lost when the great ship Vaesska sank at sea. Send your armies to retrieve them and strengthen our forces!

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Lumenstone: Broken Shore

The demons have left lumenstone weapons scattered all over the Broken Shore. If we move fast, we can recover those weapons.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Lumenstone: Broken Shore

The Broken Shore is littered with debris from battle, with plenty of lumenstone to gather. Just beware of the demons still patrolling the area.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Lumenstone: Faronaar

The eredar at Faronaar smith weapons out of lumenstone. Strike at their forges and take the metal we seek, dealing a double blow to our enemies.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Lumenstone: Faronaar

The demons keep a rich stockpile of weapons at Legion Camp: Ruin in Azsuna. Assault the enemies there and return with any lumenstone that you can find.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Lumenstone: Stormheim

Our scouts report that the vrykul have acquired a cache of lumenstone weapons, and they intend to melt them down to create armor for their drakes.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Lumenstone: Stormheim

Our scouts stumbled upon a vrykul raiding party equipped with lumenstone weapons. We can deal a double blow - eliminate the enemy, and take their weapons for our own.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Lumenstone: Suramar City

The nightborne of Suramar city are studying the properties of lumenstone to augment their constructs. Break into the city and steal their supplies.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Lumenstone: Suramar City

The nightborne are moving a large shipment of lumenstone behind the city walls. Invade under cover of darkness and claim the steel for our order!

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Lumenstone: Val'sharah

The naga in southern Val'sharah are using weapons crafted from lumenstone. We'll have to convince the naga to part with it.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Lumenstone: Vashj'ir

Long ago, a shipment of lumenstone was lost overboard during a terrible storm above Vashj'ir. Unfortunately, the naga may have found it before us.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 100 60 min1800
Oculus Preparations: A Nightmarish Situation

Verdisa of the green dragonflight has asked for our help in capturing roving satyr warbands in Val'sharah. Help take down their foes!

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Oculus Preparations: Communication Disruption

Belgaristrasz of the red dragonflight has contacted us with a plan to retake the Oculus. He needs as many Legion communication devices as can be found.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Oculus Preparations: Eternos

Eternos of the Bronze Dragonflight reports a Legion invasion near the Bronze Dragonshrine in Dragonblight. He requests our aid!

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Oculus Preparations: Ley Them Down

We will need to boost our power if we are to break through the wards surrounding the Oculus. The Ley Ruins of Zarkhenar are continually spilling out ley energy.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Oculus Preparations: On The Offensive

Verdisa, Belgaristrasz, and Eternos are reluctant to return to the Oculus themselves. However, some of their strongest drakes will aid us if we clear the way.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
On the Trail of the Great Worm

Jorhuttam, the great worm, swallowed whole the fabled Gjallerhorn. Send your champions to track the beast!

1007.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min300
One Who's Worthy

We need to find a warlock who excels at summoning greater demons. Scout within Stormheim, keeping an eye out for anyone with potential.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
One Who's Worthy

We need to find a warlock who excels at summoning greater demons. Scout within Val'sharah, keeping an eye out for anyone with potential.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
One Who's Worthy

We need to find a warlock who excels at summoning greater demons. Scout within Azsuna, keeping an eye out for anyone with potential.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
One Who's Worthy

We need to find a warlock who excels at summoning greater demons. Scout the hills of Highmountain, keeping an eye out for anyone with potential.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
One Who's Worthy

We need to find a warlock who excels at summoning greater demons. Scout the city of Dalaran, keeping an eye out for anyone with potential.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Pesky Pest Problem

Dalaran's underbelly has a bit of a rodent problem. Exterminate the pests before they make their way out of the sewers.

1027.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min600
Powering the Portal: Andu'talah

Those who were once our friends have been claimed by the Nightmare, and the dryad keepers near Andu'talah are among those fallen.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Powering the Portal: Ashenvale

Even in the forests of Ashenvale, the satyr, led by Rethazar the Fallen, have been spotted, and they may soon attack outright.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Powering the Portal: Azsuna

Satyr warbands have been spotted near the northern shores of Azsuna. They are using Shards of Nightmare to expand Xavius's influence.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Powering the Portal: Kal'delar

We've received word that Oracle Tidecress, a powerful naga sorceress, has been meeting with the Darkfiend satyr. Slay her and her comrades.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Powering the Portal: Moonglade

The doom guard Metreon has rallied the satyr of Felwood, and they have attacked Moonglade itself! We cannot allow Moonglade to fall to the Legion.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Powering the Portal: Sylvan Falls

We've received a call for aid from the tauren tribes who live along the Sylvan Falls. Satyr scouting camps have begun raiding their villages.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Powering the Portal: Val'sharah

Shala'nir, the druid grove at the base of the world tree, has been overrun by the satyr and their leader, Banehoof. Send our champions to kill Banehoof.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Preparations for Invasion: Scouting their Hold

Allari wants you to send your forces to scout Felsoul Hold in Suramar. Once there, they are to identify likely capture targets.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Preparations for Invasion: Ship-Shape

It has been many years since the Fel Hammer was in full operational order. Jace needs all hands on deck to help out with some necessary maintenance.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Preparations for Invasion: Snatch and Grab

Now that the Legion targets at Felsoul Hold have been observed for a while, it is time to send your most capable in to capture them.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Preparations for Invasion: Weapon Improvements

Not everyone has a set of artifact warglaives. If we are to invade a demon world, it would be best if the Illidari received improved weapons.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Preparations for Invasion: Where Are the Felsouls?!

With the captured demons safely trapped below deck on the Fel Hammer, Allari is ready to apply her tender mercies and use the Scythe of Souls.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 50 60 min1800
Preparing Our Arrival

Felsoul Hold was not suitable for our plans, but there is one other option. Scout out the area around Felblaze Ingress, to see if we have any hope.

1087.0 Class Hall - Campaign Missions7603× 150 60 min1800