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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Foothold Boots
3227FeetLooted Cloth
Footwraps of the Blightcaller
44Feet A Grim Trophy Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Footwraps
54580Feet Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Treads
54580Feet Cloth
Forge-Scarred Sandals
33Feet Into the Breach Cloth
Foxhollow Sandals
5850FeetLooted Cloth
Frostwind Anklewraps
6050FeetLooted Cloth
Frostwolf Wind-Talker Treads
40Feet Gormaul Tower Cloth
Frostwoven Boots
3227FeetCrafted Cloth
Fungal Resistant Slippers
43Feet The Right Parts for the Job Cloth
Gaea's Slippers
2518FeetLooted Cloth
Galardell Sandals
3632Feet Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Galetorn Slippers
5940Feet Cloth
Galetorn Slippers
5040Feet Cloth
Geomancer's Boots
2114FeetLooted Cloth
Geyserwalker Sandals
20058Feet Cloth
Gilded Fan Silk Treads
37Feet Muddy Water Cloth
Gnomish Casting Boots
31Feet Show Them Gnome Mercy! Cloth
Gnomish Inventor Boots
25Feet Rescue OOX-09/HL! Cloth
Gnomish Rocket Boots
24FeetCrafted Cloth
Goblin Rocket Boots
24FeetCrafted Cloth
Gordunni Sandals
4137FeetLooted Cloth
Gossamer Boots
2417FeetLooted, Fished Cloth
Greenweave Sandals
149FeetLooted Cloth
Grom'gar Wolfskin Slippers
40Feet The Master Siegesmith Cloth
Growing Sandals
3732FeetLooted Cloth
Guardian Serpent Sandals
110Feet Cloth
Guardian Serpent Slippers
110Feet Cloth
Guardian Serpent Treads
110Feet Cloth
Hagfeather Sandals
4440FeetLooted Cloth
Harvester Boots
6Feet It's Alive! Cloth
Hazecover Boots
27Feet A Little Slime Goes a Long Way Cloth
Hellion Boots
22Feet Cloth
Hibernal Boots
2518FeetLooted Cloth
High Councillor's Boots
2923FeetLooted Cloth
Highborne Footpads
2721FeetLooted Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Hrydshal Sandals
4440FeetLooted Cloth
Hydraxian Slippers
6050FeetLooted Cloth
Iceflow Footwraps
32Feet Not Without a Fight! Cloth
Icemist Slippers
3328FeetLooted Cloth
Ikeyen's Boots
30Feet A Damp, Dark Place Cloth
Imbued Disciple's Boots
53FeetLooted Cloth
Imperial Red Boots
2720FeetLooted Cloth
Inciter's Treads
31Feet Crusader's Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Incorporeal Sandals
35Feet All Our Friends Are Dead Cloth
Inflammatory Treads
37Feet Rival's Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Ivycloth Boots
1610FeetLooted Cloth
Iyun Sandals
3936FeetLooted Cloth
Jormungar Galoshes
34Feet The Slithering Darkness Cloth
Junglestrider Sandals
16Feet Headhunting Cloth
Junglewalker Sandals
21Feet Cloth
Kafa Satin Treads
38Feet The Fearmaster Cloth
Kafa Silk Treads
38Feet The Fearmaster Cloth
Karabor Sage Treads
40Feet Escape From Shaz'gul Cloth
Kimbra Boots
14Feet Cloth
Kirin Tor Initiate's Sandals
33FeetQuest Cloth
Krom'gar Sergeant's Linen Footwraps
16Feet Cloth
5Feet The Kurken's Hide Cloth
Landfall Satin Treads
37Feet Cloth
Landfall Satin Treads
37Feet Seeking Zin'jun Cloth
Landfall Satin Treads
37Feet Kung Din Cloth
Landfall Silk Treads
37Feet Kung Din Cloth
Landfall Silk Treads
37Feet Seeking Zin'jun Cloth
Landfall Silk Treads
37Feet Cloth
Lastwind Footgear
50Feet This Be Mutiny Cloth
Lastwind Sandals
50FeetQuest Cloth
Lastwind Shoes
50Feet Cloth
Lastwind Slippers
50FeetQuest Cloth
Lastwind Treads
50FeetQuest Cloth
Laughing Skull Boots
3025FeetLooted Cloth
Layered Frost Sandals
32FeetQuest Cloth
Leiah's Footpads
34Feet The Air Stands Still Cloth
Ley-Touched Sandals
4440FeetLooted Cloth
Leywalker Shoes
44Feet The Scythe of Souls Cloth
Leywalker Treads
44Feet Save Yourself Cloth
Light Boots of the Ringing Deeps
54580Feet Cloth
Lightheart Sandals
35Feet Egg Hunt Cloth
Lightheel Boots
16Feet Cloth
Linen Boots
64FeetCrafted Cloth
Loa Speaker's Footpads
50Feet Catch Me if You Can Cloth
Loa Speaker's Footwraps
50Feet Kel'vax's Home Cloth
Loa Speaker's Sandals
50Feet Krag'wa the Terrible Cloth
Loa Speaker's Slippers
50Feet Cease all Summoning Cloth
Loa Speaker's Treads
50Feet Improper Burial Cloth
Loa-Shaper's Sandals
5940Feet Cloth
Loa-Shaper's Sandals
5040Feet Cloth
Lunar Slippers
2316FeetLooted Cloth
Lunarglow Sandals
3935FeetLooted Cloth
Magesoul Sandals
3530Feet Cloth
Magma-Proof Sandals
36Feet A Fiery Reunion Cloth
Manawracker Sandals
5040FeetLooted Cloth
Mandragoran Sandals
4036FeetLooted Cloth
Mantis Boots
22Feet Cloth
Maple Tender Slippers
41570Feet Cloth
Marshfang Boots
30FeetQuest Cloth
Master's Boots
2924FeetLooted Cloth
Mawsworn Darkcaster's Slippers
20060Feet Cloth
Merchant Marine Sandals
14Feet Claws from the Deep Cloth
Mindbender Treads
38Feet The Burlap Grind Cloth