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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Snow-Coated Cloth Gloves
33Hands Cloth
Time-Twisted Wraps
33Hands Cloth
Bloodbinder's Gloves
33Hands Cloth
Bristlepine Handwraps
3327Hands Cloth
Duskweave Gloves
3329Hands Cloth
Fading Handwraps
33Hands Cloth
Frontrunner's Blessed Handwraps
33Hands Cloth
Grounded Gloves
33Hands Cloth
Icemist Gloves
3328Hands Cloth
Instigator's Gloves
33Hands Cloth
Soothsayer's Handwraps
33Hands Cloth
Tethys Gloves
3328Hands Cloth
Voldrune Gloves
3328Hands Cloth
Wastewind Handwraps
33Hands Cloth
Pockmarked Cloth Gloves
3330Hands Cloth
Anger-Spark Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Anger-Spark Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Blessed Gloves of Undead Cleansing
3227Hands Cloth
Enslaved Doomguard Soulgrips
3227Hands Cloth
Gauntlets of the Sun King
3227Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Dreadweave Gloves
Season 1
3227Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
Season 1
3227Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
Season 1
3227Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Satin Gloves
Season 1
3227Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Silk Handguards
Season 1
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of Arcane Acuity
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of Saintly Blessings
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Aldor
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Avatar
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Corruptor
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Incarnate
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of Tirisfal
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of Unfailing Faith
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of Unfailing Faith
3227Hands Cloth
Grasp of the Dead
3227Hands Cloth
Handguards of the Avatar
3227Hands Cloth
Handwraps of Flowing Thought
3227Hands Cloth
Handwraps of the Incarnate
3227Hands Cloth
Infernoweave Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Light-Blessed Bonds
3227Hands Cloth
Merciless Gladiator's Dreadweave Gloves
Season 2
3227Hands Cloth
Merciless Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
Season 2
3227Hands Cloth
Merciless Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
Season 2
3227Hands Cloth
Merciless Gladiator's Satin Gloves
Season 2
3227Hands Cloth
Merciless Gladiator's Silk Handguards
Season 2
3227Hands Cloth
Soul-Eater's Handwraps
3227Hands Cloth
Studious Wraps
3227Hands Cloth
Voidheart Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Dreadweave Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Energis Armwraps
3227Hands Cloth
Energis Armwraps
3227Hands Cloth
Evoker's Silk Handguards
3227Hands Cloth
Flameheart Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of Arcane Acuity
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of Oblivion
32Hands Cloth
Gloves of Oblivion
3227Hands Cloth
Gloves of the Deadwatcher
3227Hands Cloth
Grand Marshal's Dreadweave Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Grand Marshal's Mooncloth Mitts
3227Hands Cloth
Grand Marshal's Satin Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Grand Marshal's Silk Handguards
3227Hands Cloth
Hallowed Handwraps
3227Hands Cloth
Hallowed Handwraps
32Hands Cloth
Hands of the Sun
3227Hands Cloth
Hands of the Sun
3227Hands Cloth
High Warlord's Dreadweave Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
High Warlord's Mooncloth Mitts
3227Hands Cloth
High Warlord's Satin Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
High Warlord's Silk Handguards
3227Hands Cloth
Incanter's Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Jaedenfire Gloves of Annihilation
3227Hands Cloth
Mana-Etched Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Mooncloth Mitts
3227Hands Cloth
Prismatic Mittens of Mending
3227Hands Cloth
Prismatic Mittens of Mending
3227Hands Cloth
Satin Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Windchanneller's Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Archmage Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Blauvelt's Special Occasion Gloves
32Hands Cloth
Bloodspore Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Cavernous Gauntlets
32Hands Cloth
Eldr'naan Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Elementalist Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Ethereal Gloves
32Hands Cloth
Farshire Gloves
3226Hands Cloth
Flamebinder Handwraps
32Hands Cloth
Foothold Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Frostwoven Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Grips of the Void
32Hands Cloth
Mur'ghoul Handwraps
3227Hands Cloth
Shadow Council Gloves
3226Hands Cloth
Sweltering Handwraps
32Hands Cloth
Transborean Wraps
32Hands Cloth
Uvuros Hide Gloves
32Hands Cloth
Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves
3229Hands Cloth
Thread-Bare Cloth Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Chancellor's Dreadweave Gloves
3127Hands Cloth
Chancellor's Mooncloth Mitts
3127Hands Cloth
Chancellor's Satin Gloves
3127Hands Cloth
Chancellor's Silk Handguards
3127Hands Cloth