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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Well Watcher Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Welldrip Gloves
7Hands Cloth
Wooly Mittens
6Hands Cloth
Woven Gloves
53Hands Cloth
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Cloth Grips
20050Hands Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Hand
150Hands Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Hand
150Hands Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Hand
150Hands Cloth
Ardenweald Covenant Cloth Hand
150Hands Cloth
Brocade Gloves
16Hands Cloth
Calico Gloves
85Hands Cloth
Canvas Gloves
117Hands Cloth
Crochet Gloves
2519Hands Cloth
Cross-Stitched Gloves
1610Hands Cloth
Decayed Cloth Grips
13740Hands Cloth
Dilapidated Cloth Gloves
2926Hands Cloth
Ember-Bleached Cloth Grips
20040Hands Cloth
Frayed Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Frostfire Gloves
130Hands Cloth
Frost-Rimed Cloth Gloves
3229Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Felweave Handguards
127Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves
127Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Satin Gloves
127Hands Cloth
Gladiator's Silk Handguards
127Hands Cloth
Gloves of Faith
130Hands Cloth
Gronncloth Gloves
3635Hands Cloth
Handwraps of Faith
130Hands Cloth
Interlaced Gloves
1912Hands Cloth
Loosely Threaded Gloves
2925Hands Cloth
Mesh Gloves
2924Hands Cloth
Netherworn Handwraps
3740Hands Cloth
Oribos Quest Cloth Hand
150Hands Cloth
Parched Silk Handwraps
13740Hands Cloth
Patchwork Gloves
32Hands Cloth
Plagueheart Gloves
130Hands Cloth
Pockmarked Cloth Gloves
3330Hands Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Gloves
3535Hands Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Gloves
3533Hands Cloth
Shandris's Fingerless Gloves
3740Hands Cloth
Singed Cloth Grips
20050Hands Cloth
Sodden Cloth Gloves
3531Hands Cloth
Stained Cloth Grips
13740Hands Cloth
Sunbleached Handwraps
3740Hands Cloth
Thread-Bare Cloth Gloves
3227Hands Cloth
Twill Gloves
2822Hands Cloth
Unkempt Gloves
2Hands Cloth
Unraveling Cloth Handwraps
3740Hands Cloth
Vermin-Gnawed Cloth Gloves
3532Hands Cloth