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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Mana-Etched Crown
3227HeadLooted Cloth
Mooncloth Cowl
3227Head Cloth
Satin Hood
3227Head Cloth
Satin Hood
3227Head Cloth
Scintillating Headdress of Second Sight
3227HeadLooted Cloth
Watcher's Cowl
3227Head Cloth
Windchanneller's Miter
3227Head Cloth
Archmage Headpiece
3227HeadLooted Cloth
Bloodspore Hood
3227HeadLooted Cloth
Eldr'naan Hood
3227HeadLooted Cloth
Elementalist Skullcap
3227HeadLooted Cloth
Foothold Hood
3227HeadLooted Cloth
Mur'ghoul Cap
3227HeadLooted Cloth
Battlecast Hood
3127HeadCrafted Cloth
Chancellor's Dreadweave Hood
3127Head Cloth
Chancellor's Mooncloth Cowl
3127Head Cloth
Chancellor's Satin Hood
3127Head Cloth
Chancellor's Silk Cowl
3127Head Cloth
Circlet of Arcane Might
3127HeadCrafted Cloth
Coronet of Verdant Flame
3127HeadCrafted Cloth
Nether Runner's Cowl
3127Head Cloth
Spellstrike Hood
3127HeadCrafted Cloth
Whitemend Hood
3127HeadCrafted Cloth
Gladiator's Felweave Cowl
127Head Cloth
Gladiator's Mooncloth Hood
127Head Cloth
Gladiator's Satin Hood
127Head Cloth
Gladiator's Silk Cowl
127Head Cloth
Visage Liquification Goggles
3528HeadCrafted Cloth
Aerie Headpiece
3428HeadLooted Cloth
Duskweave Cowl
3328HeadCrafted Cloth
Icemist Circlet
3328HeadLooted Cloth
Tethys Hood
3328HeadLooted Cloth
Voldrune Crown
3328HeadLooted Cloth
Shimmersteel Hood
3228HeadLooted Cloth
Frostwoven Cowl
3228HeadCrafted Cloth
Aurelian Miter
3629HeadLooted Cloth
Frostsavage Cowl
3529HeadCrafted Cloth
Static Cowl
3529HeadLooted Cloth
Volkhan's Hood
3529HeadLooted Cloth
Ameth'Aran Cowl
3529HeadLooted Cloth
Baradin Cowl
3529HeadLooted Cloth
Mistmantle Cowl
3529HeadLooted Cloth
Vizier Hood
3529HeadLooted Cloth
Condor Headpiece
3429HeadLooted Cloth
Crystalsong Crown
3429HeadLooted Cloth
Oracle Circlet
3429HeadLooted Cloth
Beachcomber's Hat
3830HeadLooted Cloth
Korjan Mystic's Hood
3830HeadLooted Cloth
Brightwood Cowl
3630HeadLooted Cloth
Deathsilk Cowl
3630HeadCrafted Cloth
Aurora of Transcendence
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Bloodmage Hood
3530HeadVendor Cloth
Bloodmage Hood
3530Head Cloth
Circlet of Sanctification
3530Head Cloth
Circlet of Transcendence
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Collar of the Wyrmhunter
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Collar of the Wyrmhunter
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Conqueror's Circlet of Sanctification
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Conqueror's Circlet of Sanctification
3530Head Cloth
Conqueror's Cowl of Sanctification
3530Head Cloth
Conqueror's Deathbringer Hood
3530Head Cloth
Conqueror's Deathbringer Hood
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Conqueror's Kirin Tor Hood
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Conqueror's Kirin Tor Hood
3530HeadVendor Cloth
Coronet of Transcendence
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Dark Whispers
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Dark Whispers
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Icy Breaths
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Icy Breaths
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Innocent Delight
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Malefic Repose
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Malefic Repose
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Sanctification
3530Head Cloth
Cowl of Sheet Lightning
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of the Absolute
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of the Absolute
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Vanity
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Cowl of Winged Fear
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Cowl
3530Head Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Cowl
3530HeadVendor Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Hood
3530Head Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Hood
3530HeadVendor Cloth
Crown of Luminescence
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Crown of Luminescence
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Dark Coven Hood
3530HeadVendor Cloth
Dark Coven Hood
3530Head Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Felweave Cowl
Season 5
3530Head Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Mooncloth Hood
Season 5
3530Head Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Satin Hood
Season 5
3530Head Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Silk Cowl
Season 5
3530HeadVendor Cloth
Deathbringer Hood
3530Head Cloth
Enamored Cowl
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Faerlina's Madness
3530HeadLooted Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Felweave Cowl
Season 6
3530Head Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Mooncloth Hood
Season 6
3530Head Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Satin Hood
Season 6
3530Head Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Silk Cowl
Season 6
3530Head Cloth
Gaze of the Unknown
3530HeadLooted Cloth