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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Pagan Britches
1610LegsLooted Cloth
Phoenix Pants
1610LegsCrafted Cloth
Smoldering Pants
1610Legs Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Spellsculptor's Leggings
1610Legs Cloth
Passionsilk Trousers
1310Legs Cloth
Scrollkeeper Pants
1310Legs Cloth
Spirit-Waker Leggings
1310Legs Cloth
Timerunner's Leggings
1310Legs Cloth
Amaranthine Pants
110Legs Cloth
Breezebinder's Leggings
110Legs Cloth
Brewmoon Trousers
110Legs Cloth
Chronomancer Leggings
110Legs Cloth
Chronomancer Pants
110Legs Cloth
Chronomancer Trousers
110Legs Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Leggings
110Legs Cloth
Guardian Serpent Leggings
110Legs Cloth
Guardian Serpent Pants
110Legs Cloth
Guardian Serpent Trousers
110Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Burning Scroll
110Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Chromatic Hydra
110Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Dynast
110Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Exorcist
110Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Horned Nightmare
110Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Ternion Glory
110Legs Cloth
Leggings of the Thousandfold Hells
110Legs Cloth
Mindbender Pants
110Legs Cloth
Mistwalker's Pants
110Legs Cloth
Pants of the Burning Scroll
110Legs Cloth
Pants of the Chromatic Hydra
110Legs Cloth
Pants of the Exorcist
110Legs Cloth
Pants of the Horned Nightmare
110Legs Cloth
Pants of the Ternion Glory
110Legs Cloth
Pants of the Thousandfold Hells
110Legs Cloth
Scrollkeeper Trousers
110Legs Cloth
Shaded Wood Trousers
110Legs Cloth
Sha-Skin Leggings
110Legs Cloth
Sha-Skin Pants
110Legs Cloth
Sha-Skin Trousers
110Legs Cloth
Silkmaster's Leggings
110Legs Cloth
Spirit-Waker's Leggings
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Burning Scroll
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Chromatic Hydra
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Exorcist
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Horned Nightmare
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Ternion Glory
110Legs Cloth
Trousers of the Thousandfold Hells
110Legs Cloth
Windwhisper Pants
110Legs Cloth
Shabby Trogg Britches
1811LegsLooted Cloth
Azure Silk Pants
1811LegsCrafted Cloth
Humbert's Pants
1811Legs Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Ivycloth Pants
1811LegsLooted Cloth
Sanguine Trousers
1811Legs Cloth
Silver-Thread Pants
1811LegsLooted Cloth
Watcher's Leggings
1811Legs Cloth
Blighted Leggings
1912Legs Cloth
Durable Pants
1912LegsLooted Cloth
Raincaller Pants
1912Legs Hatefury Trickster Cloth
Resilient Leggings
1912LegsLooted Cloth
Sage's Pants
1912LegsLooted Cloth
Nightsky Trousers
2113LegsLooted Cloth
Vital Leggings
2113LegsLooted Cloth
Necromancer Leggings
2013LegsLooted Cloth
Elder's Pants
2013LegsLooted Cloth
Thistlefur Pants
2013LegsLooted Cloth
Leggings of Hallowed Fire
1913LegsLooted Cloth
Crimson Silk Pantaloons
2214LegsCrafted Cloth
Geomancer's Trousers
2214LegsLooted Cloth
Twilight Pants
2214LegsLooted Cloth
Interlaced Pants
2214LegsLooted Cloth
Conjurer's Breeches
2114LegsLooted Cloth
Stonecloth Britches
2114LegsLooted Cloth
Russet Pants
2114LegsVendor Cloth
Stoneweaver Leggings
2215LegsLooted Cloth
Aurora Pants
2215LegsLooted Cloth
Black Mageweave Leggings
2215LegsCrafted Cloth
Embersilk Leggings
2215LegsLooted Cloth
Darkmist Pants
2316LegsLooted Cloth
Red Mageweave Pants
2316LegsCrafted Cloth
Shadoweave Pants
2316LegsCrafted Cloth
Silksand Legwraps
2316LegsLooted Cloth
Sorcerer Pants
2316LegsLooted Cloth
Necropile Leggings
2417Legs Cloth
Padre's Trousers
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Skullsmoke Pants
2417Legs Cloth
Threadbare Trousers
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Lunar Leggings
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Mistscape Pants
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Regal Leggings
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Crochet Pants
2417LegsLooted Cloth
Leggings of Unleashed Anguish
2317LegsLooted Cloth
Sacred Cloth Leggings
2518Legs Cloth
Gossamer Pants
2518LegsLooted Cloth
Pale Leggings
2418Legs Cloth
Royal Trousers
2418LegsLooted Cloth
Windchaser Woolies
2418LegsLooted Cloth
Spellshock Leggings
2519LegsLooted Cloth
Bloodwoven Pants
2519LegsLooted Cloth
Cindercloth Leggings
2519Legs Cloth
Hibernal Pants
2519LegsLooted Cloth
Dalewind Trousers
2720LegsLooted Cloth