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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Amice of the Exorcist
110Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Horned Nightmare
110Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Ternion Glory
110Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Thousandfold Hells
110Shoulders Cloth
Anchorite Shoulderpads
3935ShouldersLooted Cloth
Arachnidian Pauldrons
2720ShouldersLooted Cloth
Arcane Pads
2923ShouldersLooted Cloth
Arcane Singed Mantle
5040ShouldersLooted Cloth
Archmage Mantle
3227ShouldersLooted Cloth
Astralaan Shoulderpads
3126ShouldersLooted Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Mantle
42Shoulders Pieces of Us Cloth
Aurora Mantle
2214ShouldersLooted Cloth
Auxiliary's Amice
29Shoulders Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Avowed Tormenter's Shoulderpads
10050Shoulders Cloth
Azure Shoulders
2114ShouldersCrafted Cloth
Baradin Shoulderpads
3529ShouldersLooted Cloth
Bell-Ringer's Shoulderpads
33Shoulders Drak'aguul's Mallet Cloth
Black Mageweave Shoulders
2418ShouldersCrafted Cloth
Black Rose Amice
44Shoulders The Splintered Fleet Cloth
Bloodbinder's Shoulderpads
33Shoulders An End to the Suffering Cloth
Bloodhex Mantle
5850ShouldersLooted Cloth
Bloodskin Mantle
10050Shoulders Cloth
Bloodspore Mantle
3227ShouldersLooted Cloth
Bloodwoven Pads
2518ShouldersLooted Cloth
Bluefen Shoulderpads
3632ShouldersLooted, Mined Cloth
Bondshatter Shoulders
36Shoulders Fight Fire and Water and Air with... Cloth
Bonecaster's Spaulders
2822ShouldersLooted Cloth
Bonespeaker Mantle
5040ShouldersLooted Cloth
Bravo Company Mantle
Breezebinder's Shoulderpads
110Shoulders Cloth
Brewer's Shoulderpads
3833ShouldersLooted Cloth
Brewmoon Mantle
110Shoulders Cloth
Bright Mantle
1610ShouldersLooted Cloth
Brightwood Shoulderpads
3630ShouldersLooted Cloth
Bristlepine Shoulderpads
3327ShouldersLooted Cloth
Buoyant Shoulderpads
23Shoulders Two-Tusk Takedown Cloth
Buoyant Shoulderpads
23Shoulders Two-Tusk Takedown Cloth
Calanoid Shoulders
35Shoulders Blackfin's Booty Cloth
Cascading Amice
50Shoulders Fel-Touched Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Cave Topographer's Shoulders
35070Shoulders Cloth
Cave Topographer's Shoulders
1ShouldersVendor Cloth
Celestial Pauldrons
2923ShouldersLooted Cloth
Chestnut Mantle
16ShouldersUnobtainable Cloth
Choral Amice
22660Shoulders Cloth
Chronomancer Amice
110Shoulders Cloth
Chronomancer Mantle
110Shoulders Cloth
Chronomancer Shoulderpads
110Shoulders Cloth
Clan-Heart Shoulders
36Shoulders The Loyalty of Clan Mullan Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Shoulderpads
110Shoulders Cloth
Cobalt Watcher's Shoulderpads
35060Shoulders Cloth
Coldwraith Mantle
3530ShouldersLooted Cloth
Communal Mantle
5045Shoulders Cloth
Communal Mantle
4440Shoulders Cloth
Communal Mantle
4440Shoulders Cloth
Communal Mantle
44Shoulders Cloth
Communal Mantle
3935Shoulders Cloth
Communal Mantle
3935Shoulders Cloth
Communal Shoulderpads
5045Shoulders Cloth
Communal Shoulderpads
4440Shoulders Cloth
Communal Shoulderpads
3935Shoulders Cloth
Communal Shoulderpads
3935Shoulders Cloth
Condor Shoulderpads
3429ShouldersLooted Cloth
Conjurer's Mantle
2113ShouldersLooted Cloth
Consortium Mantle
3126ShouldersLooted Cloth
Corpseburner's Mantle
24Shoulders Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee... Cloth
Corpse-Stitcher's Mantle
8548Shoulders Land of Opportunity Cloth
Corpulent Shoulderpads
23Shoulders The Corpulent One Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Mantle
1Shoulders Cloth
Councillor's Shoulders
2822ShouldersLooted Cloth
Crescent Vale Shoulderpads
4440ShouldersLooted Cloth
Crimson Combatant's Wildercloth Shoulderpads
33070Shoulders Cloth
Crimson Silk Shoulders
2114ShouldersCrafted Cloth
Crystal Breeze Mantle
29Shoulders Cloth
Crystalsong Mantle
3429ShouldersLooted Cloth
Curate's Mantle
4450Shoulders Cloth
Curtainfire Mantle
27Shoulders Spray it One More Time Cloth
Dark Animator's Mantle
6050ShouldersLooted Cloth
Dark Star Shoulderpads
4440ShouldersLooted Cloth
Darkmist Mantle
2316ShouldersLooted Cloth
Darrowmere Shoulderpads
3530ShouldersLooted Cloth
DB53 Cloth Spell Shoulder3
146Shoulders Cloth
DB56 Cloth Healer Shoulder2
146Shoulders Cloth
Deathsilk Shoulders
3530ShouldersCrafted Cloth
Deep-Dweller's Shoulderpads
54570Shoulders Cloth
Deeptide Amice
5850Shoulders Cloth
Desert Shoulders
18Shoulders Cloth
Doomsinger Mantle
5040Shoulders Relinquished Spaulders Cloth
Double-Stitched Woolen Shoulders
148ShouldersCrafted Cloth
Draconic Aspirant's Silk Mantle
45470Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Aspirant's Silk Shawl
45470Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Combatant's Wildercloth Shoulderpads
33070Shoulders Cloth
Drakewatcher's Shoulderpads
20060Shoulders Cloth
Dreadsoul Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Dreambound Shoulderpads
35070Shoulders Cloth
Durable Shoulders
1912ShouldersLooted, Fished Cloth
Duskweave Shoulders
3429ShouldersCrafted Cloth
Duskwoven Amice
2620ShouldersLooted Cloth
Earthen Traveler's Shoulderpads
40070Shoulders Cloth
Elder's Mantle
1912ShouldersLooted, Fished Cloth
Eldr'naan Shoulderpads
3227ShouldersLooted Cloth