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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Punishing Shoulders
35Shoulders Cloth
Plundered Runecaster's Mantle
200110Shoulders Cloth
Pinerock Tracker's Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Passionsilk Amice
1310Shoulders Cloth
Palm Frond Mantle
20Shoulders Cloth
Outlander's Pauldrons
2924Shoulders Cloth
Orunai Shoulderpads
4037Shoulders Cloth
Orchid Amice
28Shoulders Cloth
Oracle Mantle
3429Shoulders Cloth
Opulent Mantle
2620Shoulders Cloth
Ohn'ir Initiate Mantle
20058Shoulders Cloth
Obsidian Combatant's Wildercloth Shoulderpads
33070Shoulders Cloth
Oasis Mantle
24Shoulders Cloth
Nightsky Mantle
2013Shoulders Cloth
Nightfallen Mantle
44Shoulders Cloth
Night Dreamer Mantle
5040Shoulders Cloth
Netherwhisper Mantle
5040Shoulders Cloth
Nether Guards
31Shoulders Cloth
Mystral Shoulderpads
3631Shoulders Cloth
Mystical Mantle
2821Shoulders Cloth
Mur'ghoul Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mourner's Stole
13Shoulders Cloth
Mountainscaler Silk Amice
3733Shoulders Cloth
Mountainscaler Satin Mantle
3733Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
5045Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
4440Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
44Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
4440Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
3935Shoulders Cloth
Mountainsage Shoulderpads
3935Shoulders Cloth
Moth Queen Mantle
35070Shoulders Cloth
Moonlit Amice
19Shoulders Cloth
Moonless Shoulderpads
25070Shoulders Cloth
Moonfall Shoulderpads
4440Shoulders Cloth
Mok'Nathal Mantle
31Shoulders Cloth
Mistyreed Shoulderpads
3126Shoulders Cloth
Mistscape Mantle
2316Shoulders Cloth
Mistmantle Shoulderpads
3529Shoulders Cloth
Mistborne Pauldrons
38Shoulders Cloth
Mistborne Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Mindbender Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Merchant-Rise Shoulderguards
36Shoulders Cloth
Mawsworn Darkcaster's Shoulderpads
20060Shoulders Cloth
Master's Mantle
2924Shoulders Cloth
Marblebeard's Shrug
12Shoulders Cloth
Maple Tender Mantle
41570Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Woe
19Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Unholy Power
99Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the White Sheep
25Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Underhalls
34Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Scholarly Raven
1Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Panther
18Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Eventide
5040Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Dark Messenger
34Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Itharius
33Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Invocation
23Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Invocation
23Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Honor
20Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Haunting
16Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Congealed Anger
32Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Arcane Mastery
77Shoulders Cloth
Mandragoran Shoulderpads
4036Shoulders Cloth
Manawracker Shoulders
5040Shoulders Cloth
Magesoul Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Lunarglow Shoulderpads
3935Shoulders Cloth
Lunar Mantle
2417Shoulders Cloth
Luminescent Amice
18Shoulders Cloth
Loa-Shaper's Mantle
5940Shoulders Cloth
Loa-Shaper's Mantle
5040Shoulders Cloth
Leywalker Mantle
680Shoulders Cloth
Leywalker Amice
44Shoulders Cloth
Ley-Touched Mantle
4440Shoulders Cloth
Laughing Skull Shoulderpads
3025Shoulders Cloth
Krom'gar Champion's Linen Shoulderpads
18Shoulders Cloth
Kodo-Repellant Shoulders
20Shoulders Cloth
Karna's Poncho
27Shoulders Cloth
Karabor Sage Mantle
40Shoulders Cloth
Kafa Silk Amice
38Shoulders Cloth
Kafa Satin Mantle
38Shoulders Cloth
Journeyman's Epaulets
22Shoulders Cloth
Iyun Shoulderpads
3936Shoulders Cloth
Ivycloth Mantle
1710Shoulders Cloth
Imperial Red Mantle
2720Shoulders Cloth
Icyweave Amice
35Shoulders Cloth
Icemist Mantle
3328Shoulders Cloth
Hydraxian Mantle
6050Shoulders Cloth
Hull-Shatter Shoulders
36Shoulders Cloth
Hrydshal Shoulderpads
4440Shoulders Cloth
Highfather's Cover
31468Shoulders Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Scrollmantle
1Shoulders Cloth
Highborne Pauldrons
2721Shoulders Cloth
High Councillor's Mantle
2924Shoulders Cloth
Hibernal Mantle
2519Shoulders Cloth
Hagfeather Shoulderpads
4440Shoulders Cloth
Growing Shoulderpads
3732Shoulders Cloth
Greenweave Mantle
1610Shoulders Cloth
Green Silken Shoulders
2113Shoulders Cloth
Gossamer Shoulderpads
2418Shoulders Cloth
Gordunni Shoulderpads
4137Shoulders Cloth
Gilded Fan Silk Pauldrons
37Shoulders Cloth