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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Incanter's Pauldrons
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mana-Etched Spaulders
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mana-Sphere Shoulderguards
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Three Terrors
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mindrage Pauldrons
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mooncloth Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Cloth
Satin Mantle
3227Shoulders Cloth
Spaulders of Oblivion
3227Shoulders Cloth
Vestia's Pauldrons of Inner Grace
3227Shoulders Cloth
Windchanneller's Mantle
3227Shoulders Cloth
Archmage Mantle
3227Shoulders Cloth
Bloodspore Mantle
3227Shoulders Cloth
Eldr'naan Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Cloth
Elementalist Mantle
3227Shoulders Cloth
Foothold Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Cloth
Frostwoven Shoulders
3227Shoulders Cloth
Mur'ghoul Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Cloth
Thread-Bare Cloth Shoulderpads
3227Shoulders Cloth
Chancellor's Dreadweave Mantle
3127Shoulders Cloth
Chancellor's Satin Mantle
3127Shoulders Cloth
Chancellor's Silk Amice
3127Shoulders Cloth
Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders
3127Shoulders Cloth
Primal Mooncloth Shoulders
3127Shoulders Cloth
Soulcloth Shoulders
3127Shoulders Cloth
Gladiator's Felweave Amice
127Shoulders Cloth
Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle
127Shoulders Cloth
Gladiator's Satin Mantle
127Shoulders Cloth
Gladiator's Silk Amice
127Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Echoing Bats
3428Shoulders Cloth
Aerie Shoulderpads
3428Shoulders Cloth
Charlotte's Chastizing Pauldrons
3328Shoulders Cloth
Mystic Frostwoven Shoulders
3328Shoulders Cloth
Icemist Mantle
3328Shoulders Cloth
Tethys Mantle
3328Shoulders Cloth
Voldrune Mantle
3328Shoulders Cloth
Kyrstel Mantle
3629Shoulders Cloth
Frostsavage Shoulders
3529Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Electrical Charges
3529Shoulders Cloth
Silken Amice of the Ymirjar
3529Shoulders Cloth
Ameth'Aran Shoulderpads
3529Shoulders Cloth
Baradin Shoulderpads
3529Shoulders Cloth
Mistmantle Shoulderpads
3529Shoulders Cloth
Vizier Mantle
3529Shoulders Cloth
Condor Shoulderpads
3429Shoulders Cloth
Crystalsong Mantle
3429Shoulders Cloth
Duskweave Shoulders
3429Shoulders Cloth
Oracle Mantle
3429Shoulders Cloth
Frost-Rimed Cloth Shoulderpads
3229Shoulders Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Shoulder
129Shoulders Cloth
Spaulders of Five Rings
3830Shoulders Cloth
Skeletalized Shoulderpads
3630Shoulders Cloth
Brightwood Shoulderpads
3630Shoulders Cloth
Amice of Inconceivable Horror
3530Shoulders Cloth
Amice of Inconceivable Horror
3530Shoulders Cloth
Bloodmage Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Bloodstained Surgeon's Shoulderguards
3530Shoulders Cloth
Bloodstained Surgeon's Shoulderguards
3530Shoulders Cloth
Conqueror's Deathbringer Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Conqueror's Deathbringer Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Conqueror's Kirin Tor Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Conqueror's Kirin Tor Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Conqueror's Mantle of Sanctification
3530Shoulders Cloth
Conqueror's Mantle of Sanctification
3530Shoulders Cloth
Conqueror's Shoulderpads of Sanctification
3530Shoulders Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Mantle
3530Shoulders Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Mantle
3530Shoulders Cloth
Crimson Acolyte Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Dark Coven Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Felweave Amice
Season 5
3530Shoulders Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle
Season 5
3530Shoulders Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Satin Mantle
Season 5
3530Shoulders Cloth
Deadly Gladiator's Silk Amice
Season 5
3530Shoulders Cloth
Deathbringer Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Frayed Abomination Stitching Shoulders
3530Shoulders Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Felweave Amice
Season 6
3530Shoulders Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle
Season 6
3530Shoulders Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Satin Mantle
Season 6
3530Shoulders Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Silk Amice
Season 6
3530Shoulders Cloth
Gul'dan's Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Gul'dan's Shoulderpads of Conquest
3530Shoulders Cloth
Gul'dan's Shoulderpads of Triumph
3530Shoulders Cloth
Gul'dan's Shoulderpads of Triumph
3530Shoulders Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Felweave Amice
3530Shoulders Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle
3530Shoulders Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Satin Mantle
3530Shoulders Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Silk Amice
3530Shoulders Cloth
Heroes' Frostfire Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Heroes' Mantle of Faith
3530Shoulders Cloth
Heroes' Plagueheart Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Heroes' Shoulderpads of Faith
3530Shoulders Cloth
Iceshear Mantle
3530Shoulders Cloth
Iceshear Mantle
3530Shoulders Cloth
Kel'Thuzad's Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Kel'Thuzad's Shoulderpads of Conquest
3530Shoulders Cloth
Kel'Thuzad's Shoulderpads of Triumph
3530Shoulders Cloth
Kel'Thuzad's Shoulderpads of Triumph
3530Shoulders Cloth
Khadgar's Shoulderpads
3530Shoulders Cloth
Khadgar's Shoulderpads of Conquest
3530Shoulders Cloth
Khadgar's Shoulderpads of Triumph
3530Shoulders Cloth
Khadgar's Shoulderpads of Triumph
3530Shoulders Cloth