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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
10.0 QRP Template <Descriptor> Sash
20058Waist Cloth
10.0 Zone Uncommon Template <Descriptor> Cord
20060Waist Cloth
9.0 Covenant - Ardenweald - Cloth - Waist
6050Waist Cloth
9.0 Covenant - Maldraxxus - Cloth - Waist
6050Waist Cloth
9.0 Covenant - Revendreth - Cloth - Waist
6050Waist Cloth
Abjurer's Sash
2519WaistLooted Cloth
Aboriginal Sash
85WaistLooted Cloth
Abstruse Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Abstruse Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Abstruse Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Abyssal Cloth Sash
2925Waist Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Academy Cord
44Waist Hit the Books Cloth
Aerie Belt
3428WaistLooted Cloth
Aggra's Sash
5Waist The Heads of the SI:7 Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Sash
57780Waist Cloth
Alighted Cord
40070Waist Cloth
Alystros' Plume Cinch
33Waist The Plume of Alystros Cloth
Amaranthine Belt
110Waist Cloth
Ambermist Cord
37Waist Attention Cloth
Ameth'Aran Cord
3529WaistLooted Cloth
Anchorite Cord
3935WaistLooted Cloth
Angkhal Waistband
37Waist Crane Mastery: Needlebeak Cloth
Apothecary's Waistband
106Waist Cloth
Arachnidian Girdle
2620WaistLooted Cloth
Arcane Sash
2822WaistLooted Cloth
Arcane Singed Cord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Archmage Belt
3227WaistLooted Cloth
Art Template Cloth Belt - Cloth_PVPPriest_E_01 - Light
1WaistUnobtainable Cloth
Artist's Cinch
31468Waist Cloth
Astralaan Belt
3126WaistLooted Cloth
Astralite's Cord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Aurora Sash
2114WaistLooted Cloth
Avowed Tormenter's Cord
10050Waist Cloth
Azure Silk Belt
2013WaistCrafted Cloth
Baradin Cord
3529WaistLooted Cloth
Beach Party Thong
27Waist Drinks on the Rocks Cloth
Beaded Raptor Collar
1912Waist Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Belt of Affront
17Waist The Real Threat Cloth
Belt of Dark Schemes
5Waist Dark Iron Scheming Cloth
Belt of False Promises
23Waist The Ancient Brazier Cloth
Belt of Floating Stone
35070Waist Cloth
Belt of the Burning Scroll
110Waist Cloth
Belt of the Chromatic Hydra
110Waist Cloth
Belt of the Exorcist
110Waist Cloth
Belt of the Horned Nightmare
110Waist Cloth
Belt of the Sage
31Waist Information Gathering Cloth
Belt of the Second Head
8Waist Korok the Colossus Cloth
Belt of the Ternion Glory
110Waist Cloth
Belt of the Thousandfold Hells
110Waist Cloth
Belt of Unsolvable Problems
8WaistQuest Cloth
Binding of Purified Corpses
34Waist An Issue of Trust Cloth
Bloodeye Belt
6Waist Crossroads Caravan Pickup Cloth
Bloodhex Cord
5850WaistLooted Cloth
Bloodskin Cord
10050Waist Cloth
Bloodspore Sash
3227WaistLooted Cloth
Bloodwoven Cord
2417WaistLooted Cloth
Bluefen Cord
3632WaistLooted Cloth
Bonecaster's Belt
2821WaistLooted Cloth
Bonespeaker Cinch
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Braided Bat Sinew
33Waist Clipping Their Wings Cloth
Brantwood Sash
28Waist Cloth
Breezebinder's Cord
110Waist Cloth
Brewer's Cord
3833WaistLooted Cloth
Brewmoon Sash
110Waist Cloth
Bright Belt
159WaistLooted Cloth
Brightwood Cord
3630WaistLooted Cloth
Brimstone Belt
159Waist Big Crate of Salvage Cloth
Bristlepine Cord
3327WaistLooted Cloth
BT47 Cloth Healer Belt2
138Waist Cloth
Buccaneer's Cord
127WaistLooted Cloth
Buckled Cloth Belt
12548Waist Cloth
Cagebreaker's Satin Cord
37Waist Freeing Our Brothers Cloth
Cagebreaker's Silk Cord
37Waist Freeing Our Brothers Cloth
Captain Sanders' Sash
8Waist Captain Sanders' Hidden Treasure Cloth
Caravan Sash
22Waist A Gift For Fiona Cloth
Cascading Cord
50Waist Fel-Touched Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Cave Topographer's Cord
35070Waist Cloth
Cave Topographer's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Celestial Belt
2822WaistLooted Cloth
Chief Engineer's Belt
31Waist Elemental Power Extraction Cloth
Choral Sash
22660Waist Cloth
Chronomancer Belt
110Waist Cloth
Chronomancer Cord
110Waist Cloth
Chronomancer Sash
110Waist Cloth
Cilice of Suffering
31Waist Helping the Lost Find Their Way Cloth
Cincture of Woven Reeds
12Waist Culling the Flutterers Cloth
Cleansed Shadow Council Belt
24Waist Lord Banehollow Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Cord
110Waist Cloth
Cobalt Watcher's Cord
35060Waist Cloth
Coldwraith Sash
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Communal Cord
6850Waist Cloth
Communal Cord
6850Waist Cloth
Communal Cord
5045Waist Cloth
Communal Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Communal Cord
3935Waist Cloth
Communal Cord
3935Waist Cloth
Communal Sash
6850Waist Cloth
Communal Sash
6850Waist Cloth
Communal Sash
5045Waist Cloth
Communal Sash
4440Waist Cloth