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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Essence of Anger
3530Waist Cloth
Essence of Anger
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Cord of Ascendancy
Season 6
3530Waist Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Cord of Dominance
Season 6
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Furious Gladiator's Cord of Salvation
Season 6
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Girdle of Bane
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Glacial Waistband
3530WaistCrafted Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Cord of Ascendancy
3530Waist Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Cord of Dominance
3530Waist Cloth
Hateful Gladiator's Cord of Salvation
3530Waist Cloth
Icehowl Binding
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Icehowl Binding
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Icehowl Cinch
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Icehowl Cinch
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Leash of Heedless Magic
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Lingering Illness
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Lingering Illness
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Misbegotten Belt
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Misbegotten Belt
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Plush Sash of Guzbah
3530WaistVendor Cloth
Relentless Gladiator's Cord of Alacrity
Season 7
3530Waist Cloth
Relentless Gladiator's Cord of Dominance
Season 7
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Relentless Gladiator's Cord of Salvation
Season 7
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of Ancient Power
3530WaistCrafted Cloth
Sash of Jordan
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of Mortal Desire
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of Potent Incantations
3530WaistVendor Cloth
Sash of Solitude
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of the Parlor
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of the Servant
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of the Servant
3530Waist Cloth
Starwatcher's Binding
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Strip of Remorse
3530WaistLooted Cloth
The Confessor's Binding
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Titan-Forged Cord of Dominance
3530Waist Cloth
Titan-Forged Cord of Salvation
3530Waist Cloth
Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Alacrity
Season 8
3530Waist Cloth
Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Ascendancy
Season 8
3530Waist Cloth
Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Dominance
Season 8
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Salvation
Season 8
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Unified Souls
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Deep Frozen Cord
3530WaistCrafted Cloth
Fishy Cinch
3529WaistVendor Cloth
Flowing Sash of Order
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Flowing Sash of Order
35WaistLooted Cloth
Frostsavage Belt
3529WaistCrafted Cloth
Girdle of Bane
35WaistLooted Cloth
Living Mojo Belt
35WaistLooted Cloth
Living Mojo Belt
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of Phantasmal Images
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of Shattering Hearts
3530Waist Cloth
Sash of the Hardened Watcher
3529WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of the Wizened Wyrm
3529WaistVendor Cloth
Sash of Trumpeted Pride
3530WaistVendor Cloth
Sly Mojo Sash
35WaistQuest Cloth
Snowmelt Silken Cinch
3529WaistLooted Cloth
Snowmelt Silken Cinch
35WaistLooted Cloth
Ameth'Aran Cord
3529WaistLooted Cloth
Baradin Cord
3529WaistLooted Cloth
Coldwraith Sash
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Cone-Snail Cinch
35Waist Decompression Cloth
Cone-Snail Cinch
35Waist Decompression Cloth
Darrowmere Cord
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Deathsilk Belt
3530WaistCrafted Cloth
Dreadsoul Cord
3530Waist Cloth
Girdle of Nullified Infiltration
35Waist Flames from Above Cloth
Inquisitor's Girdle
35Waist Some Spraining to Do Cloth
Magesoul Cord
3530Waist Cloth
Mistmantle Cord
3529WaistLooted Cloth
Repurposed Twilight Girdle
35Waist In the Rear With the Gear Cloth
Seraphic Cord
3530WaistVendor Cloth
Seraphic Sash
3530WaistVendor Cloth
Vizier Sash
3529WaistLooted Cloth
Wound-Binding Girdle
35Waist Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir Cloth
Wound-Binding Girdle
35Waist Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir Cloth
Scraggly Cloth Belt
3535WaistLooted Cloth
Scruffy Cloth Belt
3533WaistLooted Cloth
Sodden Cloth Belt
3531WaistLooted Cloth
Vermin-Gnawed Cloth Belt
3532WaistLooted Cloth
Guardian's Dreadweave Belt
3427Waist Cloth
Guardian's Mooncloth Belt
3427Waist Cloth
Guardian's Silk Belt
3427Waist Cloth
Bridenbrad's Sash
34Waist Light Within the Darkness Cloth
Charmed Silken Cord
3428WaistLooted Cloth
Charmed Silken Cord
3428Waist Cloth
Shimmerthread Girdle
3429WaistLooted Cloth
Aerie Belt
3428WaistLooted Cloth
Binding of Purified Corpses
34Waist An Issue of Trust Cloth
Condor Belt
3429WaistLooted Cloth
Crystalsong Sash
3429WaistLooted Cloth
Frosthowl Cinch
34WaistQuest Cloth
Lithe Stalker's Cord
34Waist The Vile Hold Cloth
Mammoth Sinew Cinch
34Waist Ample Inspiration Cloth
Oracle Belt
3429WaistLooted Cloth
Tooth-Marked Girdle
34Waist Crocolisk Mastery: The Ambush Cloth
Belt of Absolution
3327Waist Cloth
Belt of the Malefic
3327Waist Cloth
Belt of the Tempest
3327Waist Cloth
Cord of Absolution
3327Waist Cloth
Vindicator's Dreadweave Belt
3327WaistVendor Cloth