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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Windswept Sash
200Waist Cloth
Windswept Sash
200Waist Cloth
Cascading Cord
50Waist Fel-Touched Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Fel-Infused Cinch
45WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Bloody Evangelism
39Waist Just for Safekeeping, Of Course Cloth
Scholarly Cord
39Waist Just for Safekeeping, Of Course Cloth
Cloudstriker Cord
38Waist The Path to Respect Lies in Violence Cloth
Cord of Disturbed Dreams
38Waist The Path to Respect Lies in Violence Cloth
Blossoming Belt
37WaistLooted Cloth
Snow-Coated Cloth Belt
33WaistLooted Cloth
Earthen Toolbelt
13Waist Cloth
Earthen Waistguard
13Waist Cloth
Prisoner's Drawstring
5Waist Cloth
Cord of Grieving
4Waist Passing Wisdom Cloth
Light Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Tattered Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Thin Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Unmarred Cord
2Waist The Lesson of Dry Fur Cloth
Waterlogged Cloth Belt
2Waist Cloth
Frayed Belt
2WaistLooted Cloth
Unkempt Belt
2WaistLooted Cloth
Arcanofire Wrap
1Waist Cloth
Battle Magister's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Chains of Temptation's Call
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Chains of the Alluring Call
1Waist Cloth
Embrace of the Great Dark Beyond
1Waist Cloth
Sash of the Abyssal Cult
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Sash of the Honored Valarjar
1Waist Cloth
Sash of the Unnamed Cult
1Waist Cloth
Sin'dorei Magister's Belt
Remix: Pandaria
1Waist Cloth
Twisted Arcanum Sash
1Waist Cloth
Ceremonial Jacaranda Belt
1WaistVendor Cloth
Decorous Sash
1Waist Cloth
Glyph-Lined Sash
1Waist Cloth
Jingoist's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Mindwrack Cord
1Waist Cloth
Tranquil Spiritbind Sash
1Waist Cloth
Tyrhold Sash
1Waist Cloth
Warmonger's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Cave Topographer's Cord
1WaistVendor Cloth
Corrupted Runelord's Sash
1Waist Cloth
Highborne Scholar's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Void-Bound Cord
1Waist Cloth
10.2 Monster - Merithra - Waist
1Waist Cloth
Gilnean Trainee's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Goblin Acolyte's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Goblin Apprentice's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Goblin Neophyte's Belt
1Waist Cloth
Goblin Trainee's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Initiate's Rope Belt
1Waist The Lesson of Stifled Pride Cloth
Timerunning Belt
1Waist Cloth
Trainee's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Twilight's Hammer Belt
1Waist Cloth
QR IC32 Cloth Spell Waist3 - PH
174Waist Cloth
BT47 Cloth Healer Belt2
138Waist Cloth
Seafarer Cinch
81Waist Cloth
Ringmaster's Cummerbund
78Waist Cloth
Silken Safety Harness
78Waist Cloth
Aqu'sirr's Swirling Sash
59WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Undying Devotion
59WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of the Pious Warder
59WaistLooted Cloth
Excavator's Safety Belt
59WaistLooted Cloth
Knight Captain's Waistcord
59WaistLooted Cloth
Ouroborial Sash
59WaistLooted Cloth
Redhook's Cummerbund
59WaistLooted Cloth
Sailcloth Waistband
59WaistLooted Cloth
Bloodbough Cord
58Waist Cloth
Fen Spirit Cinch
58Waist Cloth
Sandspinner Cord
58Waist Cloth
Shadra Silk Sash
58Waist Cloth
Sirensong Cord
58Waist Cloth
Squallshaper Cinch
58Waist Cloth
Nethertether Cord
50Waist Soul Prism of the Illidari Cloth
Defiler's Cord
50Waist Hunter of Night Cloth
Waistband of the Hatecoil Oracles
50Waist Eye of Azshara: The Tidestone of Golganneth Cloth
Lastwind Cinch
50WaistQuest Cloth
Lastwind Cincture
50WaistQuest Cloth
Lastwind Cord
50WaistQuest Cloth
Lastwind Sash
50WaistQuest Cloth
Loa Speaker's Cinch
50Waist Revenge: Served Hot Cloth
Loa Speaker's Cincture
50Waist Target of Opportunity Cloth
Loa Speaker's Cord
50Waist That Which Haunts the Dead Cloth
Loa Speaker's Sash
50Waist Shoak's on the Menu Cloth
Loa Speaker's Waistwrap
50Waist Cloth
Navigator's Belt
50WaistQuest Cloth
Navigator's Cinch
50Waist Warm and Cozy Cloth
Navigator's Cord
50Waist Noble Responsibilities Cloth
Navigator's Sash
50Waist Message from the Management Cloth
Navigator's Waistwrap
50Waist Enemy Within Cloth
Tidespeaker Belt
50Waist A Bit of a Bind Cloth
Tidespeaker Cinch
50Waist Cloth
Tidespeaker Cord
50WaistQuest Cloth
Tidespeaker Sash
50WaistQuest Cloth
Tidespeaker Waistwrap
50Waist Battle Victorious Cloth
Wickerwoven Belt
50WaistQuest Cloth
Wickerwoven Cinch
50Waist Hold The Barricade! Cloth
Wickerwoven Cord
50Waist A Steady Ballast Cloth
Wickerwoven Sash
50Waist Hope They Can't Swim Cloth
Wickerwoven Waistband
50Waist Rescue Rangers Cloth
Zanchuli Belt
50Waist Cloth