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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sash of the Scaled Devoted
6050Waist Cloth
Sea Priest's Waistcord
6050Waist Cloth
Sinister Combatant's Satin Belt
6050WaistCrafted Cloth
Sinister Combatant's Satin Belt
6050Waist Cloth
Sinister Gladiator's Silk Cord
6050Waist Cloth
Sinister Gladiator's Silk Cord
6050Waist Cloth
Sinister Gladiator's Silk Sash
6050Waist Cloth
Sinister Gladiator's Silk Sash
6050Waist Cloth
Stormpike Cloth Girdle
605Waist Cloth
Waistcord of Flowing Silk
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Zo'bal Spirit Sash
6050Waist Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Sash
6045Waist Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Waistwrap
6045Waist Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Sash
6045Waist Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Waistwrap
6045Waist Cloth
Moonpriest's Sash
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Plaguebringer's Cord
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Sinister Aspirant's Silk Cord
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Sinister Aspirant's Silk Cord
6050WaistLooted Cloth
9.0 Covenant - Ardenweald - Cloth - Waist
6050Waist Cloth
9.0 Covenant - Maldraxxus - Cloth - Waist
6050Waist Cloth
9.0 Covenant - Revendreth - Cloth - Waist
6050Waist Cloth
Dark Animator's Belt
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Faceless Follower's Waistcord
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Frostwind Cord
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Hydraxian Waistcord
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Spider Acolyte's Cord
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Swarmfury Waistcord
6050WaistLooted Cloth
Aqu'sirr's Swirling Sash
59WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Undying Devotion
59WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of the Pious Warder
59WaistLooted Cloth
Excavator's Safety Belt
59WaistLooted Cloth
Honorable Combatant's Satin Belt
5950WaistCrafted Cloth
Honorable Combatant's Satin Belt
5950Waist Cloth
Knight Captain's Waistcord
59WaistLooted Cloth
Ouroborial Sash
59WaistLooted Cloth
Redhook's Cummerbund
59WaistLooted Cloth
Sailcloth Waistband
59WaistLooted Cloth
Galetorn Sash
5940Waist Cloth
Loa-Shaper's Cinch
5940Waist Cloth
Loa-Shaper's Cinch
5940Waist Cloth
Dread Gladiator's Silk Cord
5850Waist Cloth
Dread Gladiator's Silk Cord
5850Waist Cloth
Dread Gladiator's Silk Cord
5850Waist Cloth
Dread Gladiator's Silk Cord
5850Waist Cloth
Dread Gladiator's Silk Sash
5850Waist Cloth
Dread Gladiator's Silk Sash
5850Waist Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Cord
5850WaistLooted Cloth
Apiarist's Stingproof Belt
5850Waist Beehemoth Cloth
Bloodbough Cord
58Waist Cloth
Dread Aspirant's Silk Cord
5845WaistLooted Cloth
Dread Aspirant's Silk Cord
5845WaistLooted Cloth
Dread Vulture Waistcord
5850Waist Bloodwing Bonepicker Cloth
Fen Spirit Cinch
58Waist Cloth
Honorbound Artificer's Cord
5850WaistLooted Cloth
Marrow's Sash
5850Waist Captain Stef "Marrow" Quin Cloth
Parrot-Trainer Sash
5850Waist Squacks Cloth
Sandspinner Cord
58Waist Cloth
Shadra Silk Sash
58Waist Cloth
Sirensong Cord
58Waist Cloth
Squallshaper Cinch
58Waist Cloth
Wrathful Sister's Cincture
5850Waist Nez'ara Cloth
Bloodhex Cord
5850WaistLooted Cloth
Deeptide Cinch
5850Waist Cloth
Saurifeather Belt
5850WaistLooted Cloth
Skycaller Sash
5850WaistLooted Cloth
Tidespray Linen Belt
5245WaistCrafted Cloth
Tidespray Linen Belt
5245Waist Cloth
Al'maiesh, the Cord of Hope
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Infinity
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Maiev, Priestess of the Moon
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Feretory of Souls
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Kazzak's Final Curse
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Koralon's Burning Touch
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Mangaza's Madness
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Power Cord of Lethtendris
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Zann'esu Journey
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Antiquated Highborne Cinch
5045WaistLooted Cloth
Braided Torture Lash
5045WaistLooted Cloth
Cinch of Light
5045WaistLooted Cloth
Cinch of the Black Harvest
5045Waist Cloth
Cord of Blossoming Petals
5045WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Kept Souls
5045WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Surging Hysteria
5045WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of the High Priest
5045Waist Cloth
Cord of the Penitent
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Felweave Cord
Legion Season 3
5045Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Felweave Cord
Legion Season 3
5045Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Felweave Cord
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Waist Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Felweave Cord
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Waist Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Satin Cord
Legion Season 3
5045Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Satin Cord
Legion Season 3
5045WaistLooted Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Satin Cord
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Waist Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Satin Cord
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Waist Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Silk Cord
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Waist Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Silk Cord
Legion Season 3 Elite
5045Waist Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Silk Cord
Legion Season 3
5045Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth
Cruel Gladiator's Silk Cord
Legion Season 3
5045Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth
Demonic Gladiator's Felweave Cord
Legion Season 7
5045Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth
Demonic Gladiator's Felweave Cord
Legion Season 7
5045WaistLooted Cloth