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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Al'maiesh, the Cord of Hope
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Infinity
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Maiev, Priestess of the Moon
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Feretory of Souls
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Kazzak's Final Curse
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Koralon's Burning Touch
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Mangaza's Madness
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Power Cord of Lethtendris
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Zann'esu Journey
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of the Penitent
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Telubis' Binding of Patience
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Eternal Torment
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cinch of Freezing Fog
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of the Sea-Caller
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Unraveling Reality
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Wicked Pyromania
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Poisonroot Belt
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Solsten's Arcing Runecord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Thrashbite's Cummerbund
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Time-Breached Waistband
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Waistband of Spiritual Doom
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Arcane Singed Cord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Astralite's Cord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Bonespeaker Cinch
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Doomsinger Sash
5040Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth
Galetorn Sash
5040Waist Cloth
Loa-Shaper's Cinch
5040Waist Cloth
Manawracker Waistcord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Netherwhisper Cinch
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Night Dreamer Cord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Riven Priesthood Sash
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Roggthread Cord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Seawitch Cinch
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Sunfrost Waistcord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Terrorweave Cinch
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Vault-Minder's Cord
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Vileweave Sash
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Cord of Victory
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Cord of Victory
Warlords Season 3
4640Waist Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Felweave Cord
Warlords Season 3 Elite
4640Waist Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Mooncloth Cord
Warlords Season 3 Elite
4640Waist Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Satin Cord
Warlords Season 3 Elite
4640Waist Cloth
Warmongering Gladiator's Silk Cord
Warlords Season 3 Elite
4640Waist Cloth
Silkweave Cinch
4640WaistCrafted Cloth
Cord of Unhinged Malice
4540WaistLooted Cloth
Demonbuckle Sash of Argus
4540WaistLooted, Black Market AH Cloth
Sash of Unending Anguish
4540WaistLooted, Black Market AH Cloth
Sludge-Soaked Waistband
4540WaistLooted, Black Market AH Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Cord of Victory
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Cord of Victory
Warlords Season 2
4540Waist Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Felweave Cord
Warlords Season 2 Elite
4540Waist Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Mooncloth Cord
Warlords Season 2 Elite
4540Waist Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Satin Cord
Warlords Season 2 Elite
4540Waist Cloth
Wild Gladiator's Silk Cord
Warlords Season 2 Elite
4540Waist Cloth
Warmongering Combatant's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4540WaistLooted Cloth
Warmongering Combatant's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 3
4540WaistLooted Cloth
Warmongering Combatant's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4540WaistLooted Cloth
Warmongering Combatant's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Season 3
4540WaistLooted Cloth
Weight Belt (Cosmetic)
4540Waist Cloth
Aerial Acolyte's Cord
4440Waist Formidable Girdle Cloth
Belt of Singing Hooves
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Skulls
4440Waist Cloth
Cord of Volatile Ice
4440Waist Grandiose Girdle Cloth
Cord of Winsome Sorrows
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Deckhand's Cord
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Deckhand's Rope Belt
4440WaistLooted, Black Market AH Cloth
Ethereal Windcrystal Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Exceptional Windcrystal Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Flawless Windcrystal Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Gem-Inlaid Velvet Cinch
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Girdle of the Infected Mind
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Ironburner Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Phantasmal Cummerbund
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440Waist Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
Warlords Season 1
4440Waist Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440Waist Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Cord of Prowess
Warlords Season 1
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Cord of Victory
Warlords Season 1
4440Waist Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Cord of Victory
Warlords Season 1
4440Waist Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Felweave Cord
Warlords Season 1 Elite
4440Waist Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Mooncloth Cord
Warlords Season 1 Elite
4440Waist Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Satin Cord
Warlords Season 1 Elite
4440Waist Cloth
Primal Gladiator's Silk Cord
Warlords Season 1 Elite
4440Waist Cloth
Rockfall Girdle
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Sash of Guttural Intonation
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Seeking Ember Girdle
4440WaistLooted, Black Market AH Cloth
Shadowfel Cord
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Wriggling Vineweave Cinch
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Communal Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Communal Sash
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Hooded Nightmares
4440Waist Cloth
Felcast Cord
4440WaistLooted Cloth