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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Dominance
Season 8
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Salvation
Season 8
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Wriggling Vineweave Cinch
4440WaistLooted Cloth
X-Tron Duct Tape
3732WaistLooted Cloth
X-Tron Duct Tape
3732WaistLooted Cloth
Yak Wool Cord
3935Waist Cloth
Zandalar Confessor's Bindings
29Waist Cloth
Zo'bal Spirit Sash
6050Waist Cloth
10.0 Dungeon Template - Cloth - Waist
25058Waist Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Cord
5850WaistLooted Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Sash
6045Waist Cloth
7th Legionnaire's Waistwrap
6045Waist Cloth
Abyssal Hunter's Sash
43768Waist Cloth
A'dal's Gift
32Waist How to Break Into the Arcatraz Cloth
Akama's Sash
32WaistQuest Cloth
Anachronistic Sash
40270Waist Cloth
Angkhal Cord
38Waist In the House of the Red Crane Cloth
Apiarist's Stingproof Belt
5850Waist Beehemoth Cloth
Aqu'sirr's Swirling Sash
59WaistLooted Cloth
Argent Conscript's Cord
10050Waist Cloth
Argent Conscript's Cord
10050Waist Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Cord
42WaistQuest Cloth
Augari Wakener's Cord
5045Waist Augari Secret Stash Cloth
Azurelight Sage's Sash
5045WaistLooted Cloth
Balthier's Waistcord
20060Waist Cloth
Band of the One Hundred and One
36Waist Followers and Leaders Cloth
Ban'thok Sash
2720WaistLooted Cloth
Beauty's Silken Ribbon
3732WaistLooted Cloth
Beauty's Silken Ribbon
3732WaistLooted Cloth
Beauty's Silken Ribbon
3629WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Arugal
138Waist Cloth
Belt of Depravity
32WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Eternal Torment
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Mystical Betrayal
37Waist Traitor's Bait Cloth
Belt of the Falling Rain
3732Waist Cloth
Belt of the Hero
14Waist Heroes of the Horde! Cloth
Belt of the Inquisition
2925WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Undying Devotion
59WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Unified Souls
3530WaistLooted Cloth
Belt of Untapped Power
2925Waist Cloth
Benevolent Hornstag Cinch
43768Waist Cloth
Bloodbough Cord
58Waist Cloth
Bloodsilk Cord
14860Waist Cloth
Bloodthirsty Embersilk Belt
3732Waist Cloth
Bloodthirsty Fireweave Belt
3732Waist Cloth
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Cord of Accuracy
3732Waist Cloth
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
3732Waist Cloth
Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Cord of Meditation
3732Waist Cloth
Bloody Aberration Strap
44WaistLooted Cloth
Blossoming Belt
37WaistLooted Cloth
Braided Manastring Cinch
5045Waist Cloth
Brewmoon Cord
3935Waist Greater Cache of Treasures Cloth
Bridenbrad's Sash
34Waist Light Within the Darkness Cloth
Bubblebrew Cord
3935Waist Greater Cache of Treasures Cloth
Burrower's Cinch
43768Waist Cloth
Ceremonial Jacaranda Belt
1WaistVendor Cloth
Ceremonial Sash of Karabor
140Waist Ensemble: Ceremonial Karabor Finery Cloth
Charmed Silken Cord
3428WaistLooted Cloth
Charmed Silken Cord
3428WaistLooted Cloth
Chloromesh Girdle
2114WaistLooted Cloth
Cinch of Freezing Fog
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cloudburst Sash
25260Waist Cloth
Cloudstriker Cord
38Waist The Path to Respect Lies in Violence Cloth
Clutch of Andros
2417Waist Cloth
Coldwhisper Cord
3227WaistLooted Cloth
Coldwhisper Cord
32WaistLooted Cloth
Communal Cord
4440Waist Cloth
Communal Sash
4440WaistLooted Cloth
Consortium Prince's Wrap
31Waist Cloth
Contender's Satin Belt
Season 12
3935WaistCrafted Cloth
Contender's Silk Belt
Season 12
3935WaistCrafted Cloth
Cord of Arcane Mystery
44WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Belief
32WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Belief
3227WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Bloody Evangelism
39Waist Just for Safekeeping, Of Course Cloth
Cord of Disturbed Dreams
38Waist The Path to Respect Lies in Violence Cloth
Cord of Hooded Nightmares
4440Waist Cloth
Cord of Raging Tempests
35070Waist Cloth
Cord of Reconstruction
3227WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Reconstruction
3227WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Swirling Light
44WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of the Dark Word
15860Waist Cloth
Cord of the Pious Warder
59WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of the Sea-Caller
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Unraveling Reality
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cord of Wicked Pyromania
5040WaistLooted Cloth
Cordwoven Cord
3935Waist Greater Cache of Treasures Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Belt
15860Waist Cloth
Cosmic Aspirant's Silk Cord
15860Waist Cloth
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Cord of Accuracy
3935WaistCrafted Cloth
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
3935WaistCrafted Cloth
Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Cord of Meditation
3935WaistCrafted Cloth
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Cord of Accuracy
3935WaistCrafted Cloth
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Cord of Cruelty
3935WaistCrafted Cloth
Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Cord of Meditation
3935WaistCrafted Cloth
Crimson Aspirant's Silk Belt
34070Waist Cloth
Crimson Aspirant's Silk Cord
34070Waist Cloth
Cruel Combatant's Felweave Cord
Legion Season 3
5045Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth
Cruel Combatant's Felweave Cord
Legion Season 3
5045Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth
Cruel Combatant's Satin Cord
Legion Season 3
5045Waist Relinquished Girdle Cloth